The re-use of buildings in the Countryside for non-residential purposes will be permitted in accordance with the following: 

  • economic uses (including holiday accommodation (xlvii) must be appropriate in scale and nature to the location.
  • it can be demonstrated that the building is soundly built and suitable for the proposed use without substantial rebuilding or extension and the proposed alterations protect or enhance the character of the building and its setting;
  • the proposal is in accordance with other policies seeking to protect biodiversity, amenity and character of the area. 

This approach does not prevent proper consideration being given to the optimum viable use of Listed Buildings, and locally listed buildings, that is compatible with the fabric, interior and settings of these buildings. 

(xlvii) This criterion will cross-reference to Policy EC9 ‘Holiday & Seasonal Occupancy Conditions’ which restricts holiday use to short-term lets / occupancy.


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