1974 to 2024
Proudly serving North Norfolk for 50 years
Top Tasks
Planning & Building Control
Environment & Emergencies
Council tax
Business & Trade
Your Community
Your Council
Top tasks
All tasks
- a
- A facility for everyone
- A pool for all ages
- Abandoned vehicle
- Access support from the Financial Inclusion team
- Accident at Work
- Adult entertainment licence
- Adult learning
- Advice about homelessness
- Advice about Homelessness
- Advice about renting privately
- Advice for Food Businesses
- Advice for veterans if you're homeless
- Advice if you're an ex-prisoner and find yourself homeless
- Advice on bullying
- Advice on employing and recruiting staff
- Advice on making staff redundant
- Advice on training staff
- Affordable homes across North Norfolk
- Affordable Housing
- Age Friendly North Norfolk
- All online payments
- Allocations Scheme policy
- Alternative Maximum Benefit (second adult rebate)
- Animal licensing fees
- Animal licensing register
- Animal welfare
- Annual Audit Letter
- Annual monitoring report
- Annual Report
- Antisocial behaviour
- Appeal against a claim decision or overpayment
- Apply for a Blue Badge
- Apply for a brown garden bin
- Apply for a Forget Me Not Grant
- Apply for A2 applications permit
- Apply for benefit (whilst temporarily absent from home)
- Apply for Housing Benefit and Council Tax support
- Apply for other business rate relief
- Apply online for support with energy costs
- Apply to join the housing list
- Apprenticeship information for employers
- Apprenticeships at North Norfolk District Council
- Are you interested in shaping our Youth Council?
- Armed Forces Community Fund
- Arts and Culture Fund
- Assets of community value
- Assistance with pests
- Assisted burials
- Assisted collection
- Audible Intruder Alarm register
- b
- Backdating Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support
- Battery recycling service
- Battle of the Beaches 2023
- Beach and bathing water quality
- Beach Huts
- Become a Deep History Coast Ambassador
- Becoming a Councillor
- Benefit cap
- Benefits calculator
- Benefits Calculator
- Benefits Claim evidence
- Better living environment
- Big Switch & Save
- Bin collection days
- Bin collection service announcements
- Bin collections
- Bin day changes 2024
- Biodiversity information
- Biodiversity net gain
- Biodiversity net gain
- Blocked drain or private sewer
- Blue Flag beaches
- Book a personal search
- Book an event
- Bring your empty property back into use
- Brownfield Land Register
- Budget: Spring Budget 2024 update
- Building Control appeals
- Building control inspection
- Building regulation approval
- Building regulations
- Building work: check the approval that you need
- Built environment and planning
- Bulk Cement permit
- Bulky waste collection
- Bus passes - apply to Norfolk County Council
- Business planning, support and funding
- Business rate relief
- Business rates - Pay
- Business rates bill
- Business rates bill appeal
- Business rates valuation account
- Business Start Up Information
- Busking
- Buying and selling a property on the coast
- c
- Cabinet Meetings
- Cabinet work programme
- Call for Sites
- Campsite licences
- Capital and savings
- Car Park charges (inc coaches)
- Car park locations
- Car park season ticket
- Car Park Season Ticket
- Caravan and campsite guidance documents
- Caravan and motor home site licences
- Caravan sites licensing register
- Chairman of the Council
- Change name of residential property or business
- Change of bank details
- Change of business address
- Climate Change Training
- Climate Emergency and Environmental Charter
- Clinical household waste collection
- Club premises certificate
- Coach park locations
- Coast and countryside
- Coastal Adaptation Supplementary Planning document
- Coastal Loss Innovative Funding and Financing (CLIFF)
- Coastal Management: interactive map
- Coastal Protection
- Coastal safety
- Coastwise
- Coastwise FAQs
- Commemorating the World Wars in North Norfolk
- Commercial clinical waste collection
- Commercial waste collection
- Committee documents
- Committee meeting dates
- Community Alcohol Partnership
- Community Connectors
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Community Miyawaki Forest Project
- Community safety
- Community Transport Fund
- Community Transport Services
- Community-led housing
- Complain about a high hedge
- Complain about a school
- Complain about Food
- Complaining about a landlord
- Compliments, Complaints and Comments
- Compulsory Purchase Orders
- Concern for a child
- Concrete Crushing permit
- Conservation Area Appraisal Review Programme
- Conservation area appraisals
- Conservation areas in North Norfolk
- Conservation Design Awards
- Constitution
- Contaminated land
- Contaminated Land and Barn Conversions
- Contracting and tender opportunities
- Contracts and purchasing over £5000
- Contracts Register
- Controlling condensation and mould in your home
- Core Strategy
- Corporate Plan 2019 to 2023
- Corporate Plan 2023 to 2027
- Corporate Risk Register
- Cost of a planning application
- Cost of living help
- Council budget
- Council consultations
- Council facts and figures (transparency of data)
- Council Tax - Appeal bill
- Council Tax - Login to view bill
- Council Tax - Pay
- Council Tax Discounts
- Council Tax Exemptions
- Council Tax premium charges: Empty properties and second homes
- Council Tax Support Fund
- Council Tax: How is it spent
- Council Tax: Tell us you're moving home
- Council Tax: Your bill explained
- Councillors allowances, expenses and attendance
- Councillors and decision making
- Country Park facilities
- Countryside events and activities
- Covid-19 advice for animal related businesses
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme map
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme Phase 2
- Cromer pier
- Current casual vacancies for town and parish councils
- Current flood warnings
- Current vacancies for North Norfolk District Council wards
- Custom and Self-Build Housing (Overview)
- Custom and Self-Build Housing Register
- d
- Damaged or missing street sign
- Dangerous structure
- Dangerous Wild Animal licence
- Data Protection Policy
- Data sharing terms and conditions
- Dead animal on the road
- Death (let us know)
- Deep History Coast
- Delegated Decisions
- Demolition work
- Demolitions and dangerous structures
- Design guide
- Design Guide Consultation
- Development Committee
- Direct Debit - Business Rates
- Direct Debit - Council Tax
- Direct Debit form (for housing benefit overpayments)
- Directory of Parish and Town Council Clerks
- Disabled band relief
- Disabled Facilities Grant
- Disabled living equipment
- Disabled parking and blue badge
- Discretionary Housing Payments
- Discretionary reduction (business rates)
- Discretionary reduction (council tax)
- Discretionary relief
- Document library
- Dog Fouling
- Dog restrictions
- Domestic abuse: how to get help and support
- Drainage and sewerage issues
- Dropped kerb - applications
- Dry cleaners permit
- Duty of Care
- Duty to refer
- e
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Election results
- Electoral register
- Electric Vehicle Charging
- Electric vehicles and EV charging points
- Emergency accommodation
- Employee benefits at NNDC
- Employers’ guide to working with schools (including work experience)
- Empty business properties
- Empty home advice
- Empty home review
- Environmental permit
- Environmental permit transfer
- Environmental Protection Freedom of Information
- Equality, diversity and inclusion policy
- Events and news
- f
- Fakenham urban extension
- Fees for major pre-application advice
- Filming requests
- Financial help if you have children
- Financial inclusion
- Financial Strategy
- Find out about Energy Saving Trust
- Find out about help if your property is at risk from erosion
- Find out about holiday lets and business rates
- Find out about school admissions
- Find out about Warm and Well in North Norfolk
- Find out how much my Business Rates are
- Find out more about the north Norfolk coast
- Fishing rod licence
- Five Year Supply of Housing Land
- Flood
- Fly tipping
- Flyposting
- Food allergens and labelling guidance
- Food business registration
- Food hygiene rating scheme
- Food hygiene ratings
- Food premises approval
- Food Premises Register
- Food Safety Management
- Food safety training
- Foreign pension: proof of life and residence
- Found dog
- Fraud
- Freedom of Information - Council Tax
- Freedom of information - FAQs
- Freedom of Information (FOI) Request
- Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
- Freedom of Information: Non-Domestic Business Rates
- Frequently asked questions for tenants renting from a private landlord
- Frequently asked questions: Small sites for new homes
- Further Private Water Supplies information
- g
- Gambling premises and clubs
- Garden Bin - Order a new bin
- Gender Pay Gap Report
- GIRAMS subscription model
- Government procurement transactions
- Graffiti
- Graham Allen Award winners
- Grants awarded to Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprises
- Green 4 business
- Green Flag parks and spaces
- Greenbuild 2021
- Greenbuild 2022
- Gulls: information and advice
- Gypsie and Travellers stopping sites
- h
- Habitat Mitigation: Recreational impacts
- Habitats Regulations Assessment
- Have your say: North Norfolk Local Validation requirements
- HCP Terms and Conditions
- Health and safety at work issues
- Health and wellbeing
- Hedge and verge cutting
- Help and housing for care leavers and young people
- Help and support with childcare
- Help and support with energy bills
- Help and support with food
- Help and support with housing
- Help and support with water bills
- Help finding a privately rented property
- Help Hub
- Help with debt
- Help with living costs
- Help with your application
- Highways licensing for skips, scaffolding, notices and road closures
- Hold a Beach BBQ or event
- Holt Country Park
- Homeless after leaving hospital
- Homeless tonight?
- Homelessness and rough sleeping strategy
- Homes for Ukraine scheme in North Norfolk
- House to house collections
- Household Support Fund
- Household Support Fund
- Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) license
- Housing allocations scheme consultation
- Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA)
- Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support rates from April 2024
- Housing Benefit Overpayment - Quick Pay
- Housing Benefit payments direct to landlord
- Housing Benefit: your payment dates
- Housing condition complaint
- Housing Register
- Housing Strategy
- Housing with care properties
- How a change will affect your Benefits
- How can the Council help
- How much is my Council Tax?
- How to petition the Council
- How to promote resilience in your community
- How to protect my business in emergencies
- How to recycle your unwanted clothing
- How to relocate to North Norfolk
- How we buy
- How we manage your data
- i
- Inappropriate conduct by a Councillors
- Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
- Interview with NNDC apprentices
- Invest North Norfolk
- l
- Land and buildings owned by the Council
- Land, premises and planning
- Landscape character assessment
- Larger bin
- Latest travel news
- LG Inform data - example page
- Liability, legislation and general information about Council Tax
- Library services
- Licensing fees
- Licensing register - Gambling Act 2005
- Licensing register - Personal
- Licensing register - Skin piercing
- Licensing register - street collections
- Licensing register - Taxis
- Licensing register - Temporary Event Notices (TENs)
- Licensing register: Other licences
- Limited opening at Splash
- Listed building consent
- Listed building restrictions
- Listed buildings
- Litter
- Loan sharks and illegal lending
- Local catchment area
- Local councils and services: Who does what?
- Local Development Orders
- Local development scheme
- Local economy
- Local Housing Allowance (LHA)
- Local Land and Property Gazetteer
- Local land search
- Local Plan (Current)
- Local Plan (New)
- Local Plan Consultation
- Local Plan Consultation: Frequently Asked Questions
- Local Plan Examination
- Local Plan Examination Library
- Local Plan Newsletters
- Local Sports and Leisure Centres
- Local sports clubs and activities
- Localism in North Norfolk
- Locally listed buildings
- Lost dog
- m
- Major pre-application public consultations
- Make an insurance or compensation claim
- Making a Regulation 77 application
- Making objections to Licence Applications
- Management structure of the Council
- Managing your money
- Mandatory charity relief
- Mandatory rural rate relief
- Market Towns Initiative
- Market Trader Application form
- Market trader applications
- Markets
- Meet some of our apprentices
- Mental illness or impairment and threatened with homelessness
- Missed bin collection
- Miyawaki Forest Project
- Motorhomes: camping and parking
- Muddy Boots volunteers
- Mundesley Coastal Management Outline Business Case
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme map
- Music license application
- n
- Neighbourhood Areas
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Net Zero Strategy
- New and Altered Properties
- New planning applications
- New property address
- News
- NNDC local validation protected species checklist
- NNDC local validation requirements for designated sites, priority habitats and other significant features
- Noise, smells, artificial light, smoke and more
- Non-native invasive species
- Norfolk Community Directory
- Norfolk Energy Switch
- North Norfolk annual canvass 2024
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Mundesley Medical Practice
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Oyster Yachts Ltd
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Wroxham Barns
- North Norfolk Armed Forces
- North Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Partnership
- North Norfolk Local Validation Requirements List
- North Norfolk Sustainable Communities Fund details
- North Walsham Heritage Action Zone Projects
- North Walsham West Sustainable Urban Extension
- Nutrient Neutrality
- Nutrient Neutrality
- o
- Offer to pay
- Offshore Windfarm Schemes – latest information and news
- Online account (registration and login)
- Options for owners of empty homes
- Organising events
- Organising Events
- Our pledge to the Covenant
- Outlook our new bi-annual magazine
- Overlapping Benefit (Benefit on two homes)
- p
- Parish and Town Councils Help Hub
- Parish and town councils precept
- Parking Account data
- Parking Fine
- Parking Fine - Appeal
- Pavement licensing Al Fresco eating and drinking
- Pavements
- Pension Credit
- Pension Credit
- Performance Information
- Permit surrender
- Permit surrender
- Personal licence
- Petitions submitted to the Council
- Planning appeals
- Planning applications
- Planning Constraints Checking Tool User Guide
- Planning Enforcement
- Planning Enforcement Register
- Planning for the Future: A Government Consultation
- Planning Permission
- Planning Validation Requirements
- Planting and caring for your tree
- Policies map
- Policies, protocols and reports
- Polling station locations
- Postal or proxy vote signature refresh
- Postal vote
- Pothole - link to Norfolk County Council to report a pothole
- Pre-application advice for major schemes
- Pre-application advice service
- Premises licence
- Premises to let
- Prepare for an emergency
- Pretty Corner Woods
- Previous awards for Arts and Culture fund grant
- Previous awards for Community Transport fund grant
- Previous awards for Sustainable Communities grant fund
- Private water supplies risk assessments information
- Private water supply check
- Private water supply information
- Problem with a litter bin
- Problems paying Business Rates
- Properties to let and for sale
- Property details
- Property valuation
- Property valuation appeal
- Proposals map
- Proxy vote
- PSPOs: Inconsiderate and inappropriate vehicle use
- Public consultations for Car Parking
- Public information notices
- Public speaking at committee meetings
- Public Toilets
- Public transport timetables
- Publication of verification number
- r
- Race Information and FAQs
- Rate reductions, reliefs, rateable value appeals and rating advisers
- Recruitment of ex-offenders statement
- Recycling centres
- Register a birth
- Register a death
- Register for an online account
- Register for flood warnings
- Register for updates on the Local Plan
- Register of assisted burials
- Register of contaminated land
- Register of Houses in Multiple Occupation licenses
- Register of Members Interest form
- Register of permitted processes
- Register to vote
- Registers of Councillors and Parish Council interests
- Renew a brown garden bin
- Report a Coastal issue
- Report a lost, stolen or damaged bin
- Report a problem on the road
- Report a problem with a nameplate sign
- Report an emergency
- Report an empty home
- Repossession advice
- Request commercial bulky waste collection
- Request your own Personal Information (Subject Access Request)
- Respray road vehicle permit
- Retail and Main Town Centre Uses Study
- Retail discount relief
- Review of polling districts and places 2024
- Reviewing your benefit claim
- Risk Management Framework
- Road closure permit
- Road projects and improvements
- Roadworks planned
- Rural exception housing schemes
- s
- Sadler's Wood
- Safeguarding
- Sanctuary Scheme
- sandscaping
- Sandscaping: Frequently asked questions
- Scams and fraud
- School term dates
- School transport
- Scrap metal dealers register
- Scrap metal licences
- Section 106 planning obligations
- Section 157 restriction
- Self-funding advice for disabled facilities adaptions
- Senior staff salaries
- Service Station permit
- Severe weather warnings
- Sexual Harassment Prevention and Action Policy
- Shared Ownership
- Sheringham Leisure Centre subscribe
- Shoreline Management Plans
- Single Person Discount review
- Site allocations plan
- Skills, employment and training
- Skin piercing licence
- Small business rate relief
- Small electrical item recycling service
- Small premises lotteries application forms
- Small sites for new homes in North Norfolk
- Smaller bin
- Social care
- Sport centre events
- Sports events
- Statement of accounts
- Statement of community involvement
- Stranded whale or dolphin
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
- Strategic Housing Market Assessment
- Street collections
- Street lighting - report a problem
- Street trading licence
- Sundry invoice
- Supporting our future
- Supporting small business relief
- Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Sustainability at The Reef Leisure Centre
- t
- Tax conditionality for taxi drivers, private hire operators and scrap metal dealers
- Taxi licence
- Tell us about changes that affect your benefits
- Tell us about changes that affect your council tax
- Temporary Event Notices (TENs) Application
- Temporary holiday sites, including caravan and camping sites
- Temporary Register
- Temporary Register
- The Great British Cycling Festival
- The North Norfolk Waiting Well Project
- Timelapse Video
- Toilet provision in premises open to the public
- Tourist Information Centres
- Town and Parish Council support and news
- Transfer a mobile environment permit
- Transparency data - Payments to suppliers over £500
- Trees and hedges
- Trees and hedges
- Triathlon Events
- u
- UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund
- Universal Credit (Apply)
- Universal Credit: Migration Notice letter
- Upcoming elections, parish polls and referendums
- Useful links and downloads
- v
- Variation of permit for significant change of operation
- Variation to hackney carriage rank in Holt
- Vattenfall - Norfolk Vanguard offshore Windfarm - latest information and news
- Victim Support's Live Chat now available
- View and comment on a planning application
- View the Council’s treasury management strategy
- View the Design guide
- View the licensing register - premises and clubs
- Voter ID
- Voter ID and Voter Authority Certificate: Frequently asked questions
- w
- Waiting Well Project: Online guidance
- Ward and parish boundaries map
- Water leak
- Water Supply Check
- Weddings and civil partnerships
- Weekly Reclaim Reduction
- What are listed buildings?
- What goes in my bin?
- What happens if I don't pay my Council Tax
- What housing associations operate in North Norfolk?
- What is a house in multiple occupation (HMO)?
- What is an empty home?
- What is development and permitted development?
- What is happening on site?
- What the council does in an emergency
- What to do in severe weather
- What we buy
- When I will receive my benefits
- Where can I use jet skis/power boats
- Where to get business advice
- Who owns land or property near me?
- Who should pay Council Tax?
- Who to call in a power cut
- Work at elections
- Worried about becoming homeless
- WW1
- WW1 in Norfolk
Planning & Building Control tasks
- View and comment on a planning application
- Pre-application service
- Apply for planning permission
- Local Plan (Current)
- Local Plan Examination
- Local Plan Consultation
All tasks
- a
- A facility for everyone
- A pool for all ages
- Abandoned vehicle
- Access support from the Financial Inclusion team
- Accident at Work
- Adult entertainment licence
- Adult learning
- Advice about homelessness
- Advice about Homelessness
- Advice about renting privately
- Advice for Food Businesses
- Advice for veterans if you're homeless
- Advice if you're an ex-prisoner and find yourself homeless
- Advice on bullying
- Advice on employing and recruiting staff
- Advice on making staff redundant
- Advice on training staff
- Affordable homes across North Norfolk
- Affordable Housing
- Age Friendly North Norfolk
- All online payments
- Allocations Scheme policy
- Alternative Maximum Benefit (second adult rebate)
- Animal licensing fees
- Animal licensing register
- Animal welfare
- Annual Audit Letter
- Annual monitoring report
- Annual Report
- Antisocial behaviour
- Appeal against a claim decision or overpayment
- Apply for a Blue Badge
- Apply for a brown garden bin
- Apply for a Forget Me Not Grant
- Apply for A2 applications permit
- Apply for benefit (whilst temporarily absent from home)
- Apply for Housing Benefit and Council Tax support
- Apply for other business rate relief
- Apply online for support with energy costs
- Apply to join the housing list
- Apprenticeship information for employers
- Apprenticeships at North Norfolk District Council
- Are you interested in shaping our Youth Council?
- Armed Forces Community Fund
- Arts and Culture Fund
- Assets of community value
- Assistance with pests
- Assisted burials
- Assisted collection
- Audible Intruder Alarm register
- b
- Backdating Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support
- Battery recycling service
- Battle of the Beaches 2023
- Beach and bathing water quality
- Beach Huts
- Become a Deep History Coast Ambassador
- Becoming a Councillor
- Benefit cap
- Benefits calculator
- Benefits Calculator
- Benefits Claim evidence
- Better living environment
- Big Switch & Save
- Bin collection days
- Bin collection service announcements
- Bin collections
- Bin day changes 2024
- Biodiversity information
- Biodiversity net gain
- Biodiversity net gain
- Blocked drain or private sewer
- Blue Flag beaches
- Book a personal search
- Book an event
- Bring your empty property back into use
- Brownfield Land Register
- Budget: Spring Budget 2024 update
- Building Control appeals
- Building control inspection
- Building regulation approval
- Building regulations
- Building work: check the approval that you need
- Built environment and planning
- Bulk Cement permit
- Bulky waste collection
- Bus passes - apply to Norfolk County Council
- Business planning, support and funding
- Business rate relief
- Business rates - Pay
- Business rates bill
- Business rates bill appeal
- Business rates valuation account
- Business Start Up Information
- Busking
- Buying and selling a property on the coast
- c
- Cabinet Meetings
- Cabinet work programme
- Call for Sites
- Campsite licences
- Capital and savings
- Car Park charges (inc coaches)
- Car park locations
- Car park season ticket
- Car Park Season Ticket
- Caravan and campsite guidance documents
- Caravan and motor home site licences
- Caravan sites licensing register
- Chairman of the Council
- Change name of residential property or business
- Change of bank details
- Change of business address
- Climate Change Training
- Climate Emergency and Environmental Charter
- Clinical household waste collection
- Club premises certificate
- Coach park locations
- Coast and countryside
- Coastal Adaptation Supplementary Planning document
- Coastal Loss Innovative Funding and Financing (CLIFF)
- Coastal Management: interactive map
- Coastal Protection
- Coastal safety
- Coastwise
- Coastwise FAQs
- Commemorating the World Wars in North Norfolk
- Commercial clinical waste collection
- Commercial waste collection
- Committee documents
- Committee meeting dates
- Community Alcohol Partnership
- Community Connectors
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Community Miyawaki Forest Project
- Community safety
- Community Transport Fund
- Community Transport Services
- Community-led housing
- Complain about a high hedge
- Complain about a school
- Complain about Food
- Complaining about a landlord
- Compliments, Complaints and Comments
- Compulsory Purchase Orders
- Concern for a child
- Concrete Crushing permit
- Conservation Area Appraisal Review Programme
- Conservation area appraisals
- Conservation areas in North Norfolk
- Conservation Design Awards
- Constitution
- Contaminated land
- Contaminated Land and Barn Conversions
- Contracting and tender opportunities
- Contracts and purchasing over £5000
- Contracts Register
- Controlling condensation and mould in your home
- Core Strategy
- Corporate Plan 2019 to 2023
- Corporate Plan 2023 to 2027
- Corporate Risk Register
- Cost of a planning application
- Cost of living help
- Council budget
- Council consultations
- Council facts and figures (transparency of data)
- Council Tax - Appeal bill
- Council Tax - Login to view bill
- Council Tax - Pay
- Council Tax Discounts
- Council Tax Exemptions
- Council Tax premium charges: Empty properties and second homes
- Council Tax Support Fund
- Council Tax: How is it spent
- Council Tax: Tell us you're moving home
- Council Tax: Your bill explained
- Councillors allowances, expenses and attendance
- Councillors and decision making
- Country Park facilities
- Countryside events and activities
- Covid-19 advice for animal related businesses
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme map
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme Phase 2
- Cromer pier
- Current casual vacancies for town and parish councils
- Current flood warnings
- Current vacancies for North Norfolk District Council wards
- Custom and Self-Build Housing (Overview)
- Custom and Self-Build Housing Register
- d
- Damaged or missing street sign
- Dangerous structure
- Dangerous Wild Animal licence
- Data Protection Policy
- Data sharing terms and conditions
- Dead animal on the road
- Death (let us know)
- Deep History Coast
- Delegated Decisions
- Demolition work
- Demolitions and dangerous structures
- Design guide
- Design Guide Consultation
- Development Committee
- Direct Debit - Business Rates
- Direct Debit - Council Tax
- Direct Debit form (for housing benefit overpayments)
- Directory of Parish and Town Council Clerks
- Disabled band relief
- Disabled Facilities Grant
- Disabled living equipment
- Disabled parking and blue badge
- Discretionary Housing Payments
- Discretionary reduction (business rates)
- Discretionary reduction (council tax)
- Discretionary relief
- Document library
- Dog Fouling
- Dog restrictions
- Domestic abuse: how to get help and support
- Drainage and sewerage issues
- Dropped kerb - applications
- Dry cleaners permit
- Duty of Care
- Duty to refer
- e
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Election results
- Electoral register
- Electric Vehicle Charging
- Electric vehicles and EV charging points
- Emergency accommodation
- Employee benefits at NNDC
- Employers’ guide to working with schools (including work experience)
- Empty business properties
- Empty home advice
- Empty home review
- Environmental permit
- Environmental permit transfer
- Environmental Protection Freedom of Information
- Equality, diversity and inclusion policy
- Events and news
- f
- Fakenham urban extension
- Fees for major pre-application advice
- Filming requests
- Financial help if you have children
- Financial inclusion
- Financial Strategy
- Find out about Energy Saving Trust
- Find out about help if your property is at risk from erosion
- Find out about holiday lets and business rates
- Find out about school admissions
- Find out about Warm and Well in North Norfolk
- Find out how much my Business Rates are
- Find out more about the north Norfolk coast
- Fishing rod licence
- Five Year Supply of Housing Land
- Flood
- Fly tipping
- Flyposting
- Food allergens and labelling guidance
- Food business registration
- Food hygiene rating scheme
- Food hygiene ratings
- Food premises approval
- Food Premises Register
- Food Safety Management
- Food safety training
- Foreign pension: proof of life and residence
- Found dog
- Fraud
- Freedom of Information - Council Tax
- Freedom of information - FAQs
- Freedom of Information (FOI) Request
- Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
- Freedom of Information: Non-Domestic Business Rates
- Frequently asked questions for tenants renting from a private landlord
- Frequently asked questions: Small sites for new homes
- Further Private Water Supplies information
- g
- Gambling premises and clubs
- Garden Bin - Order a new bin
- Gender Pay Gap Report
- GIRAMS subscription model
- Government procurement transactions
- Graffiti
- Graham Allen Award winners
- Grants awarded to Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprises
- Green 4 business
- Green Flag parks and spaces
- Greenbuild 2021
- Greenbuild 2022
- Gulls: information and advice
- Gypsie and Travellers stopping sites
- h
- Habitat Mitigation: Recreational impacts
- Habitats Regulations Assessment
- Have your say: North Norfolk Local Validation requirements
- HCP Terms and Conditions
- Health and safety at work issues
- Health and wellbeing
- Hedge and verge cutting
- Help and housing for care leavers and young people
- Help and support with childcare
- Help and support with energy bills
- Help and support with food
- Help and support with housing
- Help and support with water bills
- Help finding a privately rented property
- Help Hub
- Help with debt
- Help with living costs
- Help with your application
- Highways licensing for skips, scaffolding, notices and road closures
- Hold a Beach BBQ or event
- Holt Country Park
- Homeless after leaving hospital
- Homeless tonight?
- Homelessness and rough sleeping strategy
- Homes for Ukraine scheme in North Norfolk
- House to house collections
- Household Support Fund
- Household Support Fund
- Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) license
- Housing allocations scheme consultation
- Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA)
- Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support rates from April 2024
- Housing Benefit Overpayment - Quick Pay
- Housing Benefit payments direct to landlord
- Housing Benefit: your payment dates
- Housing condition complaint
- Housing Register
- Housing Strategy
- Housing with care properties
- How a change will affect your Benefits
- How can the Council help
- How much is my Council Tax?
- How to petition the Council
- How to promote resilience in your community
- How to protect my business in emergencies
- How to recycle your unwanted clothing
- How to relocate to North Norfolk
- How we buy
- How we manage your data
- i
- Inappropriate conduct by a Councillors
- Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
- Interview with NNDC apprentices
- Invest North Norfolk
- l
- Land and buildings owned by the Council
- Land, premises and planning
- Landscape character assessment
- Larger bin
- Latest travel news
- LG Inform data - example page
- Liability, legislation and general information about Council Tax
- Library services
- Licensing fees
- Licensing register - Gambling Act 2005
- Licensing register - Personal
- Licensing register - Skin piercing
- Licensing register - street collections
- Licensing register - Taxis
- Licensing register - Temporary Event Notices (TENs)
- Licensing register: Other licences
- Limited opening at Splash
- Listed building consent
- Listed building restrictions
- Listed buildings
- Litter
- Loan sharks and illegal lending
- Local catchment area
- Local councils and services: Who does what?
- Local Development Orders
- Local development scheme
- Local economy
- Local Housing Allowance (LHA)
- Local Land and Property Gazetteer
- Local land search
- Local Plan (Current)
- Local Plan (New)
- Local Plan Consultation
- Local Plan Consultation: Frequently Asked Questions
- Local Plan Examination
- Local Plan Examination Library
- Local Plan Newsletters
- Local Sports and Leisure Centres
- Local sports clubs and activities
- Localism in North Norfolk
- Locally listed buildings
- Lost dog
- m
- Major pre-application public consultations
- Make an insurance or compensation claim
- Making a Regulation 77 application
- Making objections to Licence Applications
- Management structure of the Council
- Managing your money
- Mandatory charity relief
- Mandatory rural rate relief
- Market Towns Initiative
- Market Trader Application form
- Market trader applications
- Markets
- Meet some of our apprentices
- Mental illness or impairment and threatened with homelessness
- Missed bin collection
- Miyawaki Forest Project
- Motorhomes: camping and parking
- Muddy Boots volunteers
- Mundesley Coastal Management Outline Business Case
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme map
- Music license application
- n
- Neighbourhood Areas
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Net Zero Strategy
- New and Altered Properties
- New planning applications
- New property address
- News
- NNDC local validation protected species checklist
- NNDC local validation requirements for designated sites, priority habitats and other significant features
- Noise, smells, artificial light, smoke and more
- Non-native invasive species
- Norfolk Community Directory
- Norfolk Energy Switch
- North Norfolk annual canvass 2024
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Mundesley Medical Practice
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Oyster Yachts Ltd
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Wroxham Barns
- North Norfolk Armed Forces
- North Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Partnership
- North Norfolk Local Validation Requirements List
- North Norfolk Sustainable Communities Fund details
- North Walsham Heritage Action Zone Projects
- North Walsham West Sustainable Urban Extension
- Nutrient Neutrality
- Nutrient Neutrality
- o
- Offer to pay
- Offshore Windfarm Schemes – latest information and news
- Online account (registration and login)
- Options for owners of empty homes
- Organising events
- Organising Events
- Our pledge to the Covenant
- Outlook our new bi-annual magazine
- Overlapping Benefit (Benefit on two homes)
- p
- Parish and Town Councils Help Hub
- Parish and town councils precept
- Parking Account data
- Parking Fine
- Parking Fine - Appeal
- Pavement licensing Al Fresco eating and drinking
- Pavements
- Pension Credit
- Pension Credit
- Performance Information
- Permit surrender
- Permit surrender
- Personal licence
- Petitions submitted to the Council
- Planning appeals
- Planning applications
- Planning Constraints Checking Tool User Guide
- Planning Enforcement
- Planning Enforcement Register
- Planning for the Future: A Government Consultation
- Planning Permission
- Planning Validation Requirements
- Planting and caring for your tree
- Policies map
- Policies, protocols and reports
- Polling station locations
- Postal or proxy vote signature refresh
- Postal vote
- Pothole - link to Norfolk County Council to report a pothole
- Pre-application advice for major schemes
- Pre-application advice service
- Premises licence
- Premises to let
- Prepare for an emergency
- Pretty Corner Woods
- Previous awards for Arts and Culture fund grant
- Previous awards for Community Transport fund grant
- Previous awards for Sustainable Communities grant fund
- Private water supplies risk assessments information
- Private water supply check
- Private water supply information
- Problem with a litter bin
- Problems paying Business Rates
- Properties to let and for sale
- Property details
- Property valuation
- Property valuation appeal
- Proposals map
- Proxy vote
- PSPOs: Inconsiderate and inappropriate vehicle use
- Public consultations for Car Parking
- Public information notices
- Public speaking at committee meetings
- Public Toilets
- Public transport timetables
- Publication of verification number
- r
- Race Information and FAQs
- Rate reductions, reliefs, rateable value appeals and rating advisers
- Recruitment of ex-offenders statement
- Recycling centres
- Register a birth
- Register a death
- Register for an online account
- Register for flood warnings
- Register for updates on the Local Plan
- Register of assisted burials
- Register of contaminated land
- Register of Houses in Multiple Occupation licenses
- Register of Members Interest form
- Register of permitted processes
- Register to vote
- Registers of Councillors and Parish Council interests
- Renew a brown garden bin
- Report a Coastal issue
- Report a lost, stolen or damaged bin
- Report a problem on the road
- Report a problem with a nameplate sign
- Report an emergency
- Report an empty home
- Repossession advice
- Request commercial bulky waste collection
- Request your own Personal Information (Subject Access Request)
- Respray road vehicle permit
- Retail and Main Town Centre Uses Study
- Retail discount relief
- Review of polling districts and places 2024
- Reviewing your benefit claim
- Risk Management Framework
- Road closure permit
- Road projects and improvements
- Roadworks planned
- Rural exception housing schemes
- s
- Sadler's Wood
- Safeguarding
- Sanctuary Scheme
- sandscaping
- Sandscaping: Frequently asked questions
- Scams and fraud
- School term dates
- School transport
- Scrap metal dealers register
- Scrap metal licences
- Section 106 planning obligations
- Section 157 restriction
- Self-funding advice for disabled facilities adaptions
- Senior staff salaries
- Service Station permit
- Severe weather warnings
- Sexual Harassment Prevention and Action Policy
- Shared Ownership
- Sheringham Leisure Centre subscribe
- Shoreline Management Plans
- Single Person Discount review
- Site allocations plan
- Skills, employment and training
- Skin piercing licence
- Small business rate relief
- Small electrical item recycling service
- Small premises lotteries application forms
- Small sites for new homes in North Norfolk
- Smaller bin
- Social care
- Sport centre events
- Sports events
- Statement of accounts
- Statement of community involvement
- Stranded whale or dolphin
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
- Strategic Housing Market Assessment
- Street collections
- Street lighting - report a problem
- Street trading licence
- Sundry invoice
- Supporting our future
- Supporting small business relief
- Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Sustainability at The Reef Leisure Centre
- t
- Tax conditionality for taxi drivers, private hire operators and scrap metal dealers
- Taxi licence
- Tell us about changes that affect your benefits
- Tell us about changes that affect your council tax
- Temporary Event Notices (TENs) Application
- Temporary holiday sites, including caravan and camping sites
- Temporary Register
- Temporary Register
- The Great British Cycling Festival
- The North Norfolk Waiting Well Project
- Timelapse Video
- Toilet provision in premises open to the public
- Tourist Information Centres
- Town and Parish Council support and news
- Transfer a mobile environment permit
- Transparency data - Payments to suppliers over £500
- Trees and hedges
- Trees and hedges
- Triathlon Events
- u
- UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund
- Universal Credit (Apply)
- Universal Credit: Migration Notice letter
- Upcoming elections, parish polls and referendums
- Useful links and downloads
- v
- Variation of permit for significant change of operation
- Variation to hackney carriage rank in Holt
- Vattenfall - Norfolk Vanguard offshore Windfarm - latest information and news
- Victim Support's Live Chat now available
- View and comment on a planning application
- View the Council’s treasury management strategy
- View the Design guide
- View the licensing register - premises and clubs
- Voter ID
- Voter ID and Voter Authority Certificate: Frequently asked questions
- w
- Waiting Well Project: Online guidance
- Ward and parish boundaries map
- Water leak
- Water Supply Check
- Weddings and civil partnerships
- Weekly Reclaim Reduction
- What are listed buildings?
- What goes in my bin?
- What happens if I don't pay my Council Tax
- What housing associations operate in North Norfolk?
- What is a house in multiple occupation (HMO)?
- What is an empty home?
- What is development and permitted development?
- What is happening on site?
- What the council does in an emergency
- What to do in severe weather
- What we buy
- When I will receive my benefits
- Where can I use jet skis/power boats
- Where to get business advice
- Who owns land or property near me?
- Who should pay Council Tax?
- Who to call in a power cut
- Work at elections
- Worried about becoming homeless
- WW1
- WW1 in Norfolk
Benefits tasks
- Apply for Pension Credit
- Benefits calculator: what are you entitled to?
- Tell us about changes that affect your benefits
- Apply for Housing Benefit and Council Tax support
- Manage your benefits claim online
- Universal Credit: Migration Notice letter
All tasks
- a
- A facility for everyone
- A pool for all ages
- Abandoned vehicle
- Access support from the Financial Inclusion team
- Accident at Work
- Adult entertainment licence
- Adult learning
- Advice about homelessness
- Advice about Homelessness
- Advice about renting privately
- Advice for Food Businesses
- Advice for veterans if you're homeless
- Advice if you're an ex-prisoner and find yourself homeless
- Advice on bullying
- Advice on employing and recruiting staff
- Advice on making staff redundant
- Advice on training staff
- Affordable homes across North Norfolk
- Affordable Housing
- Age Friendly North Norfolk
- All online payments
- Allocations Scheme policy
- Alternative Maximum Benefit (second adult rebate)
- Animal licensing fees
- Animal licensing register
- Animal welfare
- Annual Audit Letter
- Annual monitoring report
- Annual Report
- Antisocial behaviour
- Appeal against a claim decision or overpayment
- Apply for a Blue Badge
- Apply for a brown garden bin
- Apply for a Forget Me Not Grant
- Apply for A2 applications permit
- Apply for benefit (whilst temporarily absent from home)
- Apply for Housing Benefit and Council Tax support
- Apply for other business rate relief
- Apply online for support with energy costs
- Apply to join the housing list
- Apprenticeship information for employers
- Apprenticeships at North Norfolk District Council
- Are you interested in shaping our Youth Council?
- Armed Forces Community Fund
- Arts and Culture Fund
- Assets of community value
- Assistance with pests
- Assisted burials
- Assisted collection
- Audible Intruder Alarm register
- b
- Backdating Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support
- Battery recycling service
- Battle of the Beaches 2023
- Beach and bathing water quality
- Beach Huts
- Become a Deep History Coast Ambassador
- Becoming a Councillor
- Benefit cap
- Benefits calculator
- Benefits Calculator
- Benefits Claim evidence
- Better living environment
- Big Switch & Save
- Bin collection days
- Bin collection service announcements
- Bin collections
- Bin day changes 2024
- Biodiversity information
- Biodiversity net gain
- Biodiversity net gain
- Blocked drain or private sewer
- Blue Flag beaches
- Book a personal search
- Book an event
- Bring your empty property back into use
- Brownfield Land Register
- Budget: Spring Budget 2024 update
- Building Control appeals
- Building control inspection
- Building regulation approval
- Building regulations
- Building work: check the approval that you need
- Built environment and planning
- Bulk Cement permit
- Bulky waste collection
- Bus passes - apply to Norfolk County Council
- Business planning, support and funding
- Business rate relief
- Business rates - Pay
- Business rates bill
- Business rates bill appeal
- Business rates valuation account
- Business Start Up Information
- Busking
- Buying and selling a property on the coast
- c
- Cabinet Meetings
- Cabinet work programme
- Call for Sites
- Campsite licences
- Capital and savings
- Car Park charges (inc coaches)
- Car park locations
- Car park season ticket
- Car Park Season Ticket
- Caravan and campsite guidance documents
- Caravan and motor home site licences
- Caravan sites licensing register
- Chairman of the Council
- Change name of residential property or business
- Change of bank details
- Change of business address
- Climate Change Training
- Climate Emergency and Environmental Charter
- Clinical household waste collection
- Club premises certificate
- Coach park locations
- Coast and countryside
- Coastal Adaptation Supplementary Planning document
- Coastal Loss Innovative Funding and Financing (CLIFF)
- Coastal Management: interactive map
- Coastal Protection
- Coastal safety
- Coastwise
- Coastwise FAQs
- Commemorating the World Wars in North Norfolk
- Commercial clinical waste collection
- Commercial waste collection
- Committee documents
- Committee meeting dates
- Community Alcohol Partnership
- Community Connectors
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Community Miyawaki Forest Project
- Community safety
- Community Transport Fund
- Community Transport Services
- Community-led housing
- Complain about a high hedge
- Complain about a school
- Complain about Food
- Complaining about a landlord
- Compliments, Complaints and Comments
- Compulsory Purchase Orders
- Concern for a child
- Concrete Crushing permit
- Conservation Area Appraisal Review Programme
- Conservation area appraisals
- Conservation areas in North Norfolk
- Conservation Design Awards
- Constitution
- Contaminated land
- Contaminated Land and Barn Conversions
- Contracting and tender opportunities
- Contracts and purchasing over £5000
- Contracts Register
- Controlling condensation and mould in your home
- Core Strategy
- Corporate Plan 2019 to 2023
- Corporate Plan 2023 to 2027
- Corporate Risk Register
- Cost of a planning application
- Cost of living help
- Council budget
- Council consultations
- Council facts and figures (transparency of data)
- Council Tax - Appeal bill
- Council Tax - Login to view bill
- Council Tax - Pay
- Council Tax Discounts
- Council Tax Exemptions
- Council Tax premium charges: Empty properties and second homes
- Council Tax Support Fund
- Council Tax: How is it spent
- Council Tax: Tell us you're moving home
- Council Tax: Your bill explained
- Councillors allowances, expenses and attendance
- Councillors and decision making
- Country Park facilities
- Countryside events and activities
- Covid-19 advice for animal related businesses
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme map
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme Phase 2
- Cromer pier
- Current casual vacancies for town and parish councils
- Current flood warnings
- Current vacancies for North Norfolk District Council wards
- Custom and Self-Build Housing (Overview)
- Custom and Self-Build Housing Register
- d
- Damaged or missing street sign
- Dangerous structure
- Dangerous Wild Animal licence
- Data Protection Policy
- Data sharing terms and conditions
- Dead animal on the road
- Death (let us know)
- Deep History Coast
- Delegated Decisions
- Demolition work
- Demolitions and dangerous structures
- Design guide
- Design Guide Consultation
- Development Committee
- Direct Debit - Business Rates
- Direct Debit - Council Tax
- Direct Debit form (for housing benefit overpayments)
- Directory of Parish and Town Council Clerks
- Disabled band relief
- Disabled Facilities Grant
- Disabled living equipment
- Disabled parking and blue badge
- Discretionary Housing Payments
- Discretionary reduction (business rates)
- Discretionary reduction (council tax)
- Discretionary relief
- Document library
- Dog Fouling
- Dog restrictions
- Domestic abuse: how to get help and support
- Drainage and sewerage issues
- Dropped kerb - applications
- Dry cleaners permit
- Duty of Care
- Duty to refer
- e
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Election results
- Electoral register
- Electric Vehicle Charging
- Electric vehicles and EV charging points
- Emergency accommodation
- Employee benefits at NNDC
- Employers’ guide to working with schools (including work experience)
- Empty business properties
- Empty home advice
- Empty home review
- Environmental permit
- Environmental permit transfer
- Environmental Protection Freedom of Information
- Equality, diversity and inclusion policy
- Events and news
- f
- Fakenham urban extension
- Fees for major pre-application advice
- Filming requests
- Financial help if you have children
- Financial inclusion
- Financial Strategy
- Find out about Energy Saving Trust
- Find out about help if your property is at risk from erosion
- Find out about holiday lets and business rates
- Find out about school admissions
- Find out about Warm and Well in North Norfolk
- Find out how much my Business Rates are
- Find out more about the north Norfolk coast
- Fishing rod licence
- Five Year Supply of Housing Land
- Flood
- Fly tipping
- Flyposting
- Food allergens and labelling guidance
- Food business registration
- Food hygiene rating scheme
- Food hygiene ratings
- Food premises approval
- Food Premises Register
- Food Safety Management
- Food safety training
- Foreign pension: proof of life and residence
- Found dog
- Fraud
- Freedom of Information - Council Tax
- Freedom of information - FAQs
- Freedom of Information (FOI) Request
- Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
- Freedom of Information: Non-Domestic Business Rates
- Frequently asked questions for tenants renting from a private landlord
- Frequently asked questions: Small sites for new homes
- Further Private Water Supplies information
- g
- Gambling premises and clubs
- Garden Bin - Order a new bin
- Gender Pay Gap Report
- GIRAMS subscription model
- Government procurement transactions
- Graffiti
- Graham Allen Award winners
- Grants awarded to Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprises
- Green 4 business
- Green Flag parks and spaces
- Greenbuild 2021
- Greenbuild 2022
- Gulls: information and advice
- Gypsie and Travellers stopping sites
- h
- Habitat Mitigation: Recreational impacts
- Habitats Regulations Assessment
- Have your say: North Norfolk Local Validation requirements
- HCP Terms and Conditions
- Health and safety at work issues
- Health and wellbeing
- Hedge and verge cutting
- Help and housing for care leavers and young people
- Help and support with childcare
- Help and support with energy bills
- Help and support with food
- Help and support with housing
- Help and support with water bills
- Help finding a privately rented property
- Help Hub
- Help with debt
- Help with living costs
- Help with your application
- Highways licensing for skips, scaffolding, notices and road closures
- Hold a Beach BBQ or event
- Holt Country Park
- Homeless after leaving hospital
- Homeless tonight?
- Homelessness and rough sleeping strategy
- Homes for Ukraine scheme in North Norfolk
- House to house collections
- Household Support Fund
- Household Support Fund
- Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) license
- Housing allocations scheme consultation
- Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA)
- Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support rates from April 2024
- Housing Benefit Overpayment - Quick Pay
- Housing Benefit payments direct to landlord
- Housing Benefit: your payment dates
- Housing condition complaint
- Housing Register
- Housing Strategy
- Housing with care properties
- How a change will affect your Benefits
- How can the Council help
- How much is my Council Tax?
- How to petition the Council
- How to promote resilience in your community
- How to protect my business in emergencies
- How to recycle your unwanted clothing
- How to relocate to North Norfolk
- How we buy
- How we manage your data
- i
- Inappropriate conduct by a Councillors
- Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
- Interview with NNDC apprentices
- Invest North Norfolk
- l
- Land and buildings owned by the Council
- Land, premises and planning
- Landscape character assessment
- Larger bin
- Latest travel news
- LG Inform data - example page
- Liability, legislation and general information about Council Tax
- Library services
- Licensing fees
- Licensing register - Gambling Act 2005
- Licensing register - Personal
- Licensing register - Skin piercing
- Licensing register - street collections
- Licensing register - Taxis
- Licensing register - Temporary Event Notices (TENs)
- Licensing register: Other licences
- Limited opening at Splash
- Listed building consent
- Listed building restrictions
- Listed buildings
- Litter
- Loan sharks and illegal lending
- Local catchment area
- Local councils and services: Who does what?
- Local Development Orders
- Local development scheme
- Local economy
- Local Housing Allowance (LHA)
- Local Land and Property Gazetteer
- Local land search
- Local Plan (Current)
- Local Plan (New)
- Local Plan Consultation
- Local Plan Consultation: Frequently Asked Questions
- Local Plan Examination
- Local Plan Examination Library
- Local Plan Newsletters
- Local Sports and Leisure Centres
- Local sports clubs and activities
- Localism in North Norfolk
- Locally listed buildings
- Lost dog
- m
- Major pre-application public consultations
- Make an insurance or compensation claim
- Making a Regulation 77 application
- Making objections to Licence Applications
- Management structure of the Council
- Managing your money
- Mandatory charity relief
- Mandatory rural rate relief
- Market Towns Initiative
- Market Trader Application form
- Market trader applications
- Markets
- Meet some of our apprentices
- Mental illness or impairment and threatened with homelessness
- Missed bin collection
- Miyawaki Forest Project
- Motorhomes: camping and parking
- Muddy Boots volunteers
- Mundesley Coastal Management Outline Business Case
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme map
- Music license application
- n
- Neighbourhood Areas
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Net Zero Strategy
- New and Altered Properties
- New planning applications
- New property address
- News
- NNDC local validation protected species checklist
- NNDC local validation requirements for designated sites, priority habitats and other significant features
- Noise, smells, artificial light, smoke and more
- Non-native invasive species
- Norfolk Community Directory
- Norfolk Energy Switch
- North Norfolk annual canvass 2024
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Mundesley Medical Practice
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Oyster Yachts Ltd
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Wroxham Barns
- North Norfolk Armed Forces
- North Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Partnership
- North Norfolk Local Validation Requirements List
- North Norfolk Sustainable Communities Fund details
- North Walsham Heritage Action Zone Projects
- North Walsham West Sustainable Urban Extension
- Nutrient Neutrality
- Nutrient Neutrality
- o
- Offer to pay
- Offshore Windfarm Schemes – latest information and news
- Online account (registration and login)
- Options for owners of empty homes
- Organising events
- Organising Events
- Our pledge to the Covenant
- Outlook our new bi-annual magazine
- Overlapping Benefit (Benefit on two homes)
- p
- Parish and Town Councils Help Hub
- Parish and town councils precept
- Parking Account data
- Parking Fine
- Parking Fine - Appeal
- Pavement licensing Al Fresco eating and drinking
- Pavements
- Pension Credit
- Pension Credit
- Performance Information
- Permit surrender
- Permit surrender
- Personal licence
- Petitions submitted to the Council
- Planning appeals
- Planning applications
- Planning Constraints Checking Tool User Guide
- Planning Enforcement
- Planning Enforcement Register
- Planning for the Future: A Government Consultation
- Planning Permission
- Planning Validation Requirements
- Planting and caring for your tree
- Policies map
- Policies, protocols and reports
- Polling station locations
- Postal or proxy vote signature refresh
- Postal vote
- Pothole - link to Norfolk County Council to report a pothole
- Pre-application advice for major schemes
- Pre-application advice service
- Premises licence
- Premises to let
- Prepare for an emergency
- Pretty Corner Woods
- Previous awards for Arts and Culture fund grant
- Previous awards for Community Transport fund grant
- Previous awards for Sustainable Communities grant fund
- Private water supplies risk assessments information
- Private water supply check
- Private water supply information
- Problem with a litter bin
- Problems paying Business Rates
- Properties to let and for sale
- Property details
- Property valuation
- Property valuation appeal
- Proposals map
- Proxy vote
- PSPOs: Inconsiderate and inappropriate vehicle use
- Public consultations for Car Parking
- Public information notices
- Public speaking at committee meetings
- Public Toilets
- Public transport timetables
- Publication of verification number
- r
- Race Information and FAQs
- Rate reductions, reliefs, rateable value appeals and rating advisers
- Recruitment of ex-offenders statement
- Recycling centres
- Register a birth
- Register a death
- Register for an online account
- Register for flood warnings
- Register for updates on the Local Plan
- Register of assisted burials
- Register of contaminated land
- Register of Houses in Multiple Occupation licenses
- Register of Members Interest form
- Register of permitted processes
- Register to vote
- Registers of Councillors and Parish Council interests
- Renew a brown garden bin
- Report a Coastal issue
- Report a lost, stolen or damaged bin
- Report a problem on the road
- Report a problem with a nameplate sign
- Report an emergency
- Report an empty home
- Repossession advice
- Request commercial bulky waste collection
- Request your own Personal Information (Subject Access Request)
- Respray road vehicle permit
- Retail and Main Town Centre Uses Study
- Retail discount relief
- Review of polling districts and places 2024
- Reviewing your benefit claim
- Risk Management Framework
- Road closure permit
- Road projects and improvements
- Roadworks planned
- Rural exception housing schemes
- s
- Sadler's Wood
- Safeguarding
- Sanctuary Scheme
- sandscaping
- Sandscaping: Frequently asked questions
- Scams and fraud
- School term dates
- School transport
- Scrap metal dealers register
- Scrap metal licences
- Section 106 planning obligations
- Section 157 restriction
- Self-funding advice for disabled facilities adaptions
- Senior staff salaries
- Service Station permit
- Severe weather warnings
- Sexual Harassment Prevention and Action Policy
- Shared Ownership
- Sheringham Leisure Centre subscribe
- Shoreline Management Plans
- Single Person Discount review
- Site allocations plan
- Skills, employment and training
- Skin piercing licence
- Small business rate relief
- Small electrical item recycling service
- Small premises lotteries application forms
- Small sites for new homes in North Norfolk
- Smaller bin
- Social care
- Sport centre events
- Sports events
- Statement of accounts
- Statement of community involvement
- Stranded whale or dolphin
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
- Strategic Housing Market Assessment
- Street collections
- Street lighting - report a problem
- Street trading licence
- Sundry invoice
- Supporting our future
- Supporting small business relief
- Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Sustainability at The Reef Leisure Centre
- t
- Tax conditionality for taxi drivers, private hire operators and scrap metal dealers
- Taxi licence
- Tell us about changes that affect your benefits
- Tell us about changes that affect your council tax
- Temporary Event Notices (TENs) Application
- Temporary holiday sites, including caravan and camping sites
- Temporary Register
- Temporary Register
- The Great British Cycling Festival
- The North Norfolk Waiting Well Project
- Timelapse Video
- Toilet provision in premises open to the public
- Tourist Information Centres
- Town and Parish Council support and news
- Transfer a mobile environment permit
- Transparency data - Payments to suppliers over £500
- Trees and hedges
- Trees and hedges
- Triathlon Events
- u
- UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund
- Universal Credit (Apply)
- Universal Credit: Migration Notice letter
- Upcoming elections, parish polls and referendums
- Useful links and downloads
- v
- Variation of permit for significant change of operation
- Variation to hackney carriage rank in Holt
- Vattenfall - Norfolk Vanguard offshore Windfarm - latest information and news
- Victim Support's Live Chat now available
- View and comment on a planning application
- View the Council’s treasury management strategy
- View the Design guide
- View the licensing register - premises and clubs
- Voter ID
- Voter ID and Voter Authority Certificate: Frequently asked questions
- w
- Waiting Well Project: Online guidance
- Ward and parish boundaries map
- Water leak
- Water Supply Check
- Weddings and civil partnerships
- Weekly Reclaim Reduction
- What are listed buildings?
- What goes in my bin?
- What happens if I don't pay my Council Tax
- What housing associations operate in North Norfolk?
- What is a house in multiple occupation (HMO)?
- What is an empty home?
- What is development and permitted development?
- What is happening on site?
- What the council does in an emergency
- What to do in severe weather
- What we buy
- When I will receive my benefits
- Where can I use jet skis/power boats
- Where to get business advice
- Who owns land or property near me?
- Who should pay Council Tax?
- Who to call in a power cut
- Work at elections
- Worried about becoming homeless
- WW1
- WW1 in Norfolk
Environment & Emergencies tasks
- Report a nuisance
- Local Plan (New)
- Mundesley Coastal Management Outline Business Case
- Bacton to Walcott Coastal Management
- Find out more about the north Norfolk coast
- Find out about help if your property is at risk from erosion
All tasks
- a
- A facility for everyone
- A pool for all ages
- Abandoned vehicle
- Access support from the Financial Inclusion team
- Accident at Work
- Adult entertainment licence
- Adult learning
- Advice about homelessness
- Advice about Homelessness
- Advice about renting privately
- Advice for Food Businesses
- Advice for veterans if you're homeless
- Advice if you're an ex-prisoner and find yourself homeless
- Advice on bullying
- Advice on employing and recruiting staff
- Advice on making staff redundant
- Advice on training staff
- Affordable homes across North Norfolk
- Affordable Housing
- Age Friendly North Norfolk
- All online payments
- Allocations Scheme policy
- Alternative Maximum Benefit (second adult rebate)
- Animal licensing fees
- Animal licensing register
- Animal welfare
- Annual Audit Letter
- Annual monitoring report
- Annual Report
- Antisocial behaviour
- Appeal against a claim decision or overpayment
- Apply for a Blue Badge
- Apply for a brown garden bin
- Apply for a Forget Me Not Grant
- Apply for A2 applications permit
- Apply for benefit (whilst temporarily absent from home)
- Apply for Housing Benefit and Council Tax support
- Apply for other business rate relief
- Apply online for support with energy costs
- Apply to join the housing list
- Apprenticeship information for employers
- Apprenticeships at North Norfolk District Council
- Are you interested in shaping our Youth Council?
- Armed Forces Community Fund
- Arts and Culture Fund
- Assets of community value
- Assistance with pests
- Assisted burials
- Assisted collection
- Audible Intruder Alarm register
- b
- Backdating Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support
- Battery recycling service
- Battle of the Beaches 2023
- Beach and bathing water quality
- Beach Huts
- Become a Deep History Coast Ambassador
- Becoming a Councillor
- Benefit cap
- Benefits calculator
- Benefits Calculator
- Benefits Claim evidence
- Better living environment
- Big Switch & Save
- Bin collection days
- Bin collection service announcements
- Bin collections
- Bin day changes 2024
- Biodiversity information
- Biodiversity net gain
- Biodiversity net gain
- Blocked drain or private sewer
- Blue Flag beaches
- Book a personal search
- Book an event
- Bring your empty property back into use
- Brownfield Land Register
- Budget: Spring Budget 2024 update
- Building Control appeals
- Building control inspection
- Building regulation approval
- Building regulations
- Building work: check the approval that you need
- Built environment and planning
- Bulk Cement permit
- Bulky waste collection
- Bus passes - apply to Norfolk County Council
- Business planning, support and funding
- Business rate relief
- Business rates - Pay
- Business rates bill
- Business rates bill appeal
- Business rates valuation account
- Business Start Up Information
- Busking
- Buying and selling a property on the coast
- c
- Cabinet Meetings
- Cabinet work programme
- Call for Sites
- Campsite licences
- Capital and savings
- Car Park charges (inc coaches)
- Car park locations
- Car park season ticket
- Car Park Season Ticket
- Caravan and campsite guidance documents
- Caravan and motor home site licences
- Caravan sites licensing register
- Chairman of the Council
- Change name of residential property or business
- Change of bank details
- Change of business address
- Climate Change Training
- Climate Emergency and Environmental Charter
- Clinical household waste collection
- Club premises certificate
- Coach park locations
- Coast and countryside
- Coastal Adaptation Supplementary Planning document
- Coastal Loss Innovative Funding and Financing (CLIFF)
- Coastal Management: interactive map
- Coastal Protection
- Coastal safety
- Coastwise
- Coastwise FAQs
- Commemorating the World Wars in North Norfolk
- Commercial clinical waste collection
- Commercial waste collection
- Committee documents
- Committee meeting dates
- Community Alcohol Partnership
- Community Connectors
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Community Miyawaki Forest Project
- Community safety
- Community Transport Fund
- Community Transport Services
- Community-led housing
- Complain about a high hedge
- Complain about a school
- Complain about Food
- Complaining about a landlord
- Compliments, Complaints and Comments
- Compulsory Purchase Orders
- Concern for a child
- Concrete Crushing permit
- Conservation Area Appraisal Review Programme
- Conservation area appraisals
- Conservation areas in North Norfolk
- Conservation Design Awards
- Constitution
- Contaminated land
- Contaminated Land and Barn Conversions
- Contracting and tender opportunities
- Contracts and purchasing over £5000
- Contracts Register
- Controlling condensation and mould in your home
- Core Strategy
- Corporate Plan 2019 to 2023
- Corporate Plan 2023 to 2027
- Corporate Risk Register
- Cost of a planning application
- Cost of living help
- Council budget
- Council consultations
- Council facts and figures (transparency of data)
- Council Tax - Appeal bill
- Council Tax - Login to view bill
- Council Tax - Pay
- Council Tax Discounts
- Council Tax Exemptions
- Council Tax premium charges: Empty properties and second homes
- Council Tax Support Fund
- Council Tax: How is it spent
- Council Tax: Tell us you're moving home
- Council Tax: Your bill explained
- Councillors allowances, expenses and attendance
- Councillors and decision making
- Country Park facilities
- Countryside events and activities
- Covid-19 advice for animal related businesses
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme map
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme Phase 2
- Cromer pier
- Current casual vacancies for town and parish councils
- Current flood warnings
- Current vacancies for North Norfolk District Council wards
- Custom and Self-Build Housing (Overview)
- Custom and Self-Build Housing Register
- d
- Damaged or missing street sign
- Dangerous structure
- Dangerous Wild Animal licence
- Data Protection Policy
- Data sharing terms and conditions
- Dead animal on the road
- Death (let us know)
- Deep History Coast
- Delegated Decisions
- Demolition work
- Demolitions and dangerous structures
- Design guide
- Design Guide Consultation
- Development Committee
- Direct Debit - Business Rates
- Direct Debit - Council Tax
- Direct Debit form (for housing benefit overpayments)
- Directory of Parish and Town Council Clerks
- Disabled band relief
- Disabled Facilities Grant
- Disabled living equipment
- Disabled parking and blue badge
- Discretionary Housing Payments
- Discretionary reduction (business rates)
- Discretionary reduction (council tax)
- Discretionary relief
- Document library
- Dog Fouling
- Dog restrictions
- Domestic abuse: how to get help and support
- Drainage and sewerage issues
- Dropped kerb - applications
- Dry cleaners permit
- Duty of Care
- Duty to refer
- e
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Election results
- Electoral register
- Electric Vehicle Charging
- Electric vehicles and EV charging points
- Emergency accommodation
- Employee benefits at NNDC
- Employers’ guide to working with schools (including work experience)
- Empty business properties
- Empty home advice
- Empty home review
- Environmental permit
- Environmental permit transfer
- Environmental Protection Freedom of Information
- Equality, diversity and inclusion policy
- Events and news
- f
- Fakenham urban extension
- Fees for major pre-application advice
- Filming requests
- Financial help if you have children
- Financial inclusion
- Financial Strategy
- Find out about Energy Saving Trust
- Find out about help if your property is at risk from erosion
- Find out about holiday lets and business rates
- Find out about school admissions
- Find out about Warm and Well in North Norfolk
- Find out how much my Business Rates are
- Find out more about the north Norfolk coast
- Fishing rod licence
- Five Year Supply of Housing Land
- Flood
- Fly tipping
- Flyposting
- Food allergens and labelling guidance
- Food business registration
- Food hygiene rating scheme
- Food hygiene ratings
- Food premises approval
- Food Premises Register
- Food Safety Management
- Food safety training
- Foreign pension: proof of life and residence
- Found dog
- Fraud
- Freedom of Information - Council Tax
- Freedom of information - FAQs
- Freedom of Information (FOI) Request
- Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
- Freedom of Information: Non-Domestic Business Rates
- Frequently asked questions for tenants renting from a private landlord
- Frequently asked questions: Small sites for new homes
- Further Private Water Supplies information
- g
- Gambling premises and clubs
- Garden Bin - Order a new bin
- Gender Pay Gap Report
- GIRAMS subscription model
- Government procurement transactions
- Graffiti
- Graham Allen Award winners
- Grants awarded to Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprises
- Green 4 business
- Green Flag parks and spaces
- Greenbuild 2021
- Greenbuild 2022
- Gulls: information and advice
- Gypsie and Travellers stopping sites
- h
- Habitat Mitigation: Recreational impacts
- Habitats Regulations Assessment
- Have your say: North Norfolk Local Validation requirements
- HCP Terms and Conditions
- Health and safety at work issues
- Health and wellbeing
- Hedge and verge cutting
- Help and housing for care leavers and young people
- Help and support with childcare
- Help and support with energy bills
- Help and support with food
- Help and support with housing
- Help and support with water bills
- Help finding a privately rented property
- Help Hub
- Help with debt
- Help with living costs
- Help with your application
- Highways licensing for skips, scaffolding, notices and road closures
- Hold a Beach BBQ or event
- Holt Country Park
- Homeless after leaving hospital
- Homeless tonight?
- Homelessness and rough sleeping strategy
- Homes for Ukraine scheme in North Norfolk
- House to house collections
- Household Support Fund
- Household Support Fund
- Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) license
- Housing allocations scheme consultation
- Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA)
- Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support rates from April 2024
- Housing Benefit Overpayment - Quick Pay
- Housing Benefit payments direct to landlord
- Housing Benefit: your payment dates
- Housing condition complaint
- Housing Register
- Housing Strategy
- Housing with care properties
- How a change will affect your Benefits
- How can the Council help
- How much is my Council Tax?
- How to petition the Council
- How to promote resilience in your community
- How to protect my business in emergencies
- How to recycle your unwanted clothing
- How to relocate to North Norfolk
- How we buy
- How we manage your data
- i
- Inappropriate conduct by a Councillors
- Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
- Interview with NNDC apprentices
- Invest North Norfolk
- l
- Land and buildings owned by the Council
- Land, premises and planning
- Landscape character assessment
- Larger bin
- Latest travel news
- LG Inform data - example page
- Liability, legislation and general information about Council Tax
- Library services
- Licensing fees
- Licensing register - Gambling Act 2005
- Licensing register - Personal
- Licensing register - Skin piercing
- Licensing register - street collections
- Licensing register - Taxis
- Licensing register - Temporary Event Notices (TENs)
- Licensing register: Other licences
- Limited opening at Splash
- Listed building consent
- Listed building restrictions
- Listed buildings
- Litter
- Loan sharks and illegal lending
- Local catchment area
- Local councils and services: Who does what?
- Local Development Orders
- Local development scheme
- Local economy
- Local Housing Allowance (LHA)
- Local Land and Property Gazetteer
- Local land search
- Local Plan (Current)
- Local Plan (New)
- Local Plan Consultation
- Local Plan Consultation: Frequently Asked Questions
- Local Plan Examination
- Local Plan Examination Library
- Local Plan Newsletters
- Local Sports and Leisure Centres
- Local sports clubs and activities
- Localism in North Norfolk
- Locally listed buildings
- Lost dog
- m
- Major pre-application public consultations
- Make an insurance or compensation claim
- Making a Regulation 77 application
- Making objections to Licence Applications
- Management structure of the Council
- Managing your money
- Mandatory charity relief
- Mandatory rural rate relief
- Market Towns Initiative
- Market Trader Application form
- Market trader applications
- Markets
- Meet some of our apprentices
- Mental illness or impairment and threatened with homelessness
- Missed bin collection
- Miyawaki Forest Project
- Motorhomes: camping and parking
- Muddy Boots volunteers
- Mundesley Coastal Management Outline Business Case
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme map
- Music license application
- n
- Neighbourhood Areas
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Net Zero Strategy
- New and Altered Properties
- New planning applications
- New property address
- News
- NNDC local validation protected species checklist
- NNDC local validation requirements for designated sites, priority habitats and other significant features
- Noise, smells, artificial light, smoke and more
- Non-native invasive species
- Norfolk Community Directory
- Norfolk Energy Switch
- North Norfolk annual canvass 2024
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Mundesley Medical Practice
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Oyster Yachts Ltd
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Wroxham Barns
- North Norfolk Armed Forces
- North Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Partnership
- North Norfolk Local Validation Requirements List
- North Norfolk Sustainable Communities Fund details
- North Walsham Heritage Action Zone Projects
- North Walsham West Sustainable Urban Extension
- Nutrient Neutrality
- Nutrient Neutrality
- o
- Offer to pay
- Offshore Windfarm Schemes – latest information and news
- Online account (registration and login)
- Options for owners of empty homes
- Organising events
- Organising Events
- Our pledge to the Covenant
- Outlook our new bi-annual magazine
- Overlapping Benefit (Benefit on two homes)
- p
- Parish and Town Councils Help Hub
- Parish and town councils precept
- Parking Account data
- Parking Fine
- Parking Fine - Appeal
- Pavement licensing Al Fresco eating and drinking
- Pavements
- Pension Credit
- Pension Credit
- Performance Information
- Permit surrender
- Permit surrender
- Personal licence
- Petitions submitted to the Council
- Planning appeals
- Planning applications
- Planning Constraints Checking Tool User Guide
- Planning Enforcement
- Planning Enforcement Register
- Planning for the Future: A Government Consultation
- Planning Permission
- Planning Validation Requirements
- Planting and caring for your tree
- Policies map
- Policies, protocols and reports
- Polling station locations
- Postal or proxy vote signature refresh
- Postal vote
- Pothole - link to Norfolk County Council to report a pothole
- Pre-application advice for major schemes
- Pre-application advice service
- Premises licence
- Premises to let
- Prepare for an emergency
- Pretty Corner Woods
- Previous awards for Arts and Culture fund grant
- Previous awards for Community Transport fund grant
- Previous awards for Sustainable Communities grant fund
- Private water supplies risk assessments information
- Private water supply check
- Private water supply information
- Problem with a litter bin
- Problems paying Business Rates
- Properties to let and for sale
- Property details
- Property valuation
- Property valuation appeal
- Proposals map
- Proxy vote
- PSPOs: Inconsiderate and inappropriate vehicle use
- Public consultations for Car Parking
- Public information notices
- Public speaking at committee meetings
- Public Toilets
- Public transport timetables
- Publication of verification number
- r
- Race Information and FAQs
- Rate reductions, reliefs, rateable value appeals and rating advisers
- Recruitment of ex-offenders statement
- Recycling centres
- Register a birth
- Register a death
- Register for an online account
- Register for flood warnings
- Register for updates on the Local Plan
- Register of assisted burials
- Register of contaminated land
- Register of Houses in Multiple Occupation licenses
- Register of Members Interest form
- Register of permitted processes
- Register to vote
- Registers of Councillors and Parish Council interests
- Renew a brown garden bin
- Report a Coastal issue
- Report a lost, stolen or damaged bin
- Report a problem on the road
- Report a problem with a nameplate sign
- Report an emergency
- Report an empty home
- Repossession advice
- Request commercial bulky waste collection
- Request your own Personal Information (Subject Access Request)
- Respray road vehicle permit
- Retail and Main Town Centre Uses Study
- Retail discount relief
- Review of polling districts and places 2024
- Reviewing your benefit claim
- Risk Management Framework
- Road closure permit
- Road projects and improvements
- Roadworks planned
- Rural exception housing schemes
- s
- Sadler's Wood
- Safeguarding
- Sanctuary Scheme
- sandscaping
- Sandscaping: Frequently asked questions
- Scams and fraud
- School term dates
- School transport
- Scrap metal dealers register
- Scrap metal licences
- Section 106 planning obligations
- Section 157 restriction
- Self-funding advice for disabled facilities adaptions
- Senior staff salaries
- Service Station permit
- Severe weather warnings
- Sexual Harassment Prevention and Action Policy
- Shared Ownership
- Sheringham Leisure Centre subscribe
- Shoreline Management Plans
- Single Person Discount review
- Site allocations plan
- Skills, employment and training
- Skin piercing licence
- Small business rate relief
- Small electrical item recycling service
- Small premises lotteries application forms
- Small sites for new homes in North Norfolk
- Smaller bin
- Social care
- Sport centre events
- Sports events
- Statement of accounts
- Statement of community involvement
- Stranded whale or dolphin
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
- Strategic Housing Market Assessment
- Street collections
- Street lighting - report a problem
- Street trading licence
- Sundry invoice
- Supporting our future
- Supporting small business relief
- Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Sustainability at The Reef Leisure Centre
- t
- Tax conditionality for taxi drivers, private hire operators and scrap metal dealers
- Taxi licence
- Tell us about changes that affect your benefits
- Tell us about changes that affect your council tax
- Temporary Event Notices (TENs) Application
- Temporary holiday sites, including caravan and camping sites
- Temporary Register
- Temporary Register
- The Great British Cycling Festival
- The North Norfolk Waiting Well Project
- Timelapse Video
- Toilet provision in premises open to the public
- Tourist Information Centres
- Town and Parish Council support and news
- Transfer a mobile environment permit
- Transparency data - Payments to suppliers over £500
- Trees and hedges
- Trees and hedges
- Triathlon Events
- u
- UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund
- Universal Credit (Apply)
- Universal Credit: Migration Notice letter
- Upcoming elections, parish polls and referendums
- Useful links and downloads
- v
- Variation of permit for significant change of operation
- Variation to hackney carriage rank in Holt
- Vattenfall - Norfolk Vanguard offshore Windfarm - latest information and news
- Victim Support's Live Chat now available
- View and comment on a planning application
- View the Council’s treasury management strategy
- View the Design guide
- View the licensing register - premises and clubs
- Voter ID
- Voter ID and Voter Authority Certificate: Frequently asked questions
- w
- Waiting Well Project: Online guidance
- Ward and parish boundaries map
- Water leak
- Water Supply Check
- Weddings and civil partnerships
- Weekly Reclaim Reduction
- What are listed buildings?
- What goes in my bin?
- What happens if I don't pay my Council Tax
- What housing associations operate in North Norfolk?
- What is a house in multiple occupation (HMO)?
- What is an empty home?
- What is development and permitted development?
- What is happening on site?
- What the council does in an emergency
- What to do in severe weather
- What we buy
- When I will receive my benefits
- Where can I use jet skis/power boats
- Where to get business advice
- Who owns land or property near me?
- Who should pay Council Tax?
- Who to call in a power cut
- Work at elections
- Worried about becoming homeless
- WW1
- WW1 in Norfolk
Council tax tasks
- Council Tax premium charges: Empty properties and second homes
- Tell us about changes that affect your benefits
- Who should pay Council Tax?
- Council Tax: Tell us you're moving home
- Pay my Council Tax
- Login / Register to view my Council Tax bill
All tasks
- a
- A facility for everyone
- A pool for all ages
- Abandoned vehicle
- Access support from the Financial Inclusion team
- Accident at Work
- Adult entertainment licence
- Adult learning
- Advice about homelessness
- Advice about Homelessness
- Advice about renting privately
- Advice for Food Businesses
- Advice for veterans if you're homeless
- Advice if you're an ex-prisoner and find yourself homeless
- Advice on bullying
- Advice on employing and recruiting staff
- Advice on making staff redundant
- Advice on training staff
- Affordable homes across North Norfolk
- Affordable Housing
- Age Friendly North Norfolk
- All online payments
- Allocations Scheme policy
- Alternative Maximum Benefit (second adult rebate)
- Animal licensing fees
- Animal licensing register
- Animal welfare
- Annual Audit Letter
- Annual monitoring report
- Annual Report
- Antisocial behaviour
- Appeal against a claim decision or overpayment
- Apply for a Blue Badge
- Apply for a brown garden bin
- Apply for a Forget Me Not Grant
- Apply for A2 applications permit
- Apply for benefit (whilst temporarily absent from home)
- Apply for Housing Benefit and Council Tax support
- Apply for other business rate relief
- Apply online for support with energy costs
- Apply to join the housing list
- Apprenticeship information for employers
- Apprenticeships at North Norfolk District Council
- Are you interested in shaping our Youth Council?
- Armed Forces Community Fund
- Arts and Culture Fund
- Assets of community value
- Assistance with pests
- Assisted burials
- Assisted collection
- Audible Intruder Alarm register
- b
- Backdating Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support
- Battery recycling service
- Battle of the Beaches 2023
- Beach and bathing water quality
- Beach Huts
- Become a Deep History Coast Ambassador
- Becoming a Councillor
- Benefit cap
- Benefits calculator
- Benefits Calculator
- Benefits Claim evidence
- Better living environment
- Big Switch & Save
- Bin collection days
- Bin collection service announcements
- Bin collections
- Bin day changes 2024
- Biodiversity information
- Biodiversity net gain
- Biodiversity net gain
- Blocked drain or private sewer
- Blue Flag beaches
- Book a personal search
- Book an event
- Bring your empty property back into use
- Brownfield Land Register
- Budget: Spring Budget 2024 update
- Building Control appeals
- Building control inspection
- Building regulation approval
- Building regulations
- Building work: check the approval that you need
- Built environment and planning
- Bulk Cement permit
- Bulky waste collection
- Bus passes - apply to Norfolk County Council
- Business planning, support and funding
- Business rate relief
- Business rates - Pay
- Business rates bill
- Business rates bill appeal
- Business rates valuation account
- Business Start Up Information
- Busking
- Buying and selling a property on the coast
- c
- Cabinet Meetings
- Cabinet work programme
- Call for Sites
- Campsite licences
- Capital and savings
- Car Park charges (inc coaches)
- Car park locations
- Car park season ticket
- Car Park Season Ticket
- Caravan and campsite guidance documents
- Caravan and motor home site licences
- Caravan sites licensing register
- Chairman of the Council
- Change name of residential property or business
- Change of bank details
- Change of business address
- Climate Change Training
- Climate Emergency and Environmental Charter
- Clinical household waste collection
- Club premises certificate
- Coach park locations
- Coast and countryside
- Coastal Adaptation Supplementary Planning document
- Coastal Loss Innovative Funding and Financing (CLIFF)
- Coastal Management: interactive map
- Coastal Protection
- Coastal safety
- Coastwise
- Coastwise FAQs
- Commemorating the World Wars in North Norfolk
- Commercial clinical waste collection
- Commercial waste collection
- Committee documents
- Committee meeting dates
- Community Alcohol Partnership
- Community Connectors
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Community Miyawaki Forest Project
- Community safety
- Community Transport Fund
- Community Transport Services
- Community-led housing
- Complain about a high hedge
- Complain about a school
- Complain about Food
- Complaining about a landlord
- Compliments, Complaints and Comments
- Compulsory Purchase Orders
- Concern for a child
- Concrete Crushing permit
- Conservation Area Appraisal Review Programme
- Conservation area appraisals
- Conservation areas in North Norfolk
- Conservation Design Awards
- Constitution
- Contaminated land
- Contaminated Land and Barn Conversions
- Contracting and tender opportunities
- Contracts and purchasing over £5000
- Contracts Register
- Controlling condensation and mould in your home
- Core Strategy
- Corporate Plan 2019 to 2023
- Corporate Plan 2023 to 2027
- Corporate Risk Register
- Cost of a planning application
- Cost of living help
- Council budget
- Council consultations
- Council facts and figures (transparency of data)
- Council Tax - Appeal bill
- Council Tax - Login to view bill
- Council Tax - Pay
- Council Tax Discounts
- Council Tax Exemptions
- Council Tax premium charges: Empty properties and second homes
- Council Tax Support Fund
- Council Tax: How is it spent
- Council Tax: Tell us you're moving home
- Council Tax: Your bill explained
- Councillors allowances, expenses and attendance
- Councillors and decision making
- Country Park facilities
- Countryside events and activities
- Covid-19 advice for animal related businesses
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme map
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme Phase 2
- Cromer pier
- Current casual vacancies for town and parish councils
- Current flood warnings
- Current vacancies for North Norfolk District Council wards
- Custom and Self-Build Housing (Overview)
- Custom and Self-Build Housing Register
- d
- Damaged or missing street sign
- Dangerous structure
- Dangerous Wild Animal licence
- Data Protection Policy
- Data sharing terms and conditions
- Dead animal on the road
- Death (let us know)
- Deep History Coast
- Delegated Decisions
- Demolition work
- Demolitions and dangerous structures
- Design guide
- Design Guide Consultation
- Development Committee
- Direct Debit - Business Rates
- Direct Debit - Council Tax
- Direct Debit form (for housing benefit overpayments)
- Directory of Parish and Town Council Clerks
- Disabled band relief
- Disabled Facilities Grant
- Disabled living equipment
- Disabled parking and blue badge
- Discretionary Housing Payments
- Discretionary reduction (business rates)
- Discretionary reduction (council tax)
- Discretionary relief
- Document library
- Dog Fouling
- Dog restrictions
- Domestic abuse: how to get help and support
- Drainage and sewerage issues
- Dropped kerb - applications
- Dry cleaners permit
- Duty of Care
- Duty to refer
- e
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Election results
- Electoral register
- Electric Vehicle Charging
- Electric vehicles and EV charging points
- Emergency accommodation
- Employee benefits at NNDC
- Employers’ guide to working with schools (including work experience)
- Empty business properties
- Empty home advice
- Empty home review
- Environmental permit
- Environmental permit transfer
- Environmental Protection Freedom of Information
- Equality, diversity and inclusion policy
- Events and news
- f
- Fakenham urban extension
- Fees for major pre-application advice
- Filming requests
- Financial help if you have children
- Financial inclusion
- Financial Strategy
- Find out about Energy Saving Trust
- Find out about help if your property is at risk from erosion
- Find out about holiday lets and business rates
- Find out about school admissions
- Find out about Warm and Well in North Norfolk
- Find out how much my Business Rates are
- Find out more about the north Norfolk coast
- Fishing rod licence
- Five Year Supply of Housing Land
- Flood
- Fly tipping
- Flyposting
- Food allergens and labelling guidance
- Food business registration
- Food hygiene rating scheme
- Food hygiene ratings
- Food premises approval
- Food Premises Register
- Food Safety Management
- Food safety training
- Foreign pension: proof of life and residence
- Found dog
- Fraud
- Freedom of Information - Council Tax
- Freedom of information - FAQs
- Freedom of Information (FOI) Request
- Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
- Freedom of Information: Non-Domestic Business Rates
- Frequently asked questions for tenants renting from a private landlord
- Frequently asked questions: Small sites for new homes
- Further Private Water Supplies information
- g
- Gambling premises and clubs
- Garden Bin - Order a new bin
- Gender Pay Gap Report
- GIRAMS subscription model
- Government procurement transactions
- Graffiti
- Graham Allen Award winners
- Grants awarded to Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprises
- Green 4 business
- Green Flag parks and spaces
- Greenbuild 2021
- Greenbuild 2022
- Gulls: information and advice
- Gypsie and Travellers stopping sites
- h
- Habitat Mitigation: Recreational impacts
- Habitats Regulations Assessment
- Have your say: North Norfolk Local Validation requirements
- HCP Terms and Conditions
- Health and safety at work issues
- Health and wellbeing
- Hedge and verge cutting
- Help and housing for care leavers and young people
- Help and support with childcare
- Help and support with energy bills
- Help and support with food
- Help and support with housing
- Help and support with water bills
- Help finding a privately rented property
- Help Hub
- Help with debt
- Help with living costs
- Help with your application
- Highways licensing for skips, scaffolding, notices and road closures
- Hold a Beach BBQ or event
- Holt Country Park
- Homeless after leaving hospital
- Homeless tonight?
- Homelessness and rough sleeping strategy
- Homes for Ukraine scheme in North Norfolk
- House to house collections
- Household Support Fund
- Household Support Fund
- Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) license
- Housing allocations scheme consultation
- Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA)
- Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support rates from April 2024
- Housing Benefit Overpayment - Quick Pay
- Housing Benefit payments direct to landlord
- Housing Benefit: your payment dates
- Housing condition complaint
- Housing Register
- Housing Strategy
- Housing with care properties
- How a change will affect your Benefits
- How can the Council help
- How much is my Council Tax?
- How to petition the Council
- How to promote resilience in your community
- How to protect my business in emergencies
- How to recycle your unwanted clothing
- How to relocate to North Norfolk
- How we buy
- How we manage your data
- i
- Inappropriate conduct by a Councillors
- Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
- Interview with NNDC apprentices
- Invest North Norfolk
- l
- Land and buildings owned by the Council
- Land, premises and planning
- Landscape character assessment
- Larger bin
- Latest travel news
- LG Inform data - example page
- Liability, legislation and general information about Council Tax
- Library services
- Licensing fees
- Licensing register - Gambling Act 2005
- Licensing register - Personal
- Licensing register - Skin piercing
- Licensing register - street collections
- Licensing register - Taxis
- Licensing register - Temporary Event Notices (TENs)
- Licensing register: Other licences
- Limited opening at Splash
- Listed building consent
- Listed building restrictions
- Listed buildings
- Litter
- Loan sharks and illegal lending
- Local catchment area
- Local councils and services: Who does what?
- Local Development Orders
- Local development scheme
- Local economy
- Local Housing Allowance (LHA)
- Local Land and Property Gazetteer
- Local land search
- Local Plan (Current)
- Local Plan (New)
- Local Plan Consultation
- Local Plan Consultation: Frequently Asked Questions
- Local Plan Examination
- Local Plan Examination Library
- Local Plan Newsletters
- Local Sports and Leisure Centres
- Local sports clubs and activities
- Localism in North Norfolk
- Locally listed buildings
- Lost dog
- m
- Major pre-application public consultations
- Make an insurance or compensation claim
- Making a Regulation 77 application
- Making objections to Licence Applications
- Management structure of the Council
- Managing your money
- Mandatory charity relief
- Mandatory rural rate relief
- Market Towns Initiative
- Market Trader Application form
- Market trader applications
- Markets
- Meet some of our apprentices
- Mental illness or impairment and threatened with homelessness
- Missed bin collection
- Miyawaki Forest Project
- Motorhomes: camping and parking
- Muddy Boots volunteers
- Mundesley Coastal Management Outline Business Case
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme map
- Music license application
- n
- Neighbourhood Areas
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Net Zero Strategy
- New and Altered Properties
- New planning applications
- New property address
- News
- NNDC local validation protected species checklist
- NNDC local validation requirements for designated sites, priority habitats and other significant features
- Noise, smells, artificial light, smoke and more
- Non-native invasive species
- Norfolk Community Directory
- Norfolk Energy Switch
- North Norfolk annual canvass 2024
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Mundesley Medical Practice
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Oyster Yachts Ltd
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Wroxham Barns
- North Norfolk Armed Forces
- North Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Partnership
- North Norfolk Local Validation Requirements List
- North Norfolk Sustainable Communities Fund details
- North Walsham Heritage Action Zone Projects
- North Walsham West Sustainable Urban Extension
- Nutrient Neutrality
- Nutrient Neutrality
- o
- Offer to pay
- Offshore Windfarm Schemes – latest information and news
- Online account (registration and login)
- Options for owners of empty homes
- Organising events
- Organising Events
- Our pledge to the Covenant
- Outlook our new bi-annual magazine
- Overlapping Benefit (Benefit on two homes)
- p
- Parish and Town Councils Help Hub
- Parish and town councils precept
- Parking Account data
- Parking Fine
- Parking Fine - Appeal
- Pavement licensing Al Fresco eating and drinking
- Pavements
- Pension Credit
- Pension Credit
- Performance Information
- Permit surrender
- Permit surrender
- Personal licence
- Petitions submitted to the Council
- Planning appeals
- Planning applications
- Planning Constraints Checking Tool User Guide
- Planning Enforcement
- Planning Enforcement Register
- Planning for the Future: A Government Consultation
- Planning Permission
- Planning Validation Requirements
- Planting and caring for your tree
- Policies map
- Policies, protocols and reports
- Polling station locations
- Postal or proxy vote signature refresh
- Postal vote
- Pothole - link to Norfolk County Council to report a pothole
- Pre-application advice for major schemes
- Pre-application advice service
- Premises licence
- Premises to let
- Prepare for an emergency
- Pretty Corner Woods
- Previous awards for Arts and Culture fund grant
- Previous awards for Community Transport fund grant
- Previous awards for Sustainable Communities grant fund
- Private water supplies risk assessments information
- Private water supply check
- Private water supply information
- Problem with a litter bin
- Problems paying Business Rates
- Properties to let and for sale
- Property details
- Property valuation
- Property valuation appeal
- Proposals map
- Proxy vote
- PSPOs: Inconsiderate and inappropriate vehicle use
- Public consultations for Car Parking
- Public information notices
- Public speaking at committee meetings
- Public Toilets
- Public transport timetables
- Publication of verification number
- r
- Race Information and FAQs
- Rate reductions, reliefs, rateable value appeals and rating advisers
- Recruitment of ex-offenders statement
- Recycling centres
- Register a birth
- Register a death
- Register for an online account
- Register for flood warnings
- Register for updates on the Local Plan
- Register of assisted burials
- Register of contaminated land
- Register of Houses in Multiple Occupation licenses
- Register of Members Interest form
- Register of permitted processes
- Register to vote
- Registers of Councillors and Parish Council interests
- Renew a brown garden bin
- Report a Coastal issue
- Report a lost, stolen or damaged bin
- Report a problem on the road
- Report a problem with a nameplate sign
- Report an emergency
- Report an empty home
- Repossession advice
- Request commercial bulky waste collection
- Request your own Personal Information (Subject Access Request)
- Respray road vehicle permit
- Retail and Main Town Centre Uses Study
- Retail discount relief
- Review of polling districts and places 2024
- Reviewing your benefit claim
- Risk Management Framework
- Road closure permit
- Road projects and improvements
- Roadworks planned
- Rural exception housing schemes
- s
- Sadler's Wood
- Safeguarding
- Sanctuary Scheme
- sandscaping
- Sandscaping: Frequently asked questions
- Scams and fraud
- School term dates
- School transport
- Scrap metal dealers register
- Scrap metal licences
- Section 106 planning obligations
- Section 157 restriction
- Self-funding advice for disabled facilities adaptions
- Senior staff salaries
- Service Station permit
- Severe weather warnings
- Sexual Harassment Prevention and Action Policy
- Shared Ownership
- Sheringham Leisure Centre subscribe
- Shoreline Management Plans
- Single Person Discount review
- Site allocations plan
- Skills, employment and training
- Skin piercing licence
- Small business rate relief
- Small electrical item recycling service
- Small premises lotteries application forms
- Small sites for new homes in North Norfolk
- Smaller bin
- Social care
- Sport centre events
- Sports events
- Statement of accounts
- Statement of community involvement
- Stranded whale or dolphin
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
- Strategic Housing Market Assessment
- Street collections
- Street lighting - report a problem
- Street trading licence
- Sundry invoice
- Supporting our future
- Supporting small business relief
- Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Sustainability at The Reef Leisure Centre
- t
- Tax conditionality for taxi drivers, private hire operators and scrap metal dealers
- Taxi licence
- Tell us about changes that affect your benefits
- Tell us about changes that affect your council tax
- Temporary Event Notices (TENs) Application
- Temporary holiday sites, including caravan and camping sites
- Temporary Register
- Temporary Register
- The Great British Cycling Festival
- The North Norfolk Waiting Well Project
- Timelapse Video
- Toilet provision in premises open to the public
- Tourist Information Centres
- Town and Parish Council support and news
- Transfer a mobile environment permit
- Transparency data - Payments to suppliers over £500
- Trees and hedges
- Trees and hedges
- Triathlon Events
- u
- UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund
- Universal Credit (Apply)
- Universal Credit: Migration Notice letter
- Upcoming elections, parish polls and referendums
- Useful links and downloads
- v
- Variation of permit for significant change of operation
- Variation to hackney carriage rank in Holt
- Vattenfall - Norfolk Vanguard offshore Windfarm - latest information and news
- Victim Support's Live Chat now available
- View and comment on a planning application
- View the Council’s treasury management strategy
- View the Design guide
- View the licensing register - premises and clubs
- Voter ID
- Voter ID and Voter Authority Certificate: Frequently asked questions
- w
- Waiting Well Project: Online guidance
- Ward and parish boundaries map
- Water leak
- Water Supply Check
- Weddings and civil partnerships
- Weekly Reclaim Reduction
- What are listed buildings?
- What goes in my bin?
- What happens if I don't pay my Council Tax
- What housing associations operate in North Norfolk?
- What is a house in multiple occupation (HMO)?
- What is an empty home?
- What is development and permitted development?
- What is happening on site?
- What the council does in an emergency
- What to do in severe weather
- What we buy
- When I will receive my benefits
- Where can I use jet skis/power boats
- Where to get business advice
- Who owns land or property near me?
- Who should pay Council Tax?
- Who to call in a power cut
- Work at elections
- Worried about becoming homeless
- WW1
- WW1 in Norfolk
Business & Trade tasks
- Apprenticeship information for employers
- Animal welfare
- Advice for food businesses
- Apply for a taxi licence
- Premises licence
- Community Alcohol Partnership
All tasks
- a
- A facility for everyone
- A pool for all ages
- Abandoned vehicle
- Access support from the Financial Inclusion team
- Accident at Work
- Adult entertainment licence
- Adult learning
- Advice about homelessness
- Advice about Homelessness
- Advice about renting privately
- Advice for Food Businesses
- Advice for veterans if you're homeless
- Advice if you're an ex-prisoner and find yourself homeless
- Advice on bullying
- Advice on employing and recruiting staff
- Advice on making staff redundant
- Advice on training staff
- Affordable homes across North Norfolk
- Affordable Housing
- Age Friendly North Norfolk
- All online payments
- Allocations Scheme policy
- Alternative Maximum Benefit (second adult rebate)
- Animal licensing fees
- Animal licensing register
- Animal welfare
- Annual Audit Letter
- Annual monitoring report
- Annual Report
- Antisocial behaviour
- Appeal against a claim decision or overpayment
- Apply for a Blue Badge
- Apply for a brown garden bin
- Apply for a Forget Me Not Grant
- Apply for A2 applications permit
- Apply for benefit (whilst temporarily absent from home)
- Apply for Housing Benefit and Council Tax support
- Apply for other business rate relief
- Apply online for support with energy costs
- Apply to join the housing list
- Apprenticeship information for employers
- Apprenticeships at North Norfolk District Council
- Are you interested in shaping our Youth Council?
- Armed Forces Community Fund
- Arts and Culture Fund
- Assets of community value
- Assistance with pests
- Assisted burials
- Assisted collection
- Audible Intruder Alarm register
- b
- Backdating Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support
- Battery recycling service
- Battle of the Beaches 2023
- Beach and bathing water quality
- Beach Huts
- Become a Deep History Coast Ambassador
- Becoming a Councillor
- Benefit cap
- Benefits calculator
- Benefits Calculator
- Benefits Claim evidence
- Better living environment
- Big Switch & Save
- Bin collection days
- Bin collection service announcements
- Bin collections
- Bin day changes 2024
- Biodiversity information
- Biodiversity net gain
- Biodiversity net gain
- Blocked drain or private sewer
- Blue Flag beaches
- Book a personal search
- Book an event
- Bring your empty property back into use
- Brownfield Land Register
- Budget: Spring Budget 2024 update
- Building Control appeals
- Building control inspection
- Building regulation approval
- Building regulations
- Building work: check the approval that you need
- Built environment and planning
- Bulk Cement permit
- Bulky waste collection
- Bus passes - apply to Norfolk County Council
- Business planning, support and funding
- Business rate relief
- Business rates - Pay
- Business rates bill
- Business rates bill appeal
- Business rates valuation account
- Business Start Up Information
- Busking
- Buying and selling a property on the coast
- c
- Cabinet Meetings
- Cabinet work programme
- Call for Sites
- Campsite licences
- Capital and savings
- Car Park charges (inc coaches)
- Car park locations
- Car park season ticket
- Car Park Season Ticket
- Caravan and campsite guidance documents
- Caravan and motor home site licences
- Caravan sites licensing register
- Chairman of the Council
- Change name of residential property or business
- Change of bank details
- Change of business address
- Climate Change Training
- Climate Emergency and Environmental Charter
- Clinical household waste collection
- Club premises certificate
- Coach park locations
- Coast and countryside
- Coastal Adaptation Supplementary Planning document
- Coastal Loss Innovative Funding and Financing (CLIFF)
- Coastal Management: interactive map
- Coastal Protection
- Coastal safety
- Coastwise
- Coastwise FAQs
- Commemorating the World Wars in North Norfolk
- Commercial clinical waste collection
- Commercial waste collection
- Committee documents
- Committee meeting dates
- Community Alcohol Partnership
- Community Connectors
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Community Miyawaki Forest Project
- Community safety
- Community Transport Fund
- Community Transport Services
- Community-led housing
- Complain about a high hedge
- Complain about a school
- Complain about Food
- Complaining about a landlord
- Compliments, Complaints and Comments
- Compulsory Purchase Orders
- Concern for a child
- Concrete Crushing permit
- Conservation Area Appraisal Review Programme
- Conservation area appraisals
- Conservation areas in North Norfolk
- Conservation Design Awards
- Constitution
- Contaminated land
- Contaminated Land and Barn Conversions
- Contracting and tender opportunities
- Contracts and purchasing over £5000
- Contracts Register
- Controlling condensation and mould in your home
- Core Strategy
- Corporate Plan 2019 to 2023
- Corporate Plan 2023 to 2027
- Corporate Risk Register
- Cost of a planning application
- Cost of living help
- Council budget
- Council consultations
- Council facts and figures (transparency of data)
- Council Tax - Appeal bill
- Council Tax - Login to view bill
- Council Tax - Pay
- Council Tax Discounts
- Council Tax Exemptions
- Council Tax premium charges: Empty properties and second homes
- Council Tax Support Fund
- Council Tax: How is it spent
- Council Tax: Tell us you're moving home
- Council Tax: Your bill explained
- Councillors allowances, expenses and attendance
- Councillors and decision making
- Country Park facilities
- Countryside events and activities
- Covid-19 advice for animal related businesses
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme map
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme Phase 2
- Cromer pier
- Current casual vacancies for town and parish councils
- Current flood warnings
- Current vacancies for North Norfolk District Council wards
- Custom and Self-Build Housing (Overview)
- Custom and Self-Build Housing Register
- d
- Damaged or missing street sign
- Dangerous structure
- Dangerous Wild Animal licence
- Data Protection Policy
- Data sharing terms and conditions
- Dead animal on the road
- Death (let us know)
- Deep History Coast
- Delegated Decisions
- Demolition work
- Demolitions and dangerous structures
- Design guide
- Design Guide Consultation
- Development Committee
- Direct Debit - Business Rates
- Direct Debit - Council Tax
- Direct Debit form (for housing benefit overpayments)
- Directory of Parish and Town Council Clerks
- Disabled band relief
- Disabled Facilities Grant
- Disabled living equipment
- Disabled parking and blue badge
- Discretionary Housing Payments
- Discretionary reduction (business rates)
- Discretionary reduction (council tax)
- Discretionary relief
- Document library
- Dog Fouling
- Dog restrictions
- Domestic abuse: how to get help and support
- Drainage and sewerage issues
- Dropped kerb - applications
- Dry cleaners permit
- Duty of Care
- Duty to refer
- e
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Election results
- Electoral register
- Electric Vehicle Charging
- Electric vehicles and EV charging points
- Emergency accommodation
- Employee benefits at NNDC
- Employers’ guide to working with schools (including work experience)
- Empty business properties
- Empty home advice
- Empty home review
- Environmental permit
- Environmental permit transfer
- Environmental Protection Freedom of Information
- Equality, diversity and inclusion policy
- Events and news
- f
- Fakenham urban extension
- Fees for major pre-application advice
- Filming requests
- Financial help if you have children
- Financial inclusion
- Financial Strategy
- Find out about Energy Saving Trust
- Find out about help if your property is at risk from erosion
- Find out about holiday lets and business rates
- Find out about school admissions
- Find out about Warm and Well in North Norfolk
- Find out how much my Business Rates are
- Find out more about the north Norfolk coast
- Fishing rod licence
- Five Year Supply of Housing Land
- Flood
- Fly tipping
- Flyposting
- Food allergens and labelling guidance
- Food business registration
- Food hygiene rating scheme
- Food hygiene ratings
- Food premises approval
- Food Premises Register
- Food Safety Management
- Food safety training
- Foreign pension: proof of life and residence
- Found dog
- Fraud
- Freedom of Information - Council Tax
- Freedom of information - FAQs
- Freedom of Information (FOI) Request
- Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
- Freedom of Information: Non-Domestic Business Rates
- Frequently asked questions for tenants renting from a private landlord
- Frequently asked questions: Small sites for new homes
- Further Private Water Supplies information
- g
- Gambling premises and clubs
- Garden Bin - Order a new bin
- Gender Pay Gap Report
- GIRAMS subscription model
- Government procurement transactions
- Graffiti
- Graham Allen Award winners
- Grants awarded to Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprises
- Green 4 business
- Green Flag parks and spaces
- Greenbuild 2021
- Greenbuild 2022
- Gulls: information and advice
- Gypsie and Travellers stopping sites
- h
- Habitat Mitigation: Recreational impacts
- Habitats Regulations Assessment
- Have your say: North Norfolk Local Validation requirements
- HCP Terms and Conditions
- Health and safety at work issues
- Health and wellbeing
- Hedge and verge cutting
- Help and housing for care leavers and young people
- Help and support with childcare
- Help and support with energy bills
- Help and support with food
- Help and support with housing
- Help and support with water bills
- Help finding a privately rented property
- Help Hub
- Help with debt
- Help with living costs
- Help with your application
- Highways licensing for skips, scaffolding, notices and road closures
- Hold a Beach BBQ or event
- Holt Country Park
- Homeless after leaving hospital
- Homeless tonight?
- Homelessness and rough sleeping strategy
- Homes for Ukraine scheme in North Norfolk
- House to house collections
- Household Support Fund
- Household Support Fund
- Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) license
- Housing allocations scheme consultation
- Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA)
- Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support rates from April 2024
- Housing Benefit Overpayment - Quick Pay
- Housing Benefit payments direct to landlord
- Housing Benefit: your payment dates
- Housing condition complaint
- Housing Register
- Housing Strategy
- Housing with care properties
- How a change will affect your Benefits
- How can the Council help
- How much is my Council Tax?
- How to petition the Council
- How to promote resilience in your community
- How to protect my business in emergencies
- How to recycle your unwanted clothing
- How to relocate to North Norfolk
- How we buy
- How we manage your data
- i
- Inappropriate conduct by a Councillors
- Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
- Interview with NNDC apprentices
- Invest North Norfolk
- l
- Land and buildings owned by the Council
- Land, premises and planning
- Landscape character assessment
- Larger bin
- Latest travel news
- LG Inform data - example page
- Liability, legislation and general information about Council Tax
- Library services
- Licensing fees
- Licensing register - Gambling Act 2005
- Licensing register - Personal
- Licensing register - Skin piercing
- Licensing register - street collections
- Licensing register - Taxis
- Licensing register - Temporary Event Notices (TENs)
- Licensing register: Other licences
- Limited opening at Splash
- Listed building consent
- Listed building restrictions
- Listed buildings
- Litter
- Loan sharks and illegal lending
- Local catchment area
- Local councils and services: Who does what?
- Local Development Orders
- Local development scheme
- Local economy
- Local Housing Allowance (LHA)
- Local Land and Property Gazetteer
- Local land search
- Local Plan (Current)
- Local Plan (New)
- Local Plan Consultation
- Local Plan Consultation: Frequently Asked Questions
- Local Plan Examination
- Local Plan Examination Library
- Local Plan Newsletters
- Local Sports and Leisure Centres
- Local sports clubs and activities
- Localism in North Norfolk
- Locally listed buildings
- Lost dog
- m
- Major pre-application public consultations
- Make an insurance or compensation claim
- Making a Regulation 77 application
- Making objections to Licence Applications
- Management structure of the Council
- Managing your money
- Mandatory charity relief
- Mandatory rural rate relief
- Market Towns Initiative
- Market Trader Application form
- Market trader applications
- Markets
- Meet some of our apprentices
- Mental illness or impairment and threatened with homelessness
- Missed bin collection
- Miyawaki Forest Project
- Motorhomes: camping and parking
- Muddy Boots volunteers
- Mundesley Coastal Management Outline Business Case
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme map
- Music license application
- n
- Neighbourhood Areas
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Net Zero Strategy
- New and Altered Properties
- New planning applications
- New property address
- News
- NNDC local validation protected species checklist
- NNDC local validation requirements for designated sites, priority habitats and other significant features
- Noise, smells, artificial light, smoke and more
- Non-native invasive species
- Norfolk Community Directory
- Norfolk Energy Switch
- North Norfolk annual canvass 2024
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Mundesley Medical Practice
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Oyster Yachts Ltd
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Wroxham Barns
- North Norfolk Armed Forces
- North Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Partnership
- North Norfolk Local Validation Requirements List
- North Norfolk Sustainable Communities Fund details
- North Walsham Heritage Action Zone Projects
- North Walsham West Sustainable Urban Extension
- Nutrient Neutrality
- Nutrient Neutrality
- o
- Offer to pay
- Offshore Windfarm Schemes – latest information and news
- Online account (registration and login)
- Options for owners of empty homes
- Organising events
- Organising Events
- Our pledge to the Covenant
- Outlook our new bi-annual magazine
- Overlapping Benefit (Benefit on two homes)
- p
- Parish and Town Councils Help Hub
- Parish and town councils precept
- Parking Account data
- Parking Fine
- Parking Fine - Appeal
- Pavement licensing Al Fresco eating and drinking
- Pavements
- Pension Credit
- Pension Credit
- Performance Information
- Permit surrender
- Permit surrender
- Personal licence
- Petitions submitted to the Council
- Planning appeals
- Planning applications
- Planning Constraints Checking Tool User Guide
- Planning Enforcement
- Planning Enforcement Register
- Planning for the Future: A Government Consultation
- Planning Permission
- Planning Validation Requirements
- Planting and caring for your tree
- Policies map
- Policies, protocols and reports
- Polling station locations
- Postal or proxy vote signature refresh
- Postal vote
- Pothole - link to Norfolk County Council to report a pothole
- Pre-application advice for major schemes
- Pre-application advice service
- Premises licence
- Premises to let
- Prepare for an emergency
- Pretty Corner Woods
- Previous awards for Arts and Culture fund grant
- Previous awards for Community Transport fund grant
- Previous awards for Sustainable Communities grant fund
- Private water supplies risk assessments information
- Private water supply check
- Private water supply information
- Problem with a litter bin
- Problems paying Business Rates
- Properties to let and for sale
- Property details
- Property valuation
- Property valuation appeal
- Proposals map
- Proxy vote
- PSPOs: Inconsiderate and inappropriate vehicle use
- Public consultations for Car Parking
- Public information notices
- Public speaking at committee meetings
- Public Toilets
- Public transport timetables
- Publication of verification number
- r
- Race Information and FAQs
- Rate reductions, reliefs, rateable value appeals and rating advisers
- Recruitment of ex-offenders statement
- Recycling centres
- Register a birth
- Register a death
- Register for an online account
- Register for flood warnings
- Register for updates on the Local Plan
- Register of assisted burials
- Register of contaminated land
- Register of Houses in Multiple Occupation licenses
- Register of Members Interest form
- Register of permitted processes
- Register to vote
- Registers of Councillors and Parish Council interests
- Renew a brown garden bin
- Report a Coastal issue
- Report a lost, stolen or damaged bin
- Report a problem on the road
- Report a problem with a nameplate sign
- Report an emergency
- Report an empty home
- Repossession advice
- Request commercial bulky waste collection
- Request your own Personal Information (Subject Access Request)
- Respray road vehicle permit
- Retail and Main Town Centre Uses Study
- Retail discount relief
- Review of polling districts and places 2024
- Reviewing your benefit claim
- Risk Management Framework
- Road closure permit
- Road projects and improvements
- Roadworks planned
- Rural exception housing schemes
- s
- Sadler's Wood
- Safeguarding
- Sanctuary Scheme
- sandscaping
- Sandscaping: Frequently asked questions
- Scams and fraud
- School term dates
- School transport
- Scrap metal dealers register
- Scrap metal licences
- Section 106 planning obligations
- Section 157 restriction
- Self-funding advice for disabled facilities adaptions
- Senior staff salaries
- Service Station permit
- Severe weather warnings
- Sexual Harassment Prevention and Action Policy
- Shared Ownership
- Sheringham Leisure Centre subscribe
- Shoreline Management Plans
- Single Person Discount review
- Site allocations plan
- Skills, employment and training
- Skin piercing licence
- Small business rate relief
- Small electrical item recycling service
- Small premises lotteries application forms
- Small sites for new homes in North Norfolk
- Smaller bin
- Social care
- Sport centre events
- Sports events
- Statement of accounts
- Statement of community involvement
- Stranded whale or dolphin
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
- Strategic Housing Market Assessment
- Street collections
- Street lighting - report a problem
- Street trading licence
- Sundry invoice
- Supporting our future
- Supporting small business relief
- Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Sustainability at The Reef Leisure Centre
- t
- Tax conditionality for taxi drivers, private hire operators and scrap metal dealers
- Taxi licence
- Tell us about changes that affect your benefits
- Tell us about changes that affect your council tax
- Temporary Event Notices (TENs) Application
- Temporary holiday sites, including caravan and camping sites
- Temporary Register
- Temporary Register
- The Great British Cycling Festival
- The North Norfolk Waiting Well Project
- Timelapse Video
- Toilet provision in premises open to the public
- Tourist Information Centres
- Town and Parish Council support and news
- Transfer a mobile environment permit
- Transparency data - Payments to suppliers over £500
- Trees and hedges
- Trees and hedges
- Triathlon Events
- u
- UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund
- Universal Credit (Apply)
- Universal Credit: Migration Notice letter
- Upcoming elections, parish polls and referendums
- Useful links and downloads
- v
- Variation of permit for significant change of operation
- Variation to hackney carriage rank in Holt
- Vattenfall - Norfolk Vanguard offshore Windfarm - latest information and news
- Victim Support's Live Chat now available
- View and comment on a planning application
- View the Council’s treasury management strategy
- View the Design guide
- View the licensing register - premises and clubs
- Voter ID
- Voter ID and Voter Authority Certificate: Frequently asked questions
- w
- Waiting Well Project: Online guidance
- Ward and parish boundaries map
- Water leak
- Water Supply Check
- Weddings and civil partnerships
- Weekly Reclaim Reduction
- What are listed buildings?
- What goes in my bin?
- What happens if I don't pay my Council Tax
- What housing associations operate in North Norfolk?
- What is a house in multiple occupation (HMO)?
- What is an empty home?
- What is development and permitted development?
- What is happening on site?
- What the council does in an emergency
- What to do in severe weather
- What we buy
- When I will receive my benefits
- Where can I use jet skis/power boats
- Where to get business advice
- Who owns land or property near me?
- Who should pay Council Tax?
- Who to call in a power cut
- Work at elections
- Worried about becoming homeless
- WW1
- WW1 in Norfolk
Bins tasks
- View bin collections days
- Report a missed bin collection
- Battery recycling service
- Small electrical item recycling service
- What goes in my bin?
- View local recycling centres
All tasks
- a
- A facility for everyone
- A pool for all ages
- Abandoned vehicle
- Access support from the Financial Inclusion team
- Accident at Work
- Adult entertainment licence
- Adult learning
- Advice about homelessness
- Advice about Homelessness
- Advice about renting privately
- Advice for Food Businesses
- Advice for veterans if you're homeless
- Advice if you're an ex-prisoner and find yourself homeless
- Advice on bullying
- Advice on employing and recruiting staff
- Advice on making staff redundant
- Advice on training staff
- Affordable homes across North Norfolk
- Affordable Housing
- Age Friendly North Norfolk
- All online payments
- Allocations Scheme policy
- Alternative Maximum Benefit (second adult rebate)
- Animal licensing fees
- Animal licensing register
- Animal welfare
- Annual Audit Letter
- Annual monitoring report
- Annual Report
- Antisocial behaviour
- Appeal against a claim decision or overpayment
- Apply for a Blue Badge
- Apply for a brown garden bin
- Apply for a Forget Me Not Grant
- Apply for A2 applications permit
- Apply for benefit (whilst temporarily absent from home)
- Apply for Housing Benefit and Council Tax support
- Apply for other business rate relief
- Apply online for support with energy costs
- Apply to join the housing list
- Apprenticeship information for employers
- Apprenticeships at North Norfolk District Council
- Are you interested in shaping our Youth Council?
- Armed Forces Community Fund
- Arts and Culture Fund
- Assets of community value
- Assistance with pests
- Assisted burials
- Assisted collection
- Audible Intruder Alarm register
- b
- Backdating Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support
- Battery recycling service
- Battle of the Beaches 2023
- Beach and bathing water quality
- Beach Huts
- Become a Deep History Coast Ambassador
- Becoming a Councillor
- Benefit cap
- Benefits calculator
- Benefits Calculator
- Benefits Claim evidence
- Better living environment
- Big Switch & Save
- Bin collection days
- Bin collection service announcements
- Bin collections
- Bin day changes 2024
- Biodiversity information
- Biodiversity net gain
- Biodiversity net gain
- Blocked drain or private sewer
- Blue Flag beaches
- Book a personal search
- Book an event
- Bring your empty property back into use
- Brownfield Land Register
- Budget: Spring Budget 2024 update
- Building Control appeals
- Building control inspection
- Building regulation approval
- Building regulations
- Building work: check the approval that you need
- Built environment and planning
- Bulk Cement permit
- Bulky waste collection
- Bus passes - apply to Norfolk County Council
- Business planning, support and funding
- Business rate relief
- Business rates - Pay
- Business rates bill
- Business rates bill appeal
- Business rates valuation account
- Business Start Up Information
- Busking
- Buying and selling a property on the coast
- c
- Cabinet Meetings
- Cabinet work programme
- Call for Sites
- Campsite licences
- Capital and savings
- Car Park charges (inc coaches)
- Car park locations
- Car park season ticket
- Car Park Season Ticket
- Caravan and campsite guidance documents
- Caravan and motor home site licences
- Caravan sites licensing register
- Chairman of the Council
- Change name of residential property or business
- Change of bank details
- Change of business address
- Climate Change Training
- Climate Emergency and Environmental Charter
- Clinical household waste collection
- Club premises certificate
- Coach park locations
- Coast and countryside
- Coastal Adaptation Supplementary Planning document
- Coastal Loss Innovative Funding and Financing (CLIFF)
- Coastal Management: interactive map
- Coastal Protection
- Coastal safety
- Coastwise
- Coastwise FAQs
- Commemorating the World Wars in North Norfolk
- Commercial clinical waste collection
- Commercial waste collection
- Committee documents
- Committee meeting dates
- Community Alcohol Partnership
- Community Connectors
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Community Miyawaki Forest Project
- Community safety
- Community Transport Fund
- Community Transport Services
- Community-led housing
- Complain about a high hedge
- Complain about a school
- Complain about Food
- Complaining about a landlord
- Compliments, Complaints and Comments
- Compulsory Purchase Orders
- Concern for a child
- Concrete Crushing permit
- Conservation Area Appraisal Review Programme
- Conservation area appraisals
- Conservation areas in North Norfolk
- Conservation Design Awards
- Constitution
- Contaminated land
- Contaminated Land and Barn Conversions
- Contracting and tender opportunities
- Contracts and purchasing over £5000
- Contracts Register
- Controlling condensation and mould in your home
- Core Strategy
- Corporate Plan 2019 to 2023
- Corporate Plan 2023 to 2027
- Corporate Risk Register
- Cost of a planning application
- Cost of living help
- Council budget
- Council consultations
- Council facts and figures (transparency of data)
- Council Tax - Appeal bill
- Council Tax - Login to view bill
- Council Tax - Pay
- Council Tax Discounts
- Council Tax Exemptions
- Council Tax premium charges: Empty properties and second homes
- Council Tax Support Fund
- Council Tax: How is it spent
- Council Tax: Tell us you're moving home
- Council Tax: Your bill explained
- Councillors allowances, expenses and attendance
- Councillors and decision making
- Country Park facilities
- Countryside events and activities
- Covid-19 advice for animal related businesses
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme map
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme Phase 2
- Cromer pier
- Current casual vacancies for town and parish councils
- Current flood warnings
- Current vacancies for North Norfolk District Council wards
- Custom and Self-Build Housing (Overview)
- Custom and Self-Build Housing Register
- d
- Damaged or missing street sign
- Dangerous structure
- Dangerous Wild Animal licence
- Data Protection Policy
- Data sharing terms and conditions
- Dead animal on the road
- Death (let us know)
- Deep History Coast
- Delegated Decisions
- Demolition work
- Demolitions and dangerous structures
- Design guide
- Design Guide Consultation
- Development Committee
- Direct Debit - Business Rates
- Direct Debit - Council Tax
- Direct Debit form (for housing benefit overpayments)
- Directory of Parish and Town Council Clerks
- Disabled band relief
- Disabled Facilities Grant
- Disabled living equipment
- Disabled parking and blue badge
- Discretionary Housing Payments
- Discretionary reduction (business rates)
- Discretionary reduction (council tax)
- Discretionary relief
- Document library
- Dog Fouling
- Dog restrictions
- Domestic abuse: how to get help and support
- Drainage and sewerage issues
- Dropped kerb - applications
- Dry cleaners permit
- Duty of Care
- Duty to refer
- e
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Election results
- Electoral register
- Electric Vehicle Charging
- Electric vehicles and EV charging points
- Emergency accommodation
- Employee benefits at NNDC
- Employers’ guide to working with schools (including work experience)
- Empty business properties
- Empty home advice
- Empty home review
- Environmental permit
- Environmental permit transfer
- Environmental Protection Freedom of Information
- Equality, diversity and inclusion policy
- Events and news
- f
- Fakenham urban extension
- Fees for major pre-application advice
- Filming requests
- Financial help if you have children
- Financial inclusion
- Financial Strategy
- Find out about Energy Saving Trust
- Find out about help if your property is at risk from erosion
- Find out about holiday lets and business rates
- Find out about school admissions
- Find out about Warm and Well in North Norfolk
- Find out how much my Business Rates are
- Find out more about the north Norfolk coast
- Fishing rod licence
- Five Year Supply of Housing Land
- Flood
- Fly tipping
- Flyposting
- Food allergens and labelling guidance
- Food business registration
- Food hygiene rating scheme
- Food hygiene ratings
- Food premises approval
- Food Premises Register
- Food Safety Management
- Food safety training
- Foreign pension: proof of life and residence
- Found dog
- Fraud
- Freedom of Information - Council Tax
- Freedom of information - FAQs
- Freedom of Information (FOI) Request
- Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
- Freedom of Information: Non-Domestic Business Rates
- Frequently asked questions for tenants renting from a private landlord
- Frequently asked questions: Small sites for new homes
- Further Private Water Supplies information
- g
- Gambling premises and clubs
- Garden Bin - Order a new bin
- Gender Pay Gap Report
- GIRAMS subscription model
- Government procurement transactions
- Graffiti
- Graham Allen Award winners
- Grants awarded to Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprises
- Green 4 business
- Green Flag parks and spaces
- Greenbuild 2021
- Greenbuild 2022
- Gulls: information and advice
- Gypsie and Travellers stopping sites
- h
- Habitat Mitigation: Recreational impacts
- Habitats Regulations Assessment
- Have your say: North Norfolk Local Validation requirements
- HCP Terms and Conditions
- Health and safety at work issues
- Health and wellbeing
- Hedge and verge cutting
- Help and housing for care leavers and young people
- Help and support with childcare
- Help and support with energy bills
- Help and support with food
- Help and support with housing
- Help and support with water bills
- Help finding a privately rented property
- Help Hub
- Help with debt
- Help with living costs
- Help with your application
- Highways licensing for skips, scaffolding, notices and road closures
- Hold a Beach BBQ or event
- Holt Country Park
- Homeless after leaving hospital
- Homeless tonight?
- Homelessness and rough sleeping strategy
- Homes for Ukraine scheme in North Norfolk
- House to house collections
- Household Support Fund
- Household Support Fund
- Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) license
- Housing allocations scheme consultation
- Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA)
- Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support rates from April 2024
- Housing Benefit Overpayment - Quick Pay
- Housing Benefit payments direct to landlord
- Housing Benefit: your payment dates
- Housing condition complaint
- Housing Register
- Housing Strategy
- Housing with care properties
- How a change will affect your Benefits
- How can the Council help
- How much is my Council Tax?
- How to petition the Council
- How to promote resilience in your community
- How to protect my business in emergencies
- How to recycle your unwanted clothing
- How to relocate to North Norfolk
- How we buy
- How we manage your data
- i
- Inappropriate conduct by a Councillors
- Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
- Interview with NNDC apprentices
- Invest North Norfolk
- l
- Land and buildings owned by the Council
- Land, premises and planning
- Landscape character assessment
- Larger bin
- Latest travel news
- LG Inform data - example page
- Liability, legislation and general information about Council Tax
- Library services
- Licensing fees
- Licensing register - Gambling Act 2005
- Licensing register - Personal
- Licensing register - Skin piercing
- Licensing register - street collections
- Licensing register - Taxis
- Licensing register - Temporary Event Notices (TENs)
- Licensing register: Other licences
- Limited opening at Splash
- Listed building consent
- Listed building restrictions
- Listed buildings
- Litter
- Loan sharks and illegal lending
- Local catchment area
- Local councils and services: Who does what?
- Local Development Orders
- Local development scheme
- Local economy
- Local Housing Allowance (LHA)
- Local Land and Property Gazetteer
- Local land search
- Local Plan (Current)
- Local Plan (New)
- Local Plan Consultation
- Local Plan Consultation: Frequently Asked Questions
- Local Plan Examination
- Local Plan Examination Library
- Local Plan Newsletters
- Local Sports and Leisure Centres
- Local sports clubs and activities
- Localism in North Norfolk
- Locally listed buildings
- Lost dog
- m
- Major pre-application public consultations
- Make an insurance or compensation claim
- Making a Regulation 77 application
- Making objections to Licence Applications
- Management structure of the Council
- Managing your money
- Mandatory charity relief
- Mandatory rural rate relief
- Market Towns Initiative
- Market Trader Application form
- Market trader applications
- Markets
- Meet some of our apprentices
- Mental illness or impairment and threatened with homelessness
- Missed bin collection
- Miyawaki Forest Project
- Motorhomes: camping and parking
- Muddy Boots volunteers
- Mundesley Coastal Management Outline Business Case
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme map
- Music license application
- n
- Neighbourhood Areas
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Net Zero Strategy
- New and Altered Properties
- New planning applications
- New property address
- News
- NNDC local validation protected species checklist
- NNDC local validation requirements for designated sites, priority habitats and other significant features
- Noise, smells, artificial light, smoke and more
- Non-native invasive species
- Norfolk Community Directory
- Norfolk Energy Switch
- North Norfolk annual canvass 2024
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Mundesley Medical Practice
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Oyster Yachts Ltd
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Wroxham Barns
- North Norfolk Armed Forces
- North Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Partnership
- North Norfolk Local Validation Requirements List
- North Norfolk Sustainable Communities Fund details
- North Walsham Heritage Action Zone Projects
- North Walsham West Sustainable Urban Extension
- Nutrient Neutrality
- Nutrient Neutrality
- o
- Offer to pay
- Offshore Windfarm Schemes – latest information and news
- Online account (registration and login)
- Options for owners of empty homes
- Organising events
- Organising Events
- Our pledge to the Covenant
- Outlook our new bi-annual magazine
- Overlapping Benefit (Benefit on two homes)
- p
- Parish and Town Councils Help Hub
- Parish and town councils precept
- Parking Account data
- Parking Fine
- Parking Fine - Appeal
- Pavement licensing Al Fresco eating and drinking
- Pavements
- Pension Credit
- Pension Credit
- Performance Information
- Permit surrender
- Permit surrender
- Personal licence
- Petitions submitted to the Council
- Planning appeals
- Planning applications
- Planning Constraints Checking Tool User Guide
- Planning Enforcement
- Planning Enforcement Register
- Planning for the Future: A Government Consultation
- Planning Permission
- Planning Validation Requirements
- Planting and caring for your tree
- Policies map
- Policies, protocols and reports
- Polling station locations
- Postal or proxy vote signature refresh
- Postal vote
- Pothole - link to Norfolk County Council to report a pothole
- Pre-application advice for major schemes
- Pre-application advice service
- Premises licence
- Premises to let
- Prepare for an emergency
- Pretty Corner Woods
- Previous awards for Arts and Culture fund grant
- Previous awards for Community Transport fund grant
- Previous awards for Sustainable Communities grant fund
- Private water supplies risk assessments information
- Private water supply check
- Private water supply information
- Problem with a litter bin
- Problems paying Business Rates
- Properties to let and for sale
- Property details
- Property valuation
- Property valuation appeal
- Proposals map
- Proxy vote
- PSPOs: Inconsiderate and inappropriate vehicle use
- Public consultations for Car Parking
- Public information notices
- Public speaking at committee meetings
- Public Toilets
- Public transport timetables
- Publication of verification number
- r
- Race Information and FAQs
- Rate reductions, reliefs, rateable value appeals and rating advisers
- Recruitment of ex-offenders statement
- Recycling centres
- Register a birth
- Register a death
- Register for an online account
- Register for flood warnings
- Register for updates on the Local Plan
- Register of assisted burials
- Register of contaminated land
- Register of Houses in Multiple Occupation licenses
- Register of Members Interest form
- Register of permitted processes
- Register to vote
- Registers of Councillors and Parish Council interests
- Renew a brown garden bin
- Report a Coastal issue
- Report a lost, stolen or damaged bin
- Report a problem on the road
- Report a problem with a nameplate sign
- Report an emergency
- Report an empty home
- Repossession advice
- Request commercial bulky waste collection
- Request your own Personal Information (Subject Access Request)
- Respray road vehicle permit
- Retail and Main Town Centre Uses Study
- Retail discount relief
- Review of polling districts and places 2024
- Reviewing your benefit claim
- Risk Management Framework
- Road closure permit
- Road projects and improvements
- Roadworks planned
- Rural exception housing schemes
- s
- Sadler's Wood
- Safeguarding
- Sanctuary Scheme
- sandscaping
- Sandscaping: Frequently asked questions
- Scams and fraud
- School term dates
- School transport
- Scrap metal dealers register
- Scrap metal licences
- Section 106 planning obligations
- Section 157 restriction
- Self-funding advice for disabled facilities adaptions
- Senior staff salaries
- Service Station permit
- Severe weather warnings
- Sexual Harassment Prevention and Action Policy
- Shared Ownership
- Sheringham Leisure Centre subscribe
- Shoreline Management Plans
- Single Person Discount review
- Site allocations plan
- Skills, employment and training
- Skin piercing licence
- Small business rate relief
- Small electrical item recycling service
- Small premises lotteries application forms
- Small sites for new homes in North Norfolk
- Smaller bin
- Social care
- Sport centre events
- Sports events
- Statement of accounts
- Statement of community involvement
- Stranded whale or dolphin
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
- Strategic Housing Market Assessment
- Street collections
- Street lighting - report a problem
- Street trading licence
- Sundry invoice
- Supporting our future
- Supporting small business relief
- Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Sustainability at The Reef Leisure Centre
- t
- Tax conditionality for taxi drivers, private hire operators and scrap metal dealers
- Taxi licence
- Tell us about changes that affect your benefits
- Tell us about changes that affect your council tax
- Temporary Event Notices (TENs) Application
- Temporary holiday sites, including caravan and camping sites
- Temporary Register
- Temporary Register
- The Great British Cycling Festival
- The North Norfolk Waiting Well Project
- Timelapse Video
- Toilet provision in premises open to the public
- Tourist Information Centres
- Town and Parish Council support and news
- Transfer a mobile environment permit
- Transparency data - Payments to suppliers over £500
- Trees and hedges
- Trees and hedges
- Triathlon Events
- u
- UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund
- Universal Credit (Apply)
- Universal Credit: Migration Notice letter
- Upcoming elections, parish polls and referendums
- Useful links and downloads
- v
- Variation of permit for significant change of operation
- Variation to hackney carriage rank in Holt
- Vattenfall - Norfolk Vanguard offshore Windfarm - latest information and news
- Victim Support's Live Chat now available
- View and comment on a planning application
- View the Council’s treasury management strategy
- View the Design guide
- View the licensing register - premises and clubs
- Voter ID
- Voter ID and Voter Authority Certificate: Frequently asked questions
- w
- Waiting Well Project: Online guidance
- Ward and parish boundaries map
- Water leak
- Water Supply Check
- Weddings and civil partnerships
- Weekly Reclaim Reduction
- What are listed buildings?
- What goes in my bin?
- What happens if I don't pay my Council Tax
- What housing associations operate in North Norfolk?
- What is a house in multiple occupation (HMO)?
- What is an empty home?
- What is development and permitted development?
- What is happening on site?
- What the council does in an emergency
- What to do in severe weather
- What we buy
- When I will receive my benefits
- Where can I use jet skis/power boats
- Where to get business advice
- Who owns land or property near me?
- Who should pay Council Tax?
- Who to call in a power cut
- Work at elections
- Worried about becoming homeless
- WW1
- WW1 in Norfolk
Housing tasks
- Apply to join the housing waiting list
- Advice about renting privately
- Apply for Housing Benefit and Council Tax support
- Advice about homelessness
- Domestic abuse: how to get help and support
- Duty to refer
All tasks
- a
- A facility for everyone
- A pool for all ages
- Abandoned vehicle
- Access support from the Financial Inclusion team
- Accident at Work
- Adult entertainment licence
- Adult learning
- Advice about homelessness
- Advice about Homelessness
- Advice about renting privately
- Advice for Food Businesses
- Advice for veterans if you're homeless
- Advice if you're an ex-prisoner and find yourself homeless
- Advice on bullying
- Advice on employing and recruiting staff
- Advice on making staff redundant
- Advice on training staff
- Affordable homes across North Norfolk
- Affordable Housing
- Age Friendly North Norfolk
- All online payments
- Allocations Scheme policy
- Alternative Maximum Benefit (second adult rebate)
- Animal licensing fees
- Animal licensing register
- Animal welfare
- Annual Audit Letter
- Annual monitoring report
- Annual Report
- Antisocial behaviour
- Appeal against a claim decision or overpayment
- Apply for a Blue Badge
- Apply for a brown garden bin
- Apply for a Forget Me Not Grant
- Apply for A2 applications permit
- Apply for benefit (whilst temporarily absent from home)
- Apply for Housing Benefit and Council Tax support
- Apply for other business rate relief
- Apply online for support with energy costs
- Apply to join the housing list
- Apprenticeship information for employers
- Apprenticeships at North Norfolk District Council
- Are you interested in shaping our Youth Council?
- Armed Forces Community Fund
- Arts and Culture Fund
- Assets of community value
- Assistance with pests
- Assisted burials
- Assisted collection
- Audible Intruder Alarm register
- b
- Backdating Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support
- Battery recycling service
- Battle of the Beaches 2023
- Beach and bathing water quality
- Beach Huts
- Become a Deep History Coast Ambassador
- Becoming a Councillor
- Benefit cap
- Benefits calculator
- Benefits Calculator
- Benefits Claim evidence
- Better living environment
- Big Switch & Save
- Bin collection days
- Bin collection service announcements
- Bin collections
- Bin day changes 2024
- Biodiversity information
- Biodiversity net gain
- Biodiversity net gain
- Blocked drain or private sewer
- Blue Flag beaches
- Book a personal search
- Book an event
- Bring your empty property back into use
- Brownfield Land Register
- Budget: Spring Budget 2024 update
- Building Control appeals
- Building control inspection
- Building regulation approval
- Building regulations
- Building work: check the approval that you need
- Built environment and planning
- Bulk Cement permit
- Bulky waste collection
- Bus passes - apply to Norfolk County Council
- Business planning, support and funding
- Business rate relief
- Business rates - Pay
- Business rates bill
- Business rates bill appeal
- Business rates valuation account
- Business Start Up Information
- Busking
- Buying and selling a property on the coast
- c
- Cabinet Meetings
- Cabinet work programme
- Call for Sites
- Campsite licences
- Capital and savings
- Car Park charges (inc coaches)
- Car park locations
- Car park season ticket
- Car Park Season Ticket
- Caravan and campsite guidance documents
- Caravan and motor home site licences
- Caravan sites licensing register
- Chairman of the Council
- Change name of residential property or business
- Change of bank details
- Change of business address
- Climate Change Training
- Climate Emergency and Environmental Charter
- Clinical household waste collection
- Club premises certificate
- Coach park locations
- Coast and countryside
- Coastal Adaptation Supplementary Planning document
- Coastal Loss Innovative Funding and Financing (CLIFF)
- Coastal Management: interactive map
- Coastal Protection
- Coastal safety
- Coastwise
- Coastwise FAQs
- Commemorating the World Wars in North Norfolk
- Commercial clinical waste collection
- Commercial waste collection
- Committee documents
- Committee meeting dates
- Community Alcohol Partnership
- Community Connectors
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Community Miyawaki Forest Project
- Community safety
- Community Transport Fund
- Community Transport Services
- Community-led housing
- Complain about a high hedge
- Complain about a school
- Complain about Food
- Complaining about a landlord
- Compliments, Complaints and Comments
- Compulsory Purchase Orders
- Concern for a child
- Concrete Crushing permit
- Conservation Area Appraisal Review Programme
- Conservation area appraisals
- Conservation areas in North Norfolk
- Conservation Design Awards
- Constitution
- Contaminated land
- Contaminated Land and Barn Conversions
- Contracting and tender opportunities
- Contracts and purchasing over £5000
- Contracts Register
- Controlling condensation and mould in your home
- Core Strategy
- Corporate Plan 2019 to 2023
- Corporate Plan 2023 to 2027
- Corporate Risk Register
- Cost of a planning application
- Cost of living help
- Council budget
- Council consultations
- Council facts and figures (transparency of data)
- Council Tax - Appeal bill
- Council Tax - Login to view bill
- Council Tax - Pay
- Council Tax Discounts
- Council Tax Exemptions
- Council Tax premium charges: Empty properties and second homes
- Council Tax Support Fund
- Council Tax: How is it spent
- Council Tax: Tell us you're moving home
- Council Tax: Your bill explained
- Councillors allowances, expenses and attendance
- Councillors and decision making
- Country Park facilities
- Countryside events and activities
- Covid-19 advice for animal related businesses
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme map
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme Phase 2
- Cromer pier
- Current casual vacancies for town and parish councils
- Current flood warnings
- Current vacancies for North Norfolk District Council wards
- Custom and Self-Build Housing (Overview)
- Custom and Self-Build Housing Register
- d
- Damaged or missing street sign
- Dangerous structure
- Dangerous Wild Animal licence
- Data Protection Policy
- Data sharing terms and conditions
- Dead animal on the road
- Death (let us know)
- Deep History Coast
- Delegated Decisions
- Demolition work
- Demolitions and dangerous structures
- Design guide
- Design Guide Consultation
- Development Committee
- Direct Debit - Business Rates
- Direct Debit - Council Tax
- Direct Debit form (for housing benefit overpayments)
- Directory of Parish and Town Council Clerks
- Disabled band relief
- Disabled Facilities Grant
- Disabled living equipment
- Disabled parking and blue badge
- Discretionary Housing Payments
- Discretionary reduction (business rates)
- Discretionary reduction (council tax)
- Discretionary relief
- Document library
- Dog Fouling
- Dog restrictions
- Domestic abuse: how to get help and support
- Drainage and sewerage issues
- Dropped kerb - applications
- Dry cleaners permit
- Duty of Care
- Duty to refer
- e
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Election results
- Electoral register
- Electric Vehicle Charging
- Electric vehicles and EV charging points
- Emergency accommodation
- Employee benefits at NNDC
- Employers’ guide to working with schools (including work experience)
- Empty business properties
- Empty home advice
- Empty home review
- Environmental permit
- Environmental permit transfer
- Environmental Protection Freedom of Information
- Equality, diversity and inclusion policy
- Events and news
- f
- Fakenham urban extension
- Fees for major pre-application advice
- Filming requests
- Financial help if you have children
- Financial inclusion
- Financial Strategy
- Find out about Energy Saving Trust
- Find out about help if your property is at risk from erosion
- Find out about holiday lets and business rates
- Find out about school admissions
- Find out about Warm and Well in North Norfolk
- Find out how much my Business Rates are
- Find out more about the north Norfolk coast
- Fishing rod licence
- Five Year Supply of Housing Land
- Flood
- Fly tipping
- Flyposting
- Food allergens and labelling guidance
- Food business registration
- Food hygiene rating scheme
- Food hygiene ratings
- Food premises approval
- Food Premises Register
- Food Safety Management
- Food safety training
- Foreign pension: proof of life and residence
- Found dog
- Fraud
- Freedom of Information - Council Tax
- Freedom of information - FAQs
- Freedom of Information (FOI) Request
- Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
- Freedom of Information: Non-Domestic Business Rates
- Frequently asked questions for tenants renting from a private landlord
- Frequently asked questions: Small sites for new homes
- Further Private Water Supplies information
- g
- Gambling premises and clubs
- Garden Bin - Order a new bin
- Gender Pay Gap Report
- GIRAMS subscription model
- Government procurement transactions
- Graffiti
- Graham Allen Award winners
- Grants awarded to Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprises
- Green 4 business
- Green Flag parks and spaces
- Greenbuild 2021
- Greenbuild 2022
- Gulls: information and advice
- Gypsie and Travellers stopping sites
- h
- Habitat Mitigation: Recreational impacts
- Habitats Regulations Assessment
- Have your say: North Norfolk Local Validation requirements
- HCP Terms and Conditions
- Health and safety at work issues
- Health and wellbeing
- Hedge and verge cutting
- Help and housing for care leavers and young people
- Help and support with childcare
- Help and support with energy bills
- Help and support with food
- Help and support with housing
- Help and support with water bills
- Help finding a privately rented property
- Help Hub
- Help with debt
- Help with living costs
- Help with your application
- Highways licensing for skips, scaffolding, notices and road closures
- Hold a Beach BBQ or event
- Holt Country Park
- Homeless after leaving hospital
- Homeless tonight?
- Homelessness and rough sleeping strategy
- Homes for Ukraine scheme in North Norfolk
- House to house collections
- Household Support Fund
- Household Support Fund
- Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) license
- Housing allocations scheme consultation
- Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA)
- Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support rates from April 2024
- Housing Benefit Overpayment - Quick Pay
- Housing Benefit payments direct to landlord
- Housing Benefit: your payment dates
- Housing condition complaint
- Housing Register
- Housing Strategy
- Housing with care properties
- How a change will affect your Benefits
- How can the Council help
- How much is my Council Tax?
- How to petition the Council
- How to promote resilience in your community
- How to protect my business in emergencies
- How to recycle your unwanted clothing
- How to relocate to North Norfolk
- How we buy
- How we manage your data
- i
- Inappropriate conduct by a Councillors
- Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
- Interview with NNDC apprentices
- Invest North Norfolk
- l
- Land and buildings owned by the Council
- Land, premises and planning
- Landscape character assessment
- Larger bin
- Latest travel news
- LG Inform data - example page
- Liability, legislation and general information about Council Tax
- Library services
- Licensing fees
- Licensing register - Gambling Act 2005
- Licensing register - Personal
- Licensing register - Skin piercing
- Licensing register - street collections
- Licensing register - Taxis
- Licensing register - Temporary Event Notices (TENs)
- Licensing register: Other licences
- Limited opening at Splash
- Listed building consent
- Listed building restrictions
- Listed buildings
- Litter
- Loan sharks and illegal lending
- Local catchment area
- Local councils and services: Who does what?
- Local Development Orders
- Local development scheme
- Local economy
- Local Housing Allowance (LHA)
- Local Land and Property Gazetteer
- Local land search
- Local Plan (Current)
- Local Plan (New)
- Local Plan Consultation
- Local Plan Consultation: Frequently Asked Questions
- Local Plan Examination
- Local Plan Examination Library
- Local Plan Newsletters
- Local Sports and Leisure Centres
- Local sports clubs and activities
- Localism in North Norfolk
- Locally listed buildings
- Lost dog
- m
- Major pre-application public consultations
- Make an insurance or compensation claim
- Making a Regulation 77 application
- Making objections to Licence Applications
- Management structure of the Council
- Managing your money
- Mandatory charity relief
- Mandatory rural rate relief
- Market Towns Initiative
- Market Trader Application form
- Market trader applications
- Markets
- Meet some of our apprentices
- Mental illness or impairment and threatened with homelessness
- Missed bin collection
- Miyawaki Forest Project
- Motorhomes: camping and parking
- Muddy Boots volunteers
- Mundesley Coastal Management Outline Business Case
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme map
- Music license application
- n
- Neighbourhood Areas
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Net Zero Strategy
- New and Altered Properties
- New planning applications
- New property address
- News
- NNDC local validation protected species checklist
- NNDC local validation requirements for designated sites, priority habitats and other significant features
- Noise, smells, artificial light, smoke and more
- Non-native invasive species
- Norfolk Community Directory
- Norfolk Energy Switch
- North Norfolk annual canvass 2024
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Mundesley Medical Practice
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Oyster Yachts Ltd
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Wroxham Barns
- North Norfolk Armed Forces
- North Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Partnership
- North Norfolk Local Validation Requirements List
- North Norfolk Sustainable Communities Fund details
- North Walsham Heritage Action Zone Projects
- North Walsham West Sustainable Urban Extension
- Nutrient Neutrality
- Nutrient Neutrality
- o
- Offer to pay
- Offshore Windfarm Schemes – latest information and news
- Online account (registration and login)
- Options for owners of empty homes
- Organising events
- Organising Events
- Our pledge to the Covenant
- Outlook our new bi-annual magazine
- Overlapping Benefit (Benefit on two homes)
- p
- Parish and Town Councils Help Hub
- Parish and town councils precept
- Parking Account data
- Parking Fine
- Parking Fine - Appeal
- Pavement licensing Al Fresco eating and drinking
- Pavements
- Pension Credit
- Pension Credit
- Performance Information
- Permit surrender
- Permit surrender
- Personal licence
- Petitions submitted to the Council
- Planning appeals
- Planning applications
- Planning Constraints Checking Tool User Guide
- Planning Enforcement
- Planning Enforcement Register
- Planning for the Future: A Government Consultation
- Planning Permission
- Planning Validation Requirements
- Planting and caring for your tree
- Policies map
- Policies, protocols and reports
- Polling station locations
- Postal or proxy vote signature refresh
- Postal vote
- Pothole - link to Norfolk County Council to report a pothole
- Pre-application advice for major schemes
- Pre-application advice service
- Premises licence
- Premises to let
- Prepare for an emergency
- Pretty Corner Woods
- Previous awards for Arts and Culture fund grant
- Previous awards for Community Transport fund grant
- Previous awards for Sustainable Communities grant fund
- Private water supplies risk assessments information
- Private water supply check
- Private water supply information
- Problem with a litter bin
- Problems paying Business Rates
- Properties to let and for sale
- Property details
- Property valuation
- Property valuation appeal
- Proposals map
- Proxy vote
- PSPOs: Inconsiderate and inappropriate vehicle use
- Public consultations for Car Parking
- Public information notices
- Public speaking at committee meetings
- Public Toilets
- Public transport timetables
- Publication of verification number
- r
- Race Information and FAQs
- Rate reductions, reliefs, rateable value appeals and rating advisers
- Recruitment of ex-offenders statement
- Recycling centres
- Register a birth
- Register a death
- Register for an online account
- Register for flood warnings
- Register for updates on the Local Plan
- Register of assisted burials
- Register of contaminated land
- Register of Houses in Multiple Occupation licenses
- Register of Members Interest form
- Register of permitted processes
- Register to vote
- Registers of Councillors and Parish Council interests
- Renew a brown garden bin
- Report a Coastal issue
- Report a lost, stolen or damaged bin
- Report a problem on the road
- Report a problem with a nameplate sign
- Report an emergency
- Report an empty home
- Repossession advice
- Request commercial bulky waste collection
- Request your own Personal Information (Subject Access Request)
- Respray road vehicle permit
- Retail and Main Town Centre Uses Study
- Retail discount relief
- Review of polling districts and places 2024
- Reviewing your benefit claim
- Risk Management Framework
- Road closure permit
- Road projects and improvements
- Roadworks planned
- Rural exception housing schemes
- s
- Sadler's Wood
- Safeguarding
- Sanctuary Scheme
- sandscaping
- Sandscaping: Frequently asked questions
- Scams and fraud
- School term dates
- School transport
- Scrap metal dealers register
- Scrap metal licences
- Section 106 planning obligations
- Section 157 restriction
- Self-funding advice for disabled facilities adaptions
- Senior staff salaries
- Service Station permit
- Severe weather warnings
- Sexual Harassment Prevention and Action Policy
- Shared Ownership
- Sheringham Leisure Centre subscribe
- Shoreline Management Plans
- Single Person Discount review
- Site allocations plan
- Skills, employment and training
- Skin piercing licence
- Small business rate relief
- Small electrical item recycling service
- Small premises lotteries application forms
- Small sites for new homes in North Norfolk
- Smaller bin
- Social care
- Sport centre events
- Sports events
- Statement of accounts
- Statement of community involvement
- Stranded whale or dolphin
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
- Strategic Housing Market Assessment
- Street collections
- Street lighting - report a problem
- Street trading licence
- Sundry invoice
- Supporting our future
- Supporting small business relief
- Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Sustainability at The Reef Leisure Centre
- t
- Tax conditionality for taxi drivers, private hire operators and scrap metal dealers
- Taxi licence
- Tell us about changes that affect your benefits
- Tell us about changes that affect your council tax
- Temporary Event Notices (TENs) Application
- Temporary holiday sites, including caravan and camping sites
- Temporary Register
- Temporary Register
- The Great British Cycling Festival
- The North Norfolk Waiting Well Project
- Timelapse Video
- Toilet provision in premises open to the public
- Tourist Information Centres
- Town and Parish Council support and news
- Transfer a mobile environment permit
- Transparency data - Payments to suppliers over £500
- Trees and hedges
- Trees and hedges
- Triathlon Events
- u
- UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund
- Universal Credit (Apply)
- Universal Credit: Migration Notice letter
- Upcoming elections, parish polls and referendums
- Useful links and downloads
- v
- Variation of permit for significant change of operation
- Variation to hackney carriage rank in Holt
- Vattenfall - Norfolk Vanguard offshore Windfarm - latest information and news
- Victim Support's Live Chat now available
- View and comment on a planning application
- View the Council’s treasury management strategy
- View the Design guide
- View the licensing register - premises and clubs
- Voter ID
- Voter ID and Voter Authority Certificate: Frequently asked questions
- w
- Waiting Well Project: Online guidance
- Ward and parish boundaries map
- Water leak
- Water Supply Check
- Weddings and civil partnerships
- Weekly Reclaim Reduction
- What are listed buildings?
- What goes in my bin?
- What happens if I don't pay my Council Tax
- What housing associations operate in North Norfolk?
- What is a house in multiple occupation (HMO)?
- What is an empty home?
- What is development and permitted development?
- What is happening on site?
- What the council does in an emergency
- What to do in severe weather
- What we buy
- When I will receive my benefits
- Where can I use jet skis/power boats
- Where to get business advice
- Who owns land or property near me?
- Who should pay Council Tax?
- Who to call in a power cut
- Work at elections
- Worried about becoming homeless
- WW1
- WW1 in Norfolk
Your Community tasks
- Apply for a Blue Badge
- Buy car park season ticket
- Coach parking in North Norfolk
- Electric vehicles and EV charging points
- View car parking locations
- Countryside events and activities
All tasks
- a
- A facility for everyone
- A pool for all ages
- Abandoned vehicle
- Access support from the Financial Inclusion team
- Accident at Work
- Adult entertainment licence
- Adult learning
- Advice about homelessness
- Advice about Homelessness
- Advice about renting privately
- Advice for Food Businesses
- Advice for veterans if you're homeless
- Advice if you're an ex-prisoner and find yourself homeless
- Advice on bullying
- Advice on employing and recruiting staff
- Advice on making staff redundant
- Advice on training staff
- Affordable homes across North Norfolk
- Affordable Housing
- Age Friendly North Norfolk
- All online payments
- Allocations Scheme policy
- Alternative Maximum Benefit (second adult rebate)
- Animal licensing fees
- Animal licensing register
- Animal welfare
- Annual Audit Letter
- Annual monitoring report
- Annual Report
- Antisocial behaviour
- Appeal against a claim decision or overpayment
- Apply for a Blue Badge
- Apply for a brown garden bin
- Apply for a Forget Me Not Grant
- Apply for A2 applications permit
- Apply for benefit (whilst temporarily absent from home)
- Apply for Housing Benefit and Council Tax support
- Apply for other business rate relief
- Apply online for support with energy costs
- Apply to join the housing list
- Apprenticeship information for employers
- Apprenticeships at North Norfolk District Council
- Are you interested in shaping our Youth Council?
- Armed Forces Community Fund
- Arts and Culture Fund
- Assets of community value
- Assistance with pests
- Assisted burials
- Assisted collection
- Audible Intruder Alarm register
- b
- Backdating Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support
- Battery recycling service
- Battle of the Beaches 2023
- Beach and bathing water quality
- Beach Huts
- Become a Deep History Coast Ambassador
- Becoming a Councillor
- Benefit cap
- Benefits calculator
- Benefits Calculator
- Benefits Claim evidence
- Better living environment
- Big Switch & Save
- Bin collection days
- Bin collection service announcements
- Bin collections
- Bin day changes 2024
- Biodiversity information
- Biodiversity net gain
- Biodiversity net gain
- Blocked drain or private sewer
- Blue Flag beaches
- Book a personal search
- Book an event
- Bring your empty property back into use
- Brownfield Land Register
- Budget: Spring Budget 2024 update
- Building Control appeals
- Building control inspection
- Building regulation approval
- Building regulations
- Building work: check the approval that you need
- Built environment and planning
- Bulk Cement permit
- Bulky waste collection
- Bus passes - apply to Norfolk County Council
- Business planning, support and funding
- Business rate relief
- Business rates - Pay
- Business rates bill
- Business rates bill appeal
- Business rates valuation account
- Business Start Up Information
- Busking
- Buying and selling a property on the coast
- c
- Cabinet Meetings
- Cabinet work programme
- Call for Sites
- Campsite licences
- Capital and savings
- Car Park charges (inc coaches)
- Car park locations
- Car park season ticket
- Car Park Season Ticket
- Caravan and campsite guidance documents
- Caravan and motor home site licences
- Caravan sites licensing register
- Chairman of the Council
- Change name of residential property or business
- Change of bank details
- Change of business address
- Climate Change Training
- Climate Emergency and Environmental Charter
- Clinical household waste collection
- Club premises certificate
- Coach park locations
- Coast and countryside
- Coastal Adaptation Supplementary Planning document
- Coastal Loss Innovative Funding and Financing (CLIFF)
- Coastal Management: interactive map
- Coastal Protection
- Coastal safety
- Coastwise
- Coastwise FAQs
- Commemorating the World Wars in North Norfolk
- Commercial clinical waste collection
- Commercial waste collection
- Committee documents
- Committee meeting dates
- Community Alcohol Partnership
- Community Connectors
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Community Miyawaki Forest Project
- Community safety
- Community Transport Fund
- Community Transport Services
- Community-led housing
- Complain about a high hedge
- Complain about a school
- Complain about Food
- Complaining about a landlord
- Compliments, Complaints and Comments
- Compulsory Purchase Orders
- Concern for a child
- Concrete Crushing permit
- Conservation Area Appraisal Review Programme
- Conservation area appraisals
- Conservation areas in North Norfolk
- Conservation Design Awards
- Constitution
- Contaminated land
- Contaminated Land and Barn Conversions
- Contracting and tender opportunities
- Contracts and purchasing over £5000
- Contracts Register
- Controlling condensation and mould in your home
- Core Strategy
- Corporate Plan 2019 to 2023
- Corporate Plan 2023 to 2027
- Corporate Risk Register
- Cost of a planning application
- Cost of living help
- Council budget
- Council consultations
- Council facts and figures (transparency of data)
- Council Tax - Appeal bill
- Council Tax - Login to view bill
- Council Tax - Pay
- Council Tax Discounts
- Council Tax Exemptions
- Council Tax premium charges: Empty properties and second homes
- Council Tax Support Fund
- Council Tax: How is it spent
- Council Tax: Tell us you're moving home
- Council Tax: Your bill explained
- Councillors allowances, expenses and attendance
- Councillors and decision making
- Country Park facilities
- Countryside events and activities
- Covid-19 advice for animal related businesses
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme map
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme Phase 2
- Cromer pier
- Current casual vacancies for town and parish councils
- Current flood warnings
- Current vacancies for North Norfolk District Council wards
- Custom and Self-Build Housing (Overview)
- Custom and Self-Build Housing Register
- d
- Damaged or missing street sign
- Dangerous structure
- Dangerous Wild Animal licence
- Data Protection Policy
- Data sharing terms and conditions
- Dead animal on the road
- Death (let us know)
- Deep History Coast
- Delegated Decisions
- Demolition work
- Demolitions and dangerous structures
- Design guide
- Design Guide Consultation
- Development Committee
- Direct Debit - Business Rates
- Direct Debit - Council Tax
- Direct Debit form (for housing benefit overpayments)
- Directory of Parish and Town Council Clerks
- Disabled band relief
- Disabled Facilities Grant
- Disabled living equipment
- Disabled parking and blue badge
- Discretionary Housing Payments
- Discretionary reduction (business rates)
- Discretionary reduction (council tax)
- Discretionary relief
- Document library
- Dog Fouling
- Dog restrictions
- Domestic abuse: how to get help and support
- Drainage and sewerage issues
- Dropped kerb - applications
- Dry cleaners permit
- Duty of Care
- Duty to refer
- e
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Election results
- Electoral register
- Electric Vehicle Charging
- Electric vehicles and EV charging points
- Emergency accommodation
- Employee benefits at NNDC
- Employers’ guide to working with schools (including work experience)
- Empty business properties
- Empty home advice
- Empty home review
- Environmental permit
- Environmental permit transfer
- Environmental Protection Freedom of Information
- Equality, diversity and inclusion policy
- Events and news
- f
- Fakenham urban extension
- Fees for major pre-application advice
- Filming requests
- Financial help if you have children
- Financial inclusion
- Financial Strategy
- Find out about Energy Saving Trust
- Find out about help if your property is at risk from erosion
- Find out about holiday lets and business rates
- Find out about school admissions
- Find out about Warm and Well in North Norfolk
- Find out how much my Business Rates are
- Find out more about the north Norfolk coast
- Fishing rod licence
- Five Year Supply of Housing Land
- Flood
- Fly tipping
- Flyposting
- Food allergens and labelling guidance
- Food business registration
- Food hygiene rating scheme
- Food hygiene ratings
- Food premises approval
- Food Premises Register
- Food Safety Management
- Food safety training
- Foreign pension: proof of life and residence
- Found dog
- Fraud
- Freedom of Information - Council Tax
- Freedom of information - FAQs
- Freedom of Information (FOI) Request
- Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
- Freedom of Information: Non-Domestic Business Rates
- Frequently asked questions for tenants renting from a private landlord
- Frequently asked questions: Small sites for new homes
- Further Private Water Supplies information
- g
- Gambling premises and clubs
- Garden Bin - Order a new bin
- Gender Pay Gap Report
- GIRAMS subscription model
- Government procurement transactions
- Graffiti
- Graham Allen Award winners
- Grants awarded to Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprises
- Green 4 business
- Green Flag parks and spaces
- Greenbuild 2021
- Greenbuild 2022
- Gulls: information and advice
- Gypsie and Travellers stopping sites
- h
- Habitat Mitigation: Recreational impacts
- Habitats Regulations Assessment
- Have your say: North Norfolk Local Validation requirements
- HCP Terms and Conditions
- Health and safety at work issues
- Health and wellbeing
- Hedge and verge cutting
- Help and housing for care leavers and young people
- Help and support with childcare
- Help and support with energy bills
- Help and support with food
- Help and support with housing
- Help and support with water bills
- Help finding a privately rented property
- Help Hub
- Help with debt
- Help with living costs
- Help with your application
- Highways licensing for skips, scaffolding, notices and road closures
- Hold a Beach BBQ or event
- Holt Country Park
- Homeless after leaving hospital
- Homeless tonight?
- Homelessness and rough sleeping strategy
- Homes for Ukraine scheme in North Norfolk
- House to house collections
- Household Support Fund
- Household Support Fund
- Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) license
- Housing allocations scheme consultation
- Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA)
- Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support rates from April 2024
- Housing Benefit Overpayment - Quick Pay
- Housing Benefit payments direct to landlord
- Housing Benefit: your payment dates
- Housing condition complaint
- Housing Register
- Housing Strategy
- Housing with care properties
- How a change will affect your Benefits
- How can the Council help
- How much is my Council Tax?
- How to petition the Council
- How to promote resilience in your community
- How to protect my business in emergencies
- How to recycle your unwanted clothing
- How to relocate to North Norfolk
- How we buy
- How we manage your data
- i
- Inappropriate conduct by a Councillors
- Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
- Interview with NNDC apprentices
- Invest North Norfolk
- l
- Land and buildings owned by the Council
- Land, premises and planning
- Landscape character assessment
- Larger bin
- Latest travel news
- LG Inform data - example page
- Liability, legislation and general information about Council Tax
- Library services
- Licensing fees
- Licensing register - Gambling Act 2005
- Licensing register - Personal
- Licensing register - Skin piercing
- Licensing register - street collections
- Licensing register - Taxis
- Licensing register - Temporary Event Notices (TENs)
- Licensing register: Other licences
- Limited opening at Splash
- Listed building consent
- Listed building restrictions
- Listed buildings
- Litter
- Loan sharks and illegal lending
- Local catchment area
- Local councils and services: Who does what?
- Local Development Orders
- Local development scheme
- Local economy
- Local Housing Allowance (LHA)
- Local Land and Property Gazetteer
- Local land search
- Local Plan (Current)
- Local Plan (New)
- Local Plan Consultation
- Local Plan Consultation: Frequently Asked Questions
- Local Plan Examination
- Local Plan Examination Library
- Local Plan Newsletters
- Local Sports and Leisure Centres
- Local sports clubs and activities
- Localism in North Norfolk
- Locally listed buildings
- Lost dog
- m
- Major pre-application public consultations
- Make an insurance or compensation claim
- Making a Regulation 77 application
- Making objections to Licence Applications
- Management structure of the Council
- Managing your money
- Mandatory charity relief
- Mandatory rural rate relief
- Market Towns Initiative
- Market Trader Application form
- Market trader applications
- Markets
- Meet some of our apprentices
- Mental illness or impairment and threatened with homelessness
- Missed bin collection
- Miyawaki Forest Project
- Motorhomes: camping and parking
- Muddy Boots volunteers
- Mundesley Coastal Management Outline Business Case
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme map
- Music license application
- n
- Neighbourhood Areas
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Net Zero Strategy
- New and Altered Properties
- New planning applications
- New property address
- News
- NNDC local validation protected species checklist
- NNDC local validation requirements for designated sites, priority habitats and other significant features
- Noise, smells, artificial light, smoke and more
- Non-native invasive species
- Norfolk Community Directory
- Norfolk Energy Switch
- North Norfolk annual canvass 2024
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Mundesley Medical Practice
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Oyster Yachts Ltd
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Wroxham Barns
- North Norfolk Armed Forces
- North Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Partnership
- North Norfolk Local Validation Requirements List
- North Norfolk Sustainable Communities Fund details
- North Walsham Heritage Action Zone Projects
- North Walsham West Sustainable Urban Extension
- Nutrient Neutrality
- Nutrient Neutrality
- o
- Offer to pay
- Offshore Windfarm Schemes – latest information and news
- Online account (registration and login)
- Options for owners of empty homes
- Organising events
- Organising Events
- Our pledge to the Covenant
- Outlook our new bi-annual magazine
- Overlapping Benefit (Benefit on two homes)
- p
- Parish and Town Councils Help Hub
- Parish and town councils precept
- Parking Account data
- Parking Fine
- Parking Fine - Appeal
- Pavement licensing Al Fresco eating and drinking
- Pavements
- Pension Credit
- Pension Credit
- Performance Information
- Permit surrender
- Permit surrender
- Personal licence
- Petitions submitted to the Council
- Planning appeals
- Planning applications
- Planning Constraints Checking Tool User Guide
- Planning Enforcement
- Planning Enforcement Register
- Planning for the Future: A Government Consultation
- Planning Permission
- Planning Validation Requirements
- Planting and caring for your tree
- Policies map
- Policies, protocols and reports
- Polling station locations
- Postal or proxy vote signature refresh
- Postal vote
- Pothole - link to Norfolk County Council to report a pothole
- Pre-application advice for major schemes
- Pre-application advice service
- Premises licence
- Premises to let
- Prepare for an emergency
- Pretty Corner Woods
- Previous awards for Arts and Culture fund grant
- Previous awards for Community Transport fund grant
- Previous awards for Sustainable Communities grant fund
- Private water supplies risk assessments information
- Private water supply check
- Private water supply information
- Problem with a litter bin
- Problems paying Business Rates
- Properties to let and for sale
- Property details
- Property valuation
- Property valuation appeal
- Proposals map
- Proxy vote
- PSPOs: Inconsiderate and inappropriate vehicle use
- Public consultations for Car Parking
- Public information notices
- Public speaking at committee meetings
- Public Toilets
- Public transport timetables
- Publication of verification number
- r
- Race Information and FAQs
- Rate reductions, reliefs, rateable value appeals and rating advisers
- Recruitment of ex-offenders statement
- Recycling centres
- Register a birth
- Register a death
- Register for an online account
- Register for flood warnings
- Register for updates on the Local Plan
- Register of assisted burials
- Register of contaminated land
- Register of Houses in Multiple Occupation licenses
- Register of Members Interest form
- Register of permitted processes
- Register to vote
- Registers of Councillors and Parish Council interests
- Renew a brown garden bin
- Report a Coastal issue
- Report a lost, stolen or damaged bin
- Report a problem on the road
- Report a problem with a nameplate sign
- Report an emergency
- Report an empty home
- Repossession advice
- Request commercial bulky waste collection
- Request your own Personal Information (Subject Access Request)
- Respray road vehicle permit
- Retail and Main Town Centre Uses Study
- Retail discount relief
- Review of polling districts and places 2024
- Reviewing your benefit claim
- Risk Management Framework
- Road closure permit
- Road projects and improvements
- Roadworks planned
- Rural exception housing schemes
- s
- Sadler's Wood
- Safeguarding
- Sanctuary Scheme
- sandscaping
- Sandscaping: Frequently asked questions
- Scams and fraud
- School term dates
- School transport
- Scrap metal dealers register
- Scrap metal licences
- Section 106 planning obligations
- Section 157 restriction
- Self-funding advice for disabled facilities adaptions
- Senior staff salaries
- Service Station permit
- Severe weather warnings
- Sexual Harassment Prevention and Action Policy
- Shared Ownership
- Sheringham Leisure Centre subscribe
- Shoreline Management Plans
- Single Person Discount review
- Site allocations plan
- Skills, employment and training
- Skin piercing licence
- Small business rate relief
- Small electrical item recycling service
- Small premises lotteries application forms
- Small sites for new homes in North Norfolk
- Smaller bin
- Social care
- Sport centre events
- Sports events
- Statement of accounts
- Statement of community involvement
- Stranded whale or dolphin
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
- Strategic Housing Market Assessment
- Street collections
- Street lighting - report a problem
- Street trading licence
- Sundry invoice
- Supporting our future
- Supporting small business relief
- Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Sustainability at The Reef Leisure Centre
- t
- Tax conditionality for taxi drivers, private hire operators and scrap metal dealers
- Taxi licence
- Tell us about changes that affect your benefits
- Tell us about changes that affect your council tax
- Temporary Event Notices (TENs) Application
- Temporary holiday sites, including caravan and camping sites
- Temporary Register
- Temporary Register
- The Great British Cycling Festival
- The North Norfolk Waiting Well Project
- Timelapse Video
- Toilet provision in premises open to the public
- Tourist Information Centres
- Town and Parish Council support and news
- Transfer a mobile environment permit
- Transparency data - Payments to suppliers over £500
- Trees and hedges
- Trees and hedges
- Triathlon Events
- u
- UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund
- Universal Credit (Apply)
- Universal Credit: Migration Notice letter
- Upcoming elections, parish polls and referendums
- Useful links and downloads
- v
- Variation of permit for significant change of operation
- Variation to hackney carriage rank in Holt
- Vattenfall - Norfolk Vanguard offshore Windfarm - latest information and news
- Victim Support's Live Chat now available
- View and comment on a planning application
- View the Council’s treasury management strategy
- View the Design guide
- View the licensing register - premises and clubs
- Voter ID
- Voter ID and Voter Authority Certificate: Frequently asked questions
- w
- Waiting Well Project: Online guidance
- Ward and parish boundaries map
- Water leak
- Water Supply Check
- Weddings and civil partnerships
- Weekly Reclaim Reduction
- What are listed buildings?
- What goes in my bin?
- What happens if I don't pay my Council Tax
- What housing associations operate in North Norfolk?
- What is a house in multiple occupation (HMO)?
- What is an empty home?
- What is development and permitted development?
- What is happening on site?
- What the council does in an emergency
- What to do in severe weather
- What we buy
- When I will receive my benefits
- Where can I use jet skis/power boats
- Where to get business advice
- Who owns land or property near me?
- Who should pay Council Tax?
- Who to call in a power cut
- Work at elections
- Worried about becoming homeless
- WW1
- WW1 in Norfolk
Your Council tasks
- View upcoming elections, parish polls and referendums
- View election results
- View job vacancies
- Register to vote
- Where is my local polling station?
- Committee meeting dates
All tasks
- a
- A facility for everyone
- A pool for all ages
- Abandoned vehicle
- Access support from the Financial Inclusion team
- Accident at Work
- Adult entertainment licence
- Adult learning
- Advice about homelessness
- Advice about Homelessness
- Advice about renting privately
- Advice for Food Businesses
- Advice for veterans if you're homeless
- Advice if you're an ex-prisoner and find yourself homeless
- Advice on bullying
- Advice on employing and recruiting staff
- Advice on making staff redundant
- Advice on training staff
- Affordable homes across North Norfolk
- Affordable Housing
- Age Friendly North Norfolk
- All online payments
- Allocations Scheme policy
- Alternative Maximum Benefit (second adult rebate)
- Animal licensing fees
- Animal licensing register
- Animal welfare
- Annual Audit Letter
- Annual monitoring report
- Annual Report
- Antisocial behaviour
- Appeal against a claim decision or overpayment
- Apply for a Blue Badge
- Apply for a brown garden bin
- Apply for a Forget Me Not Grant
- Apply for A2 applications permit
- Apply for benefit (whilst temporarily absent from home)
- Apply for Housing Benefit and Council Tax support
- Apply for other business rate relief
- Apply online for support with energy costs
- Apply to join the housing list
- Apprenticeship information for employers
- Apprenticeships at North Norfolk District Council
- Are you interested in shaping our Youth Council?
- Armed Forces Community Fund
- Arts and Culture Fund
- Assets of community value
- Assistance with pests
- Assisted burials
- Assisted collection
- Audible Intruder Alarm register
- b
- Backdating Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support
- Battery recycling service
- Battle of the Beaches 2023
- Beach and bathing water quality
- Beach Huts
- Become a Deep History Coast Ambassador
- Becoming a Councillor
- Benefit cap
- Benefits calculator
- Benefits Calculator
- Benefits Claim evidence
- Better living environment
- Big Switch & Save
- Bin collection days
- Bin collection service announcements
- Bin collections
- Bin day changes 2024
- Biodiversity information
- Biodiversity net gain
- Biodiversity net gain
- Blocked drain or private sewer
- Blue Flag beaches
- Book a personal search
- Book an event
- Bring your empty property back into use
- Brownfield Land Register
- Budget: Spring Budget 2024 update
- Building Control appeals
- Building control inspection
- Building regulation approval
- Building regulations
- Building work: check the approval that you need
- Built environment and planning
- Bulk Cement permit
- Bulky waste collection
- Bus passes - apply to Norfolk County Council
- Business planning, support and funding
- Business rate relief
- Business rates - Pay
- Business rates bill
- Business rates bill appeal
- Business rates valuation account
- Business Start Up Information
- Busking
- Buying and selling a property on the coast
- c
- Cabinet Meetings
- Cabinet work programme
- Call for Sites
- Campsite licences
- Capital and savings
- Car Park charges (inc coaches)
- Car park locations
- Car park season ticket
- Car Park Season Ticket
- Caravan and campsite guidance documents
- Caravan and motor home site licences
- Caravan sites licensing register
- Chairman of the Council
- Change name of residential property or business
- Change of bank details
- Change of business address
- Climate Change Training
- Climate Emergency and Environmental Charter
- Clinical household waste collection
- Club premises certificate
- Coach park locations
- Coast and countryside
- Coastal Adaptation Supplementary Planning document
- Coastal Loss Innovative Funding and Financing (CLIFF)
- Coastal Management: interactive map
- Coastal Protection
- Coastal safety
- Coastwise
- Coastwise FAQs
- Commemorating the World Wars in North Norfolk
- Commercial clinical waste collection
- Commercial waste collection
- Committee documents
- Committee meeting dates
- Community Alcohol Partnership
- Community Connectors
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Community Miyawaki Forest Project
- Community safety
- Community Transport Fund
- Community Transport Services
- Community-led housing
- Complain about a high hedge
- Complain about a school
- Complain about Food
- Complaining about a landlord
- Compliments, Complaints and Comments
- Compulsory Purchase Orders
- Concern for a child
- Concrete Crushing permit
- Conservation Area Appraisal Review Programme
- Conservation area appraisals
- Conservation areas in North Norfolk
- Conservation Design Awards
- Constitution
- Contaminated land
- Contaminated Land and Barn Conversions
- Contracting and tender opportunities
- Contracts and purchasing over £5000
- Contracts Register
- Controlling condensation and mould in your home
- Core Strategy
- Corporate Plan 2019 to 2023
- Corporate Plan 2023 to 2027
- Corporate Risk Register
- Cost of a planning application
- Cost of living help
- Council budget
- Council consultations
- Council facts and figures (transparency of data)
- Council Tax - Appeal bill
- Council Tax - Login to view bill
- Council Tax - Pay
- Council Tax Discounts
- Council Tax Exemptions
- Council Tax premium charges: Empty properties and second homes
- Council Tax Support Fund
- Council Tax: How is it spent
- Council Tax: Tell us you're moving home
- Council Tax: Your bill explained
- Councillors allowances, expenses and attendance
- Councillors and decision making
- Country Park facilities
- Countryside events and activities
- Covid-19 advice for animal related businesses
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme map
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme Phase 2
- Cromer pier
- Current casual vacancies for town and parish councils
- Current flood warnings
- Current vacancies for North Norfolk District Council wards
- Custom and Self-Build Housing (Overview)
- Custom and Self-Build Housing Register
- d
- Damaged or missing street sign
- Dangerous structure
- Dangerous Wild Animal licence
- Data Protection Policy
- Data sharing terms and conditions
- Dead animal on the road
- Death (let us know)
- Deep History Coast
- Delegated Decisions
- Demolition work
- Demolitions and dangerous structures
- Design guide
- Design Guide Consultation
- Development Committee
- Direct Debit - Business Rates
- Direct Debit - Council Tax
- Direct Debit form (for housing benefit overpayments)
- Directory of Parish and Town Council Clerks
- Disabled band relief
- Disabled Facilities Grant
- Disabled living equipment
- Disabled parking and blue badge
- Discretionary Housing Payments
- Discretionary reduction (business rates)
- Discretionary reduction (council tax)
- Discretionary relief
- Document library
- Dog Fouling
- Dog restrictions
- Domestic abuse: how to get help and support
- Drainage and sewerage issues
- Dropped kerb - applications
- Dry cleaners permit
- Duty of Care
- Duty to refer
- e
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Election results
- Electoral register
- Electric Vehicle Charging
- Electric vehicles and EV charging points
- Emergency accommodation
- Employee benefits at NNDC
- Employers’ guide to working with schools (including work experience)
- Empty business properties
- Empty home advice
- Empty home review
- Environmental permit
- Environmental permit transfer
- Environmental Protection Freedom of Information
- Equality, diversity and inclusion policy
- Events and news
- f
- Fakenham urban extension
- Fees for major pre-application advice
- Filming requests
- Financial help if you have children
- Financial inclusion
- Financial Strategy
- Find out about Energy Saving Trust
- Find out about help if your property is at risk from erosion
- Find out about holiday lets and business rates
- Find out about school admissions
- Find out about Warm and Well in North Norfolk
- Find out how much my Business Rates are
- Find out more about the north Norfolk coast
- Fishing rod licence
- Five Year Supply of Housing Land
- Flood
- Fly tipping
- Flyposting
- Food allergens and labelling guidance
- Food business registration
- Food hygiene rating scheme
- Food hygiene ratings
- Food premises approval
- Food Premises Register
- Food Safety Management
- Food safety training
- Foreign pension: proof of life and residence
- Found dog
- Fraud
- Freedom of Information - Council Tax
- Freedom of information - FAQs
- Freedom of Information (FOI) Request
- Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
- Freedom of Information: Non-Domestic Business Rates
- Frequently asked questions for tenants renting from a private landlord
- Frequently asked questions: Small sites for new homes
- Further Private Water Supplies information
- g
- Gambling premises and clubs
- Garden Bin - Order a new bin
- Gender Pay Gap Report
- GIRAMS subscription model
- Government procurement transactions
- Graffiti
- Graham Allen Award winners
- Grants awarded to Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprises
- Green 4 business
- Green Flag parks and spaces
- Greenbuild 2021
- Greenbuild 2022
- Gulls: information and advice
- Gypsie and Travellers stopping sites
- h
- Habitat Mitigation: Recreational impacts
- Habitats Regulations Assessment
- Have your say: North Norfolk Local Validation requirements
- HCP Terms and Conditions
- Health and safety at work issues
- Health and wellbeing
- Hedge and verge cutting
- Help and housing for care leavers and young people
- Help and support with childcare
- Help and support with energy bills
- Help and support with food
- Help and support with housing
- Help and support with water bills
- Help finding a privately rented property
- Help Hub
- Help with debt
- Help with living costs
- Help with your application
- Highways licensing for skips, scaffolding, notices and road closures
- Hold a Beach BBQ or event
- Holt Country Park
- Homeless after leaving hospital
- Homeless tonight?
- Homelessness and rough sleeping strategy
- Homes for Ukraine scheme in North Norfolk
- House to house collections
- Household Support Fund
- Household Support Fund
- Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) license
- Housing allocations scheme consultation
- Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA)
- Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support rates from April 2024
- Housing Benefit Overpayment - Quick Pay
- Housing Benefit payments direct to landlord
- Housing Benefit: your payment dates
- Housing condition complaint
- Housing Register
- Housing Strategy
- Housing with care properties
- How a change will affect your Benefits
- How can the Council help
- How much is my Council Tax?
- How to petition the Council
- How to promote resilience in your community
- How to protect my business in emergencies
- How to recycle your unwanted clothing
- How to relocate to North Norfolk
- How we buy
- How we manage your data
- i
- Inappropriate conduct by a Councillors
- Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
- Interview with NNDC apprentices
- Invest North Norfolk
- l
- Land and buildings owned by the Council
- Land, premises and planning
- Landscape character assessment
- Larger bin
- Latest travel news
- LG Inform data - example page
- Liability, legislation and general information about Council Tax
- Library services
- Licensing fees
- Licensing register - Gambling Act 2005
- Licensing register - Personal
- Licensing register - Skin piercing
- Licensing register - street collections
- Licensing register - Taxis
- Licensing register - Temporary Event Notices (TENs)
- Licensing register: Other licences
- Limited opening at Splash
- Listed building consent
- Listed building restrictions
- Listed buildings
- Litter
- Loan sharks and illegal lending
- Local catchment area
- Local councils and services: Who does what?
- Local Development Orders
- Local development scheme
- Local economy
- Local Housing Allowance (LHA)
- Local Land and Property Gazetteer
- Local land search
- Local Plan (Current)
- Local Plan (New)
- Local Plan Consultation
- Local Plan Consultation: Frequently Asked Questions
- Local Plan Examination
- Local Plan Examination Library
- Local Plan Newsletters
- Local Sports and Leisure Centres
- Local sports clubs and activities
- Localism in North Norfolk
- Locally listed buildings
- Lost dog
- m
- Major pre-application public consultations
- Make an insurance or compensation claim
- Making a Regulation 77 application
- Making objections to Licence Applications
- Management structure of the Council
- Managing your money
- Mandatory charity relief
- Mandatory rural rate relief
- Market Towns Initiative
- Market Trader Application form
- Market trader applications
- Markets
- Meet some of our apprentices
- Mental illness or impairment and threatened with homelessness
- Missed bin collection
- Miyawaki Forest Project
- Motorhomes: camping and parking
- Muddy Boots volunteers
- Mundesley Coastal Management Outline Business Case
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme map
- Music license application
- n
- Neighbourhood Areas
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Net Zero Strategy
- New and Altered Properties
- New planning applications
- New property address
- News
- NNDC local validation protected species checklist
- NNDC local validation requirements for designated sites, priority habitats and other significant features
- Noise, smells, artificial light, smoke and more
- Non-native invasive species
- Norfolk Community Directory
- Norfolk Energy Switch
- North Norfolk annual canvass 2024
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Mundesley Medical Practice
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Oyster Yachts Ltd
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Wroxham Barns
- North Norfolk Armed Forces
- North Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Partnership
- North Norfolk Local Validation Requirements List
- North Norfolk Sustainable Communities Fund details
- North Walsham Heritage Action Zone Projects
- North Walsham West Sustainable Urban Extension
- Nutrient Neutrality
- Nutrient Neutrality
- o
- Offer to pay
- Offshore Windfarm Schemes – latest information and news
- Online account (registration and login)
- Options for owners of empty homes
- Organising events
- Organising Events
- Our pledge to the Covenant
- Outlook our new bi-annual magazine
- Overlapping Benefit (Benefit on two homes)
- p
- Parish and Town Councils Help Hub
- Parish and town councils precept
- Parking Account data
- Parking Fine
- Parking Fine - Appeal
- Pavement licensing Al Fresco eating and drinking
- Pavements
- Pension Credit
- Pension Credit
- Performance Information
- Permit surrender
- Permit surrender
- Personal licence
- Petitions submitted to the Council
- Planning appeals
- Planning applications
- Planning Constraints Checking Tool User Guide
- Planning Enforcement
- Planning Enforcement Register
- Planning for the Future: A Government Consultation
- Planning Permission
- Planning Validation Requirements
- Planting and caring for your tree
- Policies map
- Policies, protocols and reports
- Polling station locations
- Postal or proxy vote signature refresh
- Postal vote
- Pothole - link to Norfolk County Council to report a pothole
- Pre-application advice for major schemes
- Pre-application advice service
- Premises licence
- Premises to let
- Prepare for an emergency
- Pretty Corner Woods
- Previous awards for Arts and Culture fund grant
- Previous awards for Community Transport fund grant
- Previous awards for Sustainable Communities grant fund
- Private water supplies risk assessments information
- Private water supply check
- Private water supply information
- Problem with a litter bin
- Problems paying Business Rates
- Properties to let and for sale
- Property details
- Property valuation
- Property valuation appeal
- Proposals map
- Proxy vote
- PSPOs: Inconsiderate and inappropriate vehicle use
- Public consultations for Car Parking
- Public information notices
- Public speaking at committee meetings
- Public Toilets
- Public transport timetables
- Publication of verification number
- r
- Race Information and FAQs
- Rate reductions, reliefs, rateable value appeals and rating advisers
- Recruitment of ex-offenders statement
- Recycling centres
- Register a birth
- Register a death
- Register for an online account
- Register for flood warnings
- Register for updates on the Local Plan
- Register of assisted burials
- Register of contaminated land
- Register of Houses in Multiple Occupation licenses
- Register of Members Interest form
- Register of permitted processes
- Register to vote
- Registers of Councillors and Parish Council interests
- Renew a brown garden bin
- Report a Coastal issue
- Report a lost, stolen or damaged bin
- Report a problem on the road
- Report a problem with a nameplate sign
- Report an emergency
- Report an empty home
- Repossession advice
- Request commercial bulky waste collection
- Request your own Personal Information (Subject Access Request)
- Respray road vehicle permit
- Retail and Main Town Centre Uses Study
- Retail discount relief
- Review of polling districts and places 2024
- Reviewing your benefit claim
- Risk Management Framework
- Road closure permit
- Road projects and improvements
- Roadworks planned
- Rural exception housing schemes
- s
- Sadler's Wood
- Safeguarding
- Sanctuary Scheme
- sandscaping
- Sandscaping: Frequently asked questions
- Scams and fraud
- School term dates
- School transport
- Scrap metal dealers register
- Scrap metal licences
- Section 106 planning obligations
- Section 157 restriction
- Self-funding advice for disabled facilities adaptions
- Senior staff salaries
- Service Station permit
- Severe weather warnings
- Sexual Harassment Prevention and Action Policy
- Shared Ownership
- Sheringham Leisure Centre subscribe
- Shoreline Management Plans
- Single Person Discount review
- Site allocations plan
- Skills, employment and training
- Skin piercing licence
- Small business rate relief
- Small electrical item recycling service
- Small premises lotteries application forms
- Small sites for new homes in North Norfolk
- Smaller bin
- Social care
- Sport centre events
- Sports events
- Statement of accounts
- Statement of community involvement
- Stranded whale or dolphin
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
- Strategic Housing Market Assessment
- Street collections
- Street lighting - report a problem
- Street trading licence
- Sundry invoice
- Supporting our future
- Supporting small business relief
- Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Sustainability at The Reef Leisure Centre
- t
- Tax conditionality for taxi drivers, private hire operators and scrap metal dealers
- Taxi licence
- Tell us about changes that affect your benefits
- Tell us about changes that affect your council tax
- Temporary Event Notices (TENs) Application
- Temporary holiday sites, including caravan and camping sites
- Temporary Register
- Temporary Register
- The Great British Cycling Festival
- The North Norfolk Waiting Well Project
- Timelapse Video
- Toilet provision in premises open to the public
- Tourist Information Centres
- Town and Parish Council support and news
- Transfer a mobile environment permit
- Transparency data - Payments to suppliers over £500
- Trees and hedges
- Trees and hedges
- Triathlon Events
- u
- UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund
- Universal Credit (Apply)
- Universal Credit: Migration Notice letter
- Upcoming elections, parish polls and referendums
- Useful links and downloads
- v
- Variation of permit for significant change of operation
- Variation to hackney carriage rank in Holt
- Vattenfall - Norfolk Vanguard offshore Windfarm - latest information and news
- Victim Support's Live Chat now available
- View and comment on a planning application
- View the Council’s treasury management strategy
- View the Design guide
- View the licensing register - premises and clubs
- Voter ID
- Voter ID and Voter Authority Certificate: Frequently asked questions
- w
- Waiting Well Project: Online guidance
- Ward and parish boundaries map
- Water leak
- Water Supply Check
- Weddings and civil partnerships
- Weekly Reclaim Reduction
- What are listed buildings?
- What goes in my bin?
- What happens if I don't pay my Council Tax
- What housing associations operate in North Norfolk?
- What is a house in multiple occupation (HMO)?
- What is an empty home?
- What is development and permitted development?
- What is happening on site?
- What the council does in an emergency
- What to do in severe weather
- What we buy
- When I will receive my benefits
- Where can I use jet skis/power boats
- Where to get business advice
- Who owns land or property near me?
- Who should pay Council Tax?
- Who to call in a power cut
- Work at elections
- Worried about becoming homeless
- WW1
- WW1 in Norfolk
Keep up to date with the latest news
View all Latest News 21st November 2024Visit North Norfolk launch new destination marketing campaign
Read Article 21st November 2024The Coastwise Team is working with the community in Happisburgh
Read Article 7th November 2024Local Plan Further Consultation now open
In response to Planning Inspector’s initial findings
Read Article 5th November 2024