All development proposals should: 

  • protect the biodiversity value of land and buildings and minimise fragmentation of habitats;
  • maximise opportunities for restoration, enhancement and connection  of natural habitats; and
  • incorporate beneficial biodiversity conservation features where appropriate. 

Development proposals that would cause a direct or indirect adverse effect to nationally designated sites (xxxiv) or other designated areas (xxxv), or protected species (xxxvi), will not be permitted unless; 

  • they cannot be located on alternative sites that would cause less or no harm;
  • the benefits of the development clearly outweigh the impacts on the features of the site and the wider network of natural habitats; and
  • prevention, mitigation and compensation measures are provided. 

Development proposals that would be significantly detrimental to the nature conservation interests of nationally designated sites will not be permitted.  

Development proposals where the principal objective is to conserve or enhance biodiversity or geodiversity interests will be supported in principle.

Where there is reason to suspect the presence of protected species applications should be accompanied by a survey assessing their presence and, if present, the proposal must be sensitive to, and make provision for, their needs.

(xxiv) SSSIs, The Broads, the Norfolk Coast AONB and National Nature Reserves.

(xxxv) Regionally Important Geological Sites, Local Nature Reserves, County Wildlife Sites, Ancient Woodland and Roadside Nature Reserves

(xxxvi) Those identified in the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006 Section 40 and in the UK and Norfolk Biodiversity Action Plans.

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