Making of the Neighbourhood Plan

Following a public referendum on Thursday 14 September 2023, the Blakeney Neighbourhood Plan has been brought into legal force. It now forms part of the statutory Development Plan for North Norfolk. Decisions on planning applications in the Blakeney Neighbourhood Area (the parish) must now be made following policies in the Blakeney Neighbourhood Plan and wider Development Plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

Referendum results

Electorate 578
Turnout 27%
Votes in favour 141 (89.8%)
Votes against 16 (10.2%)

Made Neighbourhood Plan

Submission and examination documents


The following table contains documents which were made available to the examiner. 

Examination documents Date published
Blakeney Parish Council response to examiner's procedural letter and questions September 2022
Blakeney Parish Council response to examiner's supplementary questions August 2022
Examiner's supplementary questions July 2022
NNDC response to examiner's procedural letter and questions July 2022
Examiner's procedural letter and questions June 2022
Schedule of representations at submission stage June 2022

Documents submitted for examination in line with Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as changed): 

Submission documents Date published
Blakeney Neighbourhood Plan examination version November 2021
Formal notice of consultation March 2022
Basic conditions statement July 2021
Consultation statement July 2021
Baseline data April 2020

Blakeney Neighbourhood Plan screening reports

Document Date published
Habitat regulations assessment screening report March 2021
Habitat regulations assessment determination April 2021
Strategic environment assessment screening report March 2021
Strategic environment assessment determination April 2021

Other documents

Document Date published
Blakeney Neighbourhood Plan health check July 2021

Pre-submission consultation documents (November 2019)

Consultation documents Date published
NNDC response to pre-submission consultation November 2019
Pre-submission Neighbourhood Plan consultation version October 2019
Consultation response form     October 2019
Consultation notice October 2019

Neighbourhood Plan designation documents (February 2017)

Consultation documents Date published
Application form November 2017
Parish statement November 2017
Map of proposed neighbourhood area November 2017
Agreement of neighbourhood area designation November 2017

Key dates

  • Designation date: 30 November 2017
  • Regulation 14 draft Plan: 3 October 2019 to 15 November 2019
  • Regulation 16 Plan submitted: 26 November 2021
  • Regulation 16 Plan consultation: 28 March to 9 May 2022
  • Plan sent for examination: 16 June 2022
  • Referendum date: 14 September 2023
  • Date Plan made: 10 November 2023

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