The Cedars building open for public viewing on September 7

Date published: 1st September 2023
One of North Walsham’s most significant historic buildings will be open to the public on Thursday 7 September between 10am and 2pm to celebrate the completion of the building works.
As part of the government-funded High Streets Heritage Action Zone scheme, the building has now undergone substantial conservation and renovation works and has been remodelled for modern office use while retaining its historic character.
Both floors of the building and the ground floor reception room will be open to view along with an information display about the history of the building. No pre-booking is required. The building is accessible for wheelchairs (ground floor only).
Thursday is Market Day in North Walsham so visitors can also take the opportunity to view the improvements to the Market Place and the Church Approach area and visit local businesses, pubs and cafes.
The Cedars building is believed to date back to the late 18th century, with extensive remodelling in the Victorian era.
It was a family home for most of its existence until the late 1940s when it was converted to offices for the then-named North Walsham Urban District Council. The building remained in use as the Town Council office until it closed in 2016 due to its deteriorating condition.
The work on The Cedars was jointly funded by North Norfolk District Council and a grant from Historic England. Malcolm Abbs Building Contractor completed the final building works under the management of the Council’s Property Services team; the original design work was carried out by Kings & Dunne Architects.
North Norfolk District Council spokesperson said:
“We are delighted that The Cedars building will be open to the public on Thursday 7 September to celebrate the completion of the building works.
"We are looking forward to welcoming the public to the building. People will be able to see the renovation works and see how the building has changed over the years".
Last updated: 4th September 2023