Find out about buying and selling a property on the coast
There are many things to consider when buying or selling a home.
We have provided information on the North Norfolk coast to help you consider the potential impact of coastal change.
The likely extent of coastal change is indicated within the Shoreline Management Plans (non-statutory plans for coastal defence management). The plans provide the policy background for how the coastline will be managed and the short, medium and long-term impacts of that policy. There are two Shoreline Management Plans that cover the north Norfolk coastline.
As a prospective buyer, you should expect your solicitor to understand the potential risks associated with properties near the coast. If you are looking to borrow money to fund your home, and/or taking out an insurance policy you can expect your chosen lender or insurer to look closely at the risks before providing any financial support or commitment. They are extremely likely to ask questions of the seller and the seller’s solicitor as part of the pre-contract process.
Of course, the decision to buy a home is ultimately yours. You will need to balance the risks and uncertainties which may affect a property against your aspirations, requirements and financial considerations.
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