Details of any current councillor vacancies, upcoming elections, parish polls and referendums, including notices of elections

Cromer Town Parish Poll

At a Cromer parish meeting held on Wednesday 22 January, a poll was demanded and will therefore be held on Thursday 13 February 2025.

Please read the Notice of poll for:

  • the questions being asked
  • voting hours
  • polling station locations

There are no provisions for electors' poll cards or for postal or proxy voting.

What is a parish poll?

A parish poll allows a ballot to be called asking electors in the parish for their views. A poll can be called on any question arising at a parish meeting, however it should only be held on a question which is appropriate for a parish to consider.

Although the poll results do not have to be followed, they indicate support for, or opposition to, specific parish matters. This helps guide parish council decision-making.

More information

Dates and time

The poll will take place between 4pm and 9pm on Thursday 13 February 2025 at the four polling stations detailed in the notice of poll.

Poll cards

There is no provision for poll cards to be sent to residents eligible to participate in the poll. However, the town council may produce an information statement to be sent to electors, as long as this does not look like a poll card.

How to vote

There are no postal or proxy votes at a parish poll. Anyone wishing to vote will need to attend their usual polling station in person.

Voter ID is not required for this election.

Electors will need to be registered on the Register of Electors, published on 1 February 2025.

Polling stations

A list of polling stations is detailed in the Notice of Poll. You will be required to vote at your regular designated polling station. If you are unsure where this is, please contact our Customer Services Team at 01263 513811, or email, and we can help you.

About the proposed increase

This Parish Poll is about the proposed increase to the Cromer Town parish precept part of the Council Tax bill and not the whole Council Tax bill. The Town and Parish portion of a Council Bill is 3% of the entire Council Tax bill. The rest is made up of:

  • 75% to Norfolk County Council
  • 14% to Police and Crime Commissioner
  • 8% to North Norfolk District Council

Results of the poll

The result of the poll is not binding, which means the Town Council will not have to adhere to the outcome of the poll if they decide not to.

The votes will be counted following the close of the poll. The result will be shared at the count venue by Cromer Town Council and by North Norfolk District Council on their website on Friday 14 February 2025.

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