Order a new brown garden bin
Join our garden bin scheme and receive a brown bin for your garden waste and a fortnightly collection service.
We offer households a fortnightly collection service for garden waste. We provide you with a 240 litre brown wheelie bin and send all garden waste collected for composting at local sites.
How to sign up
Once we have received your request and processed your payment we will arrange the delivery of your new garden bin. You will then receive a payment request annually, or if you choose to pay by Direct Debit, your payment will be taken automatically each year (we will notify you at least 10 working days before taking your payment).
Please view the terms and conditions for the garden bin service.
Sign up to the garden waste collection service
How much does it cost?
The cost for 2025/26 is £75 or discounted rate of £65 if you pay by Direct Debit.
You can have as many bins as you require - each will cost the same price as above. You can also share a bin with your neighbour, however, the bin must be registered to one address and one payment made.
What can I put in my brown garden bin?
Your brown bin can be used for:
- hedge and shrub clippings
- cut flowers
- windfalls
- grass cuttings
- twigs or small branches
- leaves
- vegetable waste from the garden, such as potato tops
Where do I put my bin for collection?
All garden waste bins must be presented at the edge of your property for collection by 7am on the day of collection. If the bin is not presented when the crew arrive, they will not return until your next collection is due. Assisted collections are available to customers who are physically incapable of moving the bin to the edge of their property.
How do I report a missed collection?
All missed collections should be reported within two working days of the collection due date - we cannot return to empty any bins reported as missed outside of this timescale. You can check online to find your bin collection day.
If your bin has been missed, please contact our customer service team at Serco on 0330 109 9220 or email norfolkwaste@serco.com
You cannot order or pay for a bin on this number.
What if I move house?
Residents may transfer their brown bin service to a new address within North Norfolk should they move, provided we are notified of the change of address via our online form. The bin will not be emptied if it is moved to another property without notification.
Can I cancel by garden bin collection?
If you are an existing customer and wish to cancel your garden waste collection service, please let us know via our online form. Please be aware that no refunds are issued for cancellations part way through the year.
What if my garden waste bin is lost or broken?
We will replace the first bin reported as lost or stolen free of charge, but may make a charge for the replacement of a further lost or stolen bin. Any bins that become faulty through fair wear and tear will be repaired or replaced free of charge. We will also replace any bin that is damaged whilst being emptied free of charge. Customers will be responsible for the cost of replacing any bins that are damaged as a result of their actions. If you need your garden bin replacing please email norfolkwaste@serco.com or call Serco on 0330 109 9220.
What if my bin is contaminated?
If your bin is contaminated (containing items that should not be put in your bin), then the crew will not empty it, you will not receive another scheduled collection until you have removed the contaminating items from your bin.
What happens in bad weather?
Our crews will work really hard to ensure that any bins presented on time will be emptied whatever the weather, however, very rarely, if we have extreme weather conditions such as prolonged snow and ice, collections may be delayed or cancelled for safety reasons. Updates will always be posted on this website, and our Twitter and Facebook accounts.
Still need help?
Visit our contact us page for further assistance about our popular services and information.