Renew your brown garden bin collection

The cost for renewal for 2025/26 is £75 or discounted rate of £65 if you pay by Direct Debit.

What can go in your brown garden bin

Renew garden waste collection service

Save time when you pay by Direct Debit.

Sign up using DIrect Debit

Let us know if you're moving home

If you have signed up for our garden waste service and are moving house, please contact us as soon as possible. If you move house within the North Norfolk area, take your garden waste bin with you and let us know of your move so we can continue your service at your new address. 

If you are moving out of North Norfolk, let us know so we can cancel your garden waste service. However, we do not offer refunds for cancellations part way through the year.

Related documents

Garden waste terms and conditions

Still need help?

Visit our contact us page for further assistance about our popular services and information.