Greenbuild 2021

The 2021 Greenbuild festival ran from Monday 1 November to Friday 12 November to coincide with COP26, providing opportunities to engage with some of the issues raised and reflect on them at a local level.
The virtual festival featured a range of online workshops, seminars, debates, and Q and A sessions exploring ways in which communities and local businesses can work together to build a greener, brighter and cleaner future for North Norfolk.
Most events were recorded and are available to view on the North Norfolk District Council YouTube channel.
Green Care and Gardening for Wellbeing
What is ‘Green Care’ and how can it benefit people and communities in Norfolk? Find out in this event led by Nigel Boldero, co-founder of the Norfolk Green Care Network. Nigel explains the role of the Network and talks in more detail about the work of some of its members. Joining Nigel is Matt Willer, Schools Project Lead and Founder of The Papillon Project – an educational charity for young people that promotes sustainable living and environmental awareness.
Following the discussion, Caroline Fernandez from the Norfolk and Waveney Wellbeing Service offers practical advice and demonstrates how easy it is to grow your own tasty salad leaves.
Green Care and Gardening for Wellbeing - Watch on YouTube
The Rewilding Story of Wild Ken Hill
Hear the story of Wild Ken Hill in West Norfolk told by its founder, Dominic Buscall. The project uses a combined approach which includes regenerative farming and traditional conservation methods alongside rewilding. Dominic shares the ideas behind the project, through to recent developments including involvement in the national effort to restore Curlew numbers and the reintroduction of beavers to the Estate in 2020.
The Rewilding Story of Wild Ken Hill - Watch on YouTube
Let's Talk: Landscapes of Change - Rewilding and Regenerative Agriculture
In this event, listen to three different perspectives on land management, regenerative agriculture and environmental sustainability.
- The Limits of Rewilding: Professor Tom Williamson (University of East Anglia)
- Sustainable Environmental Agriculture: Jake Fiennes (Holkham Estate)
- Rewilding and Regenerative Agriculture in Practice: Dominic Buscall (Wild Ken Hill)
Rewilding and Regenerative Agriculture - Watch on YouTube
Slow Fashion Saturday
Cynthia Ko of Slow Fashion UK shares her knowledge and explores the difference we can all make with our shopping habits. Slow Fashion Movement is a global community of Slow Fashion campaigners collectively taking action to change the fashion industry by empowering and educating people all over the world.
Karen James-Welton aka the Fabulous Miss K shares her love of all things vintage. She is an Ambassador for the Slow Fashion Movement, passionate about sustainability and helping people to discover an alternative to fast fashion and look great at any age.
Slow Fashion Saturday - Watch on YouTube
Environment Forum Presents: Carbon Reduction Strategy with Net Zero East
North Norfolk District Council’s Environmental Charter states our commitment to action in order to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2030, showing how we will use our own resources wisely to set a direction through our own actions, working with partners and influencing others.
So, what is North Norfolk District Council doing to reach its target? Annie Sommazzi, Climate Change and Environmental Policy Manager, is joined by Michael Brown from Net Zero East to discuss the work being undertaken to achieve this.
Carbon Reduction Strategy with Net Zero East - Watch on YouTube
Let's Talk: Our Coastal Community - Economy, Society and a Changing Climate
Learn more about our very special coastline and the work being done to help it survive and thrive in the face of change – from engaging with communities living alongside the Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds, which were designated a Marine Conservation Zone in 2016, to the possibilities for adaptation to coastal change.
Rob Goodliffe is the Coastal Manager for North Norfolk District Council and introduces this event and our other speakers:
- Rikke Nagell-Kleven (Hethel Innovation): Algae Innovation Platform - Building a seaweed industry in East Anglia
- Dr Sophie Day (UEA): Coastal adaptation and Resilience
- Alice Tebb (Marine Conservation Society): Working with communities living alongside the Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds Marine Conservation Zone
Our Coastal Community - Watch on YouTube
Climate Optimism for Troubled Times
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all of the bad news about climate change, but there are reasons to be positive. In this upbeat and inspiring talk, Climate Scientist, Dr Ella Gilbert talks about the challenges ahead and some of the solutions.
Dr Ella Gilbert is a climate scientist, Antarctic enthusiast, and presenter. She believes that scientists have a duty to communicate their work and has been campaigning against climate change for many years.
Climate Optimism for Troubled Times - Watch on YouTube
Let's Talk: The Hockerton Housing Project and Incredible Edible
In this event, Simon Tilley talks about the Hockerton Housing Project – a community of sustainable homes in Nottinghamshire. Simon tells the story of the Project from its inception in 1993 to its ambitions for the future. We also hear from Pam Warhurst, inspirational cofounder of Incredible Edible - the community growing initiative whose roots began in a cafe in Todmorden and grew into a global network.
Hockerton Housing Project and Incredible Edible - Watch on YouTube
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