Affordable housing data for North Norfolk.

There are currently 6400 affordable homes across North Norfolk managed by registered providers offering a mix of homes, including social housing and affordable shared ownership.

North Norfolk District Council does not own these homes.

Housing stock within North Norfolk

The information below details the number of homes in each town or parish across North Norfolk.

You can see the tenure, the type and size of the home, whether it is prioritised for households with a local connection or specialised, for example, for older people. The ‘local connection’ relates to households who have a connection with the parish or directly adjoining parish through current or former residency, employment or family connection.

This list should be used as a guide and does not provide any information about availability.

Affordable housing stock at 1 April 2024

Lettings data

The information below details the number of lettings that have become available each year for the last three years across North Norfolk.  

Lettings data by town or parish 2021 to 2022

Lettings data by town or parish 2022 to 2023

Lettings data by town or parish 2023 to 2024

Related documents

NNDC parish boundaries map (PDF)

About the data

This data is updated annually at the end of each financial year.

We (North Norfolk District Council) compile and provide the data. We collate data from all housing associations with properties in North Norfolk and we make every reasonable effort to ensure accuracy of the data. However, we cannot assume responsibility for errors and omissions.

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