Find out how to apply for a taxi licence

We are currently experiencing a high volume of applications, as are our colleagues at the approved testing stations.

Licences are required for the following:

  • new taxi drivers
  • renewing taxi drivers
  • taxi operators
  • renewing operators
  • vehicles (hackney carriage, private hire, or pedicab)
  • horse and cart

Please submit renewal applications at least one month before expiry. 

Check that your application is for the North Norfolk district before applying.

Information on the different types of taxi licence applications can be found in the list below.

New driver application

The driver application process has changed from 1 May 2024. This is to provide a more efficient service for new applicants. We will assess your application in a booked appointment and will let you know before you leave the meeting if we can grant your badge.

Driver knowledge test

All new drivers must pass the knowledge test before we can issue a licence.

The current fee for this test is £45, which you can pay on our online payment system.

The knowledge test takes place during the new driver appointment.

You can prepare for the test by:

Common driver knowledge and general maths and English are also incorporated.

Application cost

The current application fee is £205, which you can pay on our online payment system.

Booking a meeting

To apply for the first time, please book an appointment using our driver booking system.

Attending the meeting

Please make sure you bring all of the following items to the meeting. We may have to cancel the meeting until you have a full application. You will receive a copy of the handbook to keep; all drivers must carry this with them whilst driving their licensed vehicle.


Please ask your two referees to to complete the reference form as soon as they are able to. This must be done before your appointment date.

We will need the postal address and email address of both of your referees on your application form. These must match the details of the references we receive.

We cannot issue your licence until satisfactory references are received.

Renewal driver application

You should make sure that you renew your licence before its expiry date. Please submit your application at least one month before your current licence expires. Our standard licence is issued for 3 years. If your licence has expired, you must reapply as a new driver.

All documents can be provided by email, with the exception of a DBS verification if a new DBS is needed. If you apply with us for your enhanced DBS, you will need a face to face interview so we can verify your original documents. We encourage all drivers to register for the DBS update service to avoid needing to reapply. If you prefer, you can make a face to face appointment for your renewal using our online booking system.

What you need to apply

You must have also paid the appropriate fee. You can pay online with your credit or debit card.

Change of name, such as by deed poll or marriage

Please let us know of any changes to your name or address in writing so the correct information can be shown on your licence. You will only be charged if your badge needs to be redone. View our licensing fees for the current cost.

You will need to include the following information with your letter. We must see original documents:

  • for change of name – marriage certificate or other change of name certificate
  • for change of address – updated DVLA driving licence
  • appropriate fee
  • proof of payment if applicable

Change of home address

Please let us know of any changes to your name or address in writing so the correct information can be shown on your licence. You will only be charged if your badge needs to be redone. View our licensing fees for the current cost.

You will need to include the following information with your letter. We must see original documents:

  • DVLA driving licence showing your new address
  • appropriate fee or proof of payment if applicable

Private hire vehicle application: new or renewal

For a valid application, we need the following forms and documentation. You can submit your application without the vehicle inspection report. Incomplete applications will be returned. Please book a time and date for your application to be assessed on our appointment service. You do not need to attend the appointment.

  • application form (PDF)
  • basic DBS (NNDC licensed drivers can use their existing enhanced DBS)
  • current insurance certificate
  • details of your inspection appointment at the approved testing station (provider, date)
  • MOT certificate for private hire vehicles if at least 3 years old*
  • pay the appropriate fee. You can pay online with your credit or debit card. We will need proof of payment.
  • vehicle inspection report (passed). The garage sends this directly to the licensing team.
  • vehicle registration document (V5)

* This is not required if issued with the new receipt style MOT from October 2011. Instead, details of the MOT test number or document reference number from the V5C registration certificate are requested on the application form.

Hackney carriage vehicle: new or renewal

For a valid application we need all of the following forms and documentation. Incomplete applications will be returned. Please book a time and date for your application to be assessed using our appointment service. You do not need to attend your appointment.

  • vehicle registration document (V5)
  • vehicle inspection report (passed). The garage sends this directly to the licensing team.

* This is not required if issued with the new receipt style MOT from October 2011. Instead details of MOT test number or document reference number from the V5C registration certificate are requested on the application form

Pedicab or Tuk Tuk: new or renewal

For a valid application we need all of the following forms and documentation. Incomplete applications will be returned.

Private hire or hackney carriage vehicles: variation application

Please complete the variation application form for any of the following changes:

  • change from hackney carriage to private hire
  • change of registration number, with no change to the vehicle
  • change of operator details

Please book a time and date for your application to be assessed using our appointment service. You do not need to attend the appointment.

The above changes to a vehicle do not require the vehicle to have a vehicle inspection test.

The following changes do require the vehicle to have a vehicle inspection test before we can issue the licence:

  • change from private hire to hackney carriage (meter test required only)
  • modifications of the vehicle

The approved testing station will charge a fee for their service. This is payable directly to the garage.

You will need to provide the following documents:

View the framework process for vehicle variation applications.

Hackney carriage or private hire vehicle licences are no longer transferable to new vehicles. A new licence will be required.

New operator: private hire or hackney carriage

For a valid application, we need all of the following forms and documentation. Incomplete applications will be returned.

You will need to provide us with the following:

Operators must understand their tax obligations and make a statement to confirm their understanding on the application form.

Please read the following GOV.UK pages: 

Renewing operators must provide a taxi tax check code. The details are on the application form.


Please ask both your referees to complete the reference form as soon as they can before your appointment date.

We will need the postal address and email address of both of your referees on your application form. These must match the details of the references we receive.

We cannot issue your licence until satisfactory references are received.

Renewal operator: private hire

You will need to provide us with the following:

Horse and cart: new or renewal

You will need to provide us with the following:

View the horse and cart conditions for guidance when completing the forms.

Transfer application: change of owner, cart, horse, or additional horse

Please complete the transfer application form for any of the following changes:

  • change of cart
  • addition or removal of horses
  • cart involved in an accident and a temporary cart is provided by your insurance company – payment will be required twice, once for the transfer to a temporary cart and once for the transfer back to the original cart

View our licensing fees. Proof of payment needs to be seen if applicable.

You will need to provide the following documents:

View the horse and cart conditions for guidance when completing the forms.

Still need help?

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