Its purpose is to set out the objectively assessed need (OAN) for housing in Broadland, North Norfolk, Norwich, South Norfolk and the Broads Authority.

The study takes full account of the latest available (2014/15) household and population projections.

The results are presented for the whole of the housing market area, for each separate district within it, and for a separate core area around Norwich and its hinterland.

The study is one of the key evidence documents which are prepared to support the preparation of local plans and determines the number of dwellings needed as well as an indication of the types of homes required. The assessment does not determine the housing target for the district - this is a matter for the local plan to consider.

To inform the preparation of the 2019 to 2024 Five year land supply statement the Council commissioned an update to the 2017 strategic housing market assessment. This update considers the current evidence to future housing requirements in the district.

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