Design guide
Since 1974 the North Norfolk Design Guide has helped to shape development across the district. Find out about the emerging new design guide and view the current adopted design guide.
The emerging design guide
The draft design guide is a new, online resource which was published for consultation alongside the draft local plan in May and June 2019. This latest version will soon replace the current design guide and become a supplementary planning document (SPD) and a material consideration in the planning process.
Further details on the process of adopting the new guide will be provided here when available.
The current design guide
The current design guide is a supplementary planning document prepared to support the core strategy.
The document forms part of the current local plan for North Norfolk and should be used to inform development proposals. The guide aims to:
- provide further guidance and background information on North Norfolk core strategy policies, in particular Policy EN4 Design (including crime prevention) and EN6 Sustainable construction and energy efficiency
- offer advice and support to anyone involved or interested in the design or alteration of the built environment in North Norfolk, with the objective of raising the quality of design in the district
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