Strategic flood risk assessment
Strategic flood risk assessment (SFRA) provides a comprehensive and robust appraisal of the extent and nature of flood risk from all sources of flooding, now, and in the future, taking into account the effects of climate change and its implications for land use planning.
National policy requires that local planning policies use the results of the SFRA to direct development away from areas at greatest risk of flooding when preparing the local development plan. The study sets out the flood risk constraints to help inform the local plan, neighbourhood planning, and the determination of planning applications in North Norfolk.
The SFRA has been produced in collaboration with the Environment Agency (EA). It informs the EA flood risk mapping and provides the most up to date flood extents for all sources of flooding. The SFRA also projects flood risk forward into the future, taking account of predicted sea level rise and increased annual rainfall as a result of climate change. The SFRA is primarily a tool to inform the planning of future development such as new housing, schools and businesses. To make sure that these developments remain safe throughout their entire life, the Council must plan for how flood risk will be in the future, not just how it is now.
The SFRA also provides a comprehensive source of information and guidance on flood risk for North Norfolk, identifying the requirements for site specific flood risk assessments and allows the authority to determine the risks from all sources of flooding taking into account climate change.
The SFRA should be read in conjunction with the Introductory note and the relevant technical appendices and explanatory text contained in appendix D, along with the addendum report April 2018.
Relevant documents
- Introductory note (PDF)
- Executive summary (PDF)
- Strategic flood risk assessment (PDF)
- Addendum report for the North Norfolk SFRA (PDF)
Appendix A: Maps of flood risk (updated April 2018)
The interactive maps contained in this appendix detail flood risk from all sources including the functional floodplain (Flood Zone 3b) and climate change mapping, to North Norfolk district.
To identify your area of interest first view the index map, note the tile number, and then select this number map from the table below.
The map legend may not work if viewing these PDF maps in an internet browser window. It is recommended to download the maps and view using Adobe Reader.
Appendix B: Watercourses and IDB district maps
The maps contained in this appendix detail the location of watercourses in North Norfolk including main rivers, ordinary watercourses and IDB districts.
Appendix C: Flood alert and flood warning maps
The maps contained in this appendix detail the extent of the Environment Agency’s flood warning service.
Appendix D: Supporting information
These appendices provide supporting information regarding the hydraulic modelling used in this level 1 study, and further information on the mapping.
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