Find out about Sadler's Wood
Sadlers Wood and the surrounding open space lies at the eastern side of North Walsham. It provides an essential natural resource that serves a large residential area and the wider community, with visitors from further afield always welcome. The site is a Green Flag Award Winner.
The wood is predominantly a plantation of Scots pine dating back to the 1950s. Still, it also contains some veteran oak, sweet chestnut and hornbeam trees. In spring the woodland floor is covered in a carpet of bluebells. The surrounding area consists of grassland for casual games and natural grassland where native flora is encouraged.

Sadler's Wood leaflet
For details of where everything is in the park view our leaflet.
Sadlers Wood plays home to a small children's play area, which includes swings, a slide, a zip line and supernova roundabout.
Tawny owls live in the woods along with many species of bat, soprano pipistrelles and common pipistrelles. On warm days butterflies can be seen along with the wild flowers of the grassland meadows, and in the summer dragonflies can be seen dashing about hunting for prey.
Opportunities to learn exist throughout the site with wildlife interpretation and two regularly updated noticeboards providing information to visitors, and an education area available for use by schools and community groups.
Green Futures: youth project
The Green Futures youth project aims to inspire and empower young people in North Norfolk to take an active role in tackling environmental challenges. Funded by the North Norfolk Youth Advisory Board, our Leisure team will deliver various free activities throughout the year for young people aged 11 to 19 (up to 25 for those with additional needs).
Contact and information
Sadlers Wood is owned and managed by North Norfolk District Council, Holt Road, Cromer, Norfolk, NR27 9EN. Practical management and site maintenance are carried out by the Council's Countryside Team. They are based at Holt Country Park and look after 14 sites across the district.
Head office: 01263 513811
Ranger office: 01263 712610
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- Facebook: HoltCountryPark
- Twitter: @CountryHolt
There is no specified parking for Sadlers Wood; therefore, you are advised to park locally and walk to the site or visit by foot. There are no charges to use Sadlers Wood.
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